The benefits and harms of mussels for the human body

Man has always eaten various seafood. Therefore, on the question of what are the benefits and harms of mussels, not only doctors, but even archaeologists can have their own opinion. Finds that prove that people ate this mollusk date back to a period that passed tens of thousands of years ago.

It is interesting that the use of mussels is not only that it is food, but also a fairly good and practical natural material. From the threads with which, covering stones, mussels are glued together, called byssus, distant ancestors made fabrics and made clothes. For many peoples, mussel mining is the main way to make a living.

Nutritional value of mussels calorie content

100g of the product contains:

  • Protein – 11,9 g;
  • Fat – 2,2 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 3,7 g.

Energy value 86 kcal.

The benefits and harms of mussel meat

Undoubtedly, we can confidently say that the benefit of mussels is that they are a real delicacy. They have a delicate and special taste. Mussels contain an incredibly large amount of proteins, and much more than in any fish or meat, and a special advantage of mussels, at the same time, that they are not high in calories.

Mussels contain a variety of mineral salts, vitamins, trace elements such as phosphorus and iron, as well as cobalt. The use of mussels, according to many experts, is that it is, in fact, a natural product that resembles Viagra in action. In order to assimilate all the best of their contents, mussels are recommended to be consumed in conjunction with vegetables or cereals.

When buying mussels, you need to know exactly what the benefits and harms of mussels are, whether they can be eaten and when they are dangerous.

In no case should you eat freshly caught mussels, even if they have been treated with temperature and acidic compounds. Unfortunately, poisonous substances cannot be killed in this way.

The benefits and harms of mussels for humans

Mussels contain omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the human body to function normally. These acids are not synthesized in the body and come only with food. They normalize metabolism and reduce the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Mussels are useful for people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain retinol, tocopherol, B vitamins. Shellfish meat contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium – these are macronutrients necessary for the heart. And also, they are rich in zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, cobalt and other trace elements. They are involved in the metabolic actions of the endocrine, hematopoietic, reproductive and other systems of the body. Mussels are useful during the recovery of the body after operations and diseases, as well as anorexia. Mussels are more useful for healthy people, especially for athletes, people engaged in hard physical and intellectual work.

Excessive consumption of seafood due to its high protein content can negatively affect kidney function.

But not everything is as simple as we would like. The function of mussels in their habitat is to filter water and purify it from various contaminants. Mussels can contain harmful substances if they are caught in ecologically dirty water bodies. That is why, the harm of mussels lies in the presence of substances and microorganisms that are unnecessary for a person accumulated by them. Mussels can also accumulate poisons secreted by protozoa, in particular saxitoxin, which in fact is a serious danger. Its action is nerve-paralytic and, while the mussels are in the sea, they can pick up a lot of it.

To eliminate such harm, mussels on special farms are kept under special conditions. Only due to the fact that they are left in running clean water for more than a month, mussels completely get rid of toxic components.

Are mussels good for men

The benefit for men lies in the anti-inflammatory effect on the male body. A common condition in older men is arthritis. And mussels are its prevention. A huge amount of protein in mussels is energy and makes brain cells work better and improves psycho-emotional state. Also, protein helps to quickly build muscle and is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. For men, shellfish are a powerful aphrodisiac. The stronger sex becomes more energetic and hardy in sex. This is all thanks to zinc.

Mussel meat benefits and harms for women

Regular use of mussels in the diet of women has a positive effect on the body. They take part in the metabolic process and help you lose weight. During pregnancy, they are the prevention of joint diseases. Accelerate blood flow and thus nourish all cells of the body. This is important while carrying and feeding a baby, as well as during menopause. The complexion and skin tone and hair condition are improved. They normalize hormonal levels. This is important for the thyroid gland to function. During menstruation, it is beneficial to consume shellfish to maintain iron levels in the body.

When losing weight

Nutritionists say that mussel meat is as healthy in protein content as red meat. Unlike boiled beef, these shellfish have less saturated fat, which can negatively affect cholesterol. The protein in these seafood is important for the heart and shape.

Is mussels allowed for pregnant and lactating women?

