The benefits and harms of dates for the body of women, men, children + composition, calorie content, rules for selection, storage, use

Dates are familiar to us since childhood. This delicacy grows in hot countries, and is sold all over the world. Most often, dates are eaten dried, because in this state they acquire an original taste. From the article you will learn what are the benefits and harms of dates for the body.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of dates

The benefits of dates can be judged by the vitamin composition:

  • A regulates the level of acidity and prevents fermentation in the body;
  • B1 promotes the production of gastric juice, and also improves the functioning of the stomach;
  • B2 is good for the liver and blood, as it takes part in the creation of red blood cells;
  • B5 allows the body to take in useful elements;
  • B6 improves the functioning of the nervous system.
The benefits and harms of dates for the body of women, men, children + composition, calorie content, rules for selection, storage, use
Dates are rich in calcium and magnesium

As for minerals, the composition of the fruits includes magnesium, which is responsible for bone strength, as well as regulating metabolism. In addition, dates are rich in calcium, which is responsible for the density of blood and strengthens the nervous system. In addition, dates contain sodium, phosphorus and iron.

The calorie content of dates is 270 kcal per 100 g, so they are a complete snack during the day.

Video “The benefits and harms of dates for the body”

From this video you will learn how dates are useful and harmful for the human body.

Benefits for the body

Dates are useful for humans in that they strengthen the cardiovascular system. Fruits are recommended to be consumed with pressure drops. In addition, they help to strengthen the protective functions of the body, and also improve the composition of the blood.

For women

Women should consume dates regularly to improve the condition of their skin, nails and hair. In addition, they increase sexual desire.

During pregnancy or after childbirth, girls often suffer from constipation. In this case, the product will help get rid of an unpleasant syndrome. This is due to the high content of fiber, which cleanses the intestines and rectum.

Experts recommend eating these fruits after childbirth in order to speed up the recovery process of the body. In addition, they are the prevention of miscarriages, and also reduce pain during contractions.

For men

Fruits are useful for men no less than for women. The ancient Greeks used dates to heal wounds, fight inflammation, and even treat sexually transmitted diseases. Moreover, the Greeks enjoyed not only dried, but also unripe fruits.

Folk healers recommend that men use the fruits of the date palm to increase sexual desire and potency, as well as get rid of male ailments. To do this, the fruit is mixed with milk and honey, and then sprinkled with cardamom. The remedy should be consumed every day before meals.

Fruits cleanse the body of toxins, and also improve the quality of sperm. Therefore, they must be used by men who want to have children. 

Dates reduce the harm of alcohol, and also protect the body from poisoning. Therefore, you can use the fruits before the feast. To do this, they must be poured with boiled hot water, left to infuse for a day. After that, the infusion can be drunk, and the steamed fruits can be eaten.

We choose and store correctly

In order to use the beneficial properties, it is necessary to carefully consider the selection and storage of fruits. Buy them loose or packaged, but make sure they don’t stick together. Fruits should be without sugar crystals, and also not overflow. If the product has a glossy surface, it means that it is covered with fat.

A ripe date looks unpresentable: shriveled, dry and dark. But make sure that it is not very wrinkled, as this indicates overdrying. Buy fruits that have intact skin. Also pay attention to the presence of a bone.

Dates should be stored in glass jars or vacuum bags at room temperature. If these conditions are observed, the product can lie for about six months.

If you want to keep the fruits for as long as possible, place them in the freezer.

Dates in the daily diet

In order to benefit, you need to know how many fruits you can eat per day. In addition, you should know how many fruits can be given to babies.

Daily rate

As for the daily intake of the product, you need to stop the choice on the amount of 4 pieces. This is quite enough to saturate the body with useful substances. If you want to eat more, make sure that this figure does not exceed 350 g.

Should you wash dates before eating?

Many people wonder if it is worth washing dried dates. Experts say that they can be consumed unwashed without fear of infection with parasites.

To get rid of excess weight

Despite the high calorie content, dates are often included in the diet of diets. The fact is that they reduce cravings for sweets. The fruits contain sucrose, which is not deposited in fat reserves, but accumulates energy in the body. Such a diet will help rid the body of excess fluid, as well as toxins.

The benefits and harms of dates for the body of women, men, children + composition, calorie content, rules for selection, storage, use
Dates are often included in the diet of diets.

Во время беременности

Expectant mothers should definitely include this healthy product in their daily diet. Dates regulate the balance of hormones in the body, and also increase the amount of iron and hemoglobin. These substances are needed by the body, because during pregnancy a woman loses many useful substances.

Another advantage of dates for expectant mothers is the presence of vitamins and minerals that increase the level of lactation.

Dates for children

For children, this delicacy can be consumed in limited quantities – no more than 2 pcs. in a day. Pediatricians recommend giving babies these fruits only from the age of two. But before that, you need to test for an allergic reaction. Give the kids dried fruits or cook compotes.

Dates in cosmetology

This product also has a cosmetic effect. It reduces weight, makes the skin toned, and the nails strong. In addition, oil is made from the seeds, which is added to creams and scrubs, and used during massages. You can lubricate the hair with oil to prevent splitting and give it shine.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the large number of advantages, dates also have contraindications – they should not be used for allergies, peptic ulcers, diabetes and obesity.

In general, dates are beneficial for the body, so they should be included in the daily diet in small quantities. But do not forget about contraindications, as well as about the norms. If you overdo it with the use, the stomach and intestines will not cope with the digestion of food. Then you will have to take medication.

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