The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms

The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms

A mushroom from the russula family is found in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and the Urals. It is quite rare in deciduous forests. The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms to the European population are practically unknown, because it does not grow there. In Russia, from time immemorial, he is considered one of the best representatives of the mushroom kingdom.

The benefits of mushrooms are incredibly aromatic and very tasty in terms of their characteristics, which significantly exceeds meat. The protein content in them is several times higher than in animal food. Mushrooms are salted or pickled, adding spices to them, they are most often used with sour cream and onions.

The invaluable benefits of milk mushrooms are known to patients with tuberculosis; it is able to neutralize the pathogenic bacillus. With the regular use of mushrooms, you can stop the development of blennorrhea, eliminate kidney failure and cure urolithiasis.

A natural antibiotic is used in the treatment of severe diseases, it is rich in thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, therefore it is successfully used in pharmaceuticals. The great benefit of milk mushrooms for humans is in their ability to fight ailments such as diabetes mellitus and emphysema. It is recommended for diabetic patients due to its ability to regulate sugar levels.

Harm to milk mushrooms is possible from improper preparation of the product. They contain milky juice, which can cause poisoning. Toxic compounds are removed by careful handling of the mushrooms. They are washed, cleaned, mycelium particles are removed, soaked in salt water for three days, changing the water.

Due to the increased calorie content, the harm of milk mushrooms is the difficulty in digesting them. Heavy food is not recommended for consumption in large quantities. The harm of milk mushrooms is known for patients with peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, suffering from intestinal disorders, the cause of the negative effect is the high content of fiber, which is not always useful for everyone. Many nutritionists recommend adding small amounts of mushrooms to your diet.

The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms are in their wonderful taste and at the same time in the ability to accumulate radiation. Experts warn people against picking mushrooms near highways. In addition, they often become the cause of the disease, a very dangerous ailment. Improper preparation of the product leads to botulism. According to doctors’ statistics, malaise most often arises from the use of improperly prepared canned mushrooms and violation of the conditions for their storage.

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