The benefits and harms of champignons

Mushrooms grow in forests and grassy meadows around the world. The French first learned to cultivate the delicacy in the 16th century; they were grown for expensive restaurants in the capital of France. Today, 70 countries are engaged in mass production of the product, the largest suppliers to the world market are the Netherlands and Belgium.

The benefits and harms of champignons are the high content of vitamin D2, which is responsible for bone formation and prevents the development of osteoporosis. Its deficiency leads to rickets and brittle bones. In addition, the delicacy contains essential sodium for health, which supports the entire body. The substance has a huge effect on kidney function and neuromuscular activity.

Thanks to the potassium included in its composition, mushrooms are great for the cardiovascular system. The delicacy normalizes heart rate, improves brain function, relieves allergic reactions of the body. A high concentration of phosphorus normalizes metabolism, tones, relieves fatigue and irritability. A significant benefit of champignons for the body from the content of omega-6 fatty acid in them is to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stop inflammatory processes, and improve tissue nutrition.

The use of champignons from the substance pyrocatechin in the hemostatic effect, improving the functioning of the digestive system, cleansing the body of heavy metals. A 2009 study in which 2018 women took part confirmed the theory that the use of the product stops the development of cancer. The inclusion of green tea in the diet in combination with mushrooms when consumed daily reduces the risk of breast cancer by 90%.

Unfortunately, a delicacy brings more than just health benefits to a person. The harm of champignons from the content of a small amount of carcinogenic hydrazine in the composition, which, however, is destroyed during culinary processing, has been experimentally confirmed.

The harm of champignons also lies in the danger of confusing it with poisonous brethren, one of the most deadly specimens of the mushroom kingdom – Amanita (killer angel) is very similar to its edible counterpart. It can be distinguished by the presence of a calyx at the base and clear white membranes. The harm to the champignons will not be so serious and will result in nausea and vomiting from Agaricus xanthodermus. It grows in grassy areas, has a phenol smell, and its cut is yellow.

The benefits and harms of champignons are widely used in official and traditional medicine. It is an immunostimulating, antidiabetic agent, treats ulcers and hepatitis, in terms of phosphorus content, it is equal to seafood. And at the same time, mushrooms can be simply inedible and poisonous if collected by non-professionals. The indications for the use of delicacies are quite large and varied, the harm depends mainly on the correct collection of the delicacy and the thoