Until the 19th century, the Mexican drink was used for medicinal purposes, it had nothing to do with today’s delicacy. Vanilla and sugar were not added to it, it was consumed without milk, but alcohol and hot peppers were added, and they drank cold.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Spaniards were treated to a delicacy by the leaders of the Aztec tribe. The travelers brought the recipe for the drink and cocoa beans to their homeland. The Spaniards established the supply of grains to the country, added honey and vanilla to the cooking technology, removed hot peppers, and began to drink it hot.
The benefits and harms of hot chocolate are determined by its constituent ingredients. All cocoa lovers note an improvement in their mood after drinking a cup, this effect is due to the presence of a natural neurotransmitter in it – phenetitylamine, which raises vitality. The substance is used in the production of stimulants and psychedelics. At the same time, nutritionists note the high calorie content of delicacies, due to the high content of sugar and milk.
Hot chocolate has been known for its antioxidant benefits. They prevent the development of oncology and heart disease, slow down aging, reduce age-related skin degeneration, and free the body from free radicals.
In many ways, the benefits of hot chocolate became known thanks to American scientists from Cornell University. They found out the effect on the body of the gallic acid contained in it. It is used to stop internal bleeding and to treat kidney disease and diabetes. The head of the research group, Zhang Yong Li, emphasized that the effect of antioxidants is enhanced when the drink is heated, so it is much healthier than a simple bar of chocolate.
The high content of flavonoids in it kills parasitic organisms, virus-infected cells, inhibits the development of tumors. The benefits of hot chocolate have been proven to improve blood circulation and lower blood pressure. Due to the high concentration of flavonoids, experts compare the effect of the drink with an aspirin tablet. It thins the blood and prevents blood clots from forming.
There is a harm in hot chocolate when consumed excessively. It contains purines, which in large quantities contribute to salt deposits and lead to gout. The harm of hot chocolate due to this substance negatively affects patients with pyelonephritis and cystitis.
Many people are worried about the harm of hot chocolate due to its high calorie content, the presence of sugar and fats. Some gourmets have gotten out of the situation by learning how to cook a delicacy in water or skim milk, replacing cream with ingredients.
All the benefits and harms of hot chocolate will not replace its ability to make our life more joyful due to the presence of the hormone endorphin in it.