The benefits and harms of coffee

Coffee is one of the most common drinks in the modern world. At least seven out of ten residents of large cities in Europe and America start a new day with a cup of cappuccino or espresso. It is thanks to its popularity that coffee is a constant object of scientific research – more than five dozen articles on its properties are published every year.


Caffeine is the main active ingredient in the drink. According to doctors, it cannot be attributed with absolute certainty to either harmful or useful, it all depends on the amount of coffee drunk and the characteristics of the body. Caffeine is a psychostimulant substance, it affects the central nervous system, enhances the activity of the cerebral cortex, relieves drowsiness and lethargy. Coffee activates the heart, but at the same time it acts on the blood vessels, expanding them, so normal blood pressure does not rise significantly. However, it is better for people with cardiovascular disease to consume this drink with caution. Coffee stimulates gastric activity, so doctors do not recommend drinking it on an empty stomach, its strength can also be diluted with milk or cream.

The amount of caffeine in the prepared beverage varies depending on the type of coffee tree and the processing of the beans. There are two main varieties: Arabica and Robusta. In the first, the caffeine content is 30% less, the drink from its beans is softer. The more time the coffee spends in the turk, the more caffeine it contains, since this substance is released precisely during the boil, which must be taken into account if you want to reduce its consumption.


You should also pay attention to the doses: if you drink up to three cups of coffee a day, you have nothing to worry about your health, if five or six, then overexcitation, insomnia, the person becomes more aggressive. It is not recommended to exceed the amount of coffee drunk per day by more than seven cups, this can lead to the opposite effect: a decrease in the activity of the cerebral cortex, lethargy, or vice versa, irritability and nervousness.

Besides the fact that coffee relieves fatigue and increases performance, it helps to cope with depression by promoting the production of serotonin, a hormone that causes feelings of happiness, well-being, and self-confidence. Studies have shown that those who regularly consume coffee are less likely to see psychologists and use antidepressants. There are practically no coffee drinkers among alcoholics. It is because coffee stimulates the release of serotonin that coffee addiction is often spoken of. A person who abruptly stops consuming this drink becomes sleepy, lethargic, insecure, it takes him more time to wake up in the morning. However, coffee addiction has nothing to do with the chemical addiction that occurs with drugs, alcohol or smoking. The nature of attachment to coffee can rather be called psychological, akin to the habit of the established lifestyle, environment, love for certain dishes, fruits, chocolate.

Particular attention should be paid to coffee for those who are actively involved in sports or are going to lose weight. This drink speeds up metabolism, prevents overeating and stops excessive appetite. In addition, it stimulates the breakdown of fats in the body. While dieting, you don’t have to drink bitter black coffee, you can add skim milk or a sugar substitute to taste. At the same time, it is better to use coffee in beans, since soluble powder practically loses these properties, and in addition, it can lead to the appearance of cellulite and dramatically increase the acidity of the stomach.

Drinking coffee before exercise is known to make exercise easier by increasing the breakdown of glycogen and keeping glucose at a constant level necessary for work.

The coffee drink contains nicotinic acid and B5 – vitamins necessary for humans, however, it promotes the release of calcium and vitamin B1, therefore, with frequent coffee consumption, it is recommended to compensate for their deficiency with bran bread and dairy products.


Often, expectant mothers wonder whether it is possible to drink coffee during pregnancy. The doctors’ answers can be very diverse: from an absolute “yes” to an equally categorical “no”. In fact, coffee cannot harm the baby in any way, if the woman does not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, is limited to 2-3 cups of coffee a day and gets enough vitamins. It should be remembered that a sharp refusal from the usual drink can lead to stress and depression, which is better for the expectant mother to avoid.

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