The benefits and harms of dill

The benefits and harms of dill

Dill is a fragrant herbaceous annual and short-lived plant of the umbrella family that has historically grown in the center and southwest of the vast Asian continent.

For chefs and nutritionists, the benefits and harms of dill are a constant topic for study and experimentation. On the traditional table in many cuisines of the world, dill is one of the most revered herbs.

The benefits of dill

  • The exceptional benefits of this green product are known for its aroma and taste, as well as the many substances that allow it to be used as a good and effective remedy.
  • Dill greens are unusually rich in carotene, vitamin C, folic and niacin. Dill contains a lot of microelements important for humans, including the salts of phosphorus, potassium, iron and calcium.
  • The obvious benefit of dill is its ability to regulate and facilitate the digestive tract. Allows you to stimulate the digestive glands, can improve appetite and normalize metabolic processes in the body, it will also be useful for flatulence.
  • Dill improves the activity of the entire cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure.
  • Also, it has choleretic and diuretic properties, relieves the symptoms of cystitis and kidney disease. It is also known that eating dill greens helps to get rid of insomnia and reduces headaches.
  • Its leaves and seeds are of great benefit, which are rich in nicotinic and ascorbic acid. They contain a lot of thiamine, riboflavin, carotene and flavonoids such as isorhamnetin, quercetin and kaempferol. Dill contains both carbohydrates and pectin substances, moreover, a very decent composition of various mineral salts.
  • It is also known about the content of fatty oils in dill fruits, which include both oleic and palminic, and petroselinic and linoleic acids.
  • Its benefit is that absolutely all parts of this green plant contain essential oils. The smell is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of caraway.
  • It is not in vain that dill is one of the main natural ingredients for various kinds of teas, infusions and medicines. On the basis of dill, there are many well-known preparations for infants, thanks to which the intestines of babies are normalized.

Dill harm

  • However, it is worth remembering that the harm of dill can also take place. Other essential oils include anethole. Its excess is dangerous enough. Dill should be used with caution for allergy sufferers, since the essential oils contained in it can cause various kinds of allergies.

It is better to know when to stop in everything. The benefits and harms of dill can be the product of the same substances contained in it.

Dill composition

100 grams of dill contains:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements
  • Caloric content 40 kcal.
  • Protein 2,5 gr.
  • Fat 0,5 gr.
  • Carbohydrates 6,3 gr.
  • Dietary fiber 2,8 g
  • Organic acids 0,1 gr.
  • Water 85,5 gr.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids 0,1 gr.
  • Mono – and disaccharides 6,2 gr.
  • Starch 0,1 gr.
  • Ash 2,3 gr.
  • Saturated Fatty Acids 0,1g
  • Beta-carotene 4,5 mg.
  • Vitamin A 750 μg.
  • Vitamin B1 0,03 mg.
  • Vitamin B2 0,1 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 0,3 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 0,2 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 27 mcg.
  • Vitamin C 100 mg.
  • Vitamin E 1,7 mg.
  • Vitamin PP 1,4 mg.
  • Calcium 223 mg.
  • Magnesium 70 mg.
  • Sodium 43 mg.
  • Potassium 335 mg.
  • Phosphorus 93 mg.
  • Iron 1,6 mg.
  • Zinc 0,91 mg.
  • Copper 146 mcg.
  • Manganese 1,264 mg.

Video about the benefits and dangers of dill

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