The use of mussels during pregnancy is not contraindicated both in the early stages and in the later stages. They can be eaten 2-3 times a week. You should not eat raw mussels, as they can pose a danger of infection to poor mothers. Canned shellfish are also not recommended for pregnant women because of the preservatives they contain.

The combination of stewed and boiled mussels with vegetables is ideal for pregnant women. You need to cook the mussels for at least 15 minutes.

The benefits of mussels in oil

Mussels cooked in oil are very high in calories, so do not get carried away with them. Or, you can drain the oil to make them less nutritious. Mussels pickled in oil are high in fats and carbohydrates that can disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. Mussels in oil are a canned product, which means they contain preservatives and other harmful substances.

Mussels in brine benefits and harms

In brine, mussels are found in stores as often as in oil, and they are just as popular because of their usefulness. The calorie content in the brine is 80 kcal. per 100g of product. Therefore, they can be incorporated into any diet. They perfectly stimulate appetite and improve digestion.

Canned mussels health benefits and harms

Canned mussels are classified into:

  • mussels in their own juice;
  • tomatoes;
  • in vegetable oil.

Canned mussels, like any other product, can be both useful and harmful to the body. If the product is not abused, then it will not harm. They can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product or blood clotting.

Contraindications to the use of mussels

These shellfish contain one protein, a large amount of which has a detrimental effect on kidney function. Therefore, shellfish should not be included in the daily diet. It is enough to consume no more than 500 g of mussels per week. Or you can consume no more than 70g daily. mussel meat.

Mussel meat can be allergenic and should be eaten with care.

Pickled mussels benefit and harm to the body

Home cooking recipe.

You will need:

  • Frozen mussels 300g .;
  • Olive oil 20g. or 1st. lies .;
  • Water – 100 ml;
  • Sen Soy soy sauce – 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic – 1 tooth;
  • Red pepper, ground black pepper – to taste;
  • Wine vinegar – 1 tablespoon

To prepare the marinade, combine soy sauce, olive oil and vinegar. Add crushed garlic. Then add water and bring to a boil. Put thawed mussels in a boiling brine and cook for 15 minutes. Transfer the finished mussels with brine into a prepared container with a lid and cool. When the mussels have cooled, they can be served.

Mussels – a source of protein for athletes

Due to their high protein content and low calorie content, mussels contribute to the rapid muscle building in athletes. This is especially noticeable if you combine protein with physical activity. It is better to use boiled seafood. So it is more useful.

Why mussels are bitter

After boiling mussels, you may encounter such a problem as a bitter taste. Bitter taste can be caused by:

  • Staleness of the product. Even a small portion of spoiled mussels can ruin the whole dish.
  • Mussel habitat. They let the water in which they live through them. All harmful substances remain in them.
  • Old mussels are bitter.
  • Mussels after cooking can taste bitter if too much spiced.
  • They have black streaks that can be responsible for the bitter taste. Therefore, they must be removed before cooking.

To ensure that the mussels are delicious, they can be prepared as follows:

Pour olive oil into a preheated pan and add crushed garlic. Then put the mussels there and fry for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped dill or parsley at the end.

Health benefits of Mussels: Seafood is amazingly good for you!

How to choose and store mussels

Before you start cooking mussels, you need to sort them out and sort out suspicious shells. It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the sink. If it is slightly open, then you need to knock on it a little. Good shells will close when tapped. If the sink has not closed, then it must be thrown away. Shells that are too heavy, too light or broken are also unsuitable. If the shell is heavy, it means that it is filled with silt; if it is light, it means it is empty. After cooking, the mussels should open, if this does not happen, feel free to throw it away.

Before cooking mussels, you need to process them first. Cut off the fur from the surface with a knife, then put it in a container with water under a stream of cold water. Then you can cook.

The main rules for the preparation of shellfish:

  • shells that do not respond to tapping have already died, they cannot be eaten;
  • discard any unopened shells after cooking
  • when trying to open the shell, a live mollusk will resist;
  • live shellfish should be kept in ice and consumed within 2-3 days after purchase
  • do not immerse mussels in regular water for storage. They will die.

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