The benefits and harms of figs for human health, video

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! In the article “The benefits and harms of figs for human health” – basic information about this ancient plant. What are the benefits of figs for the body and what are the contraindications.

The birthplace of the miracle fruit is Asia Minor or Anatolia (part of the territory of modern Turkey). Grows in warm countries. Has many names: fig, fig tree, wine berry, fig. Everyone has heard of the fig leaf. This sheet was the first garment for Adam and Eve.

Ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus in the 200s BC described many varieties of figs. The fig is mentioned in the Bible, in the stories of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great.

Figs: health benefits and harms

100 grams of fresh fruit

  • 74 kcal, in dried – 249 kcal;
  • water – 79 g;
  • proteins – 0.8 g;
  • fats – 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 19 g;
  • sugar – 16 g;
  • dietary fiber – 3 g;
  • many vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, K;
  • Calcium – 35 mg;
  • iron – 0.4;
  • magnesium – 17;
  • phosphorus – 14;
  • potassium – 232;
  • sodium – 1;
  • zinc – 0.15.

The benefits and harms of figs for human health, video

  • the ancient physician Avicenna wrote in his writings that figs are a valuable medicinal plant;
  • due to its laxative effect, it helps with constipation;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for the prevention of hypertension;
  • prevents blood clots by thinning the blood;
  • has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart;
  • fiber (pectin) helps to remove toxins from the body;
  • normalizes intestinal flora and intestinal motility;
  • helps with colds (antipyretic and diaphoretic effect);
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • removes radionuclides from the body;
  • fills the body with strength and energy;
  • fig extracts are used in cosmetics;
  • widely used in cooking;
  • dried fig leaves are used to make preparations against baldness and vitiligo.

Figs: contraindications

  • a large amount of sucrose has a detrimental effect on the obese body;
  • dried figs are contraindicated in diabetes and gout;
  • this fruit is contraindicated in exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and store

Fresh figs should not be damaged. Good fruits are firm to the touch and smell good. If the fruit is solid, it is not ripe and there are almost no nutrients in it.

Figs go bad within a few hours. It is advisable to eat it on the same day you bought it. Fresh fruits are stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week. Ideally, if each fruit is wrapped in a paper towel (to remove moisture). Dry figs can last a long time if kept in a dry place.


This video contains additional and useful information to the article ↓

Fig. Benefits and harm to the body.

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