The benefits and harms of Dutch cheese

The benefits and harms of Dutch cheese

It is hard to imagine Holland without tulips, windmills and national cheese, which is known all over the world today. The country is the largest exporter of cheese in the world, the recipe for which dates back to 400 AD. NS. Therefore, today we will talk about the benefits and dangers of Dutch cheese.

The benefits of Dutch cheese lie in the high nutritional quality of the product. It is rich in protein and calcium, riboflavin, phosphorus, therefore it helps to satisfy hunger, prevents the destruction of tooth enamel, and strengthens bones. Eating this cheese is the best prevention against osteoporosis.

The harm of Dutch cheese lies in the high calorie content of the product, it contributes to weight gain, of course, if you eat it in large quantities.

Despite its high nutritional qualities, pleasant taste and aroma, there is another health hazard to Dutch cheese. Basically, it lies in the additives that cheese manufacturers use today. Food spices containing phosphate are not good for people with kidney disease. In addition, the treat contains acid, which irritates the stomach. The product is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities by patients with gastritis, enteritis and ulcers.

The benefits of Dutch cheese as an important source of calcium and protein are highly regarded by experts. Daily moderate consumption of the product has a positive effect on the body. It improves the absorption of carbohydrates, regulates sugar levels and improves mood. In addition, the treat is suitable as an ingredient in almost all dishes or can be used as an independent snack. The only limitation, as noted by nutritionists, is its high calorie content, which creates a need for overweight people to control its amount in food.

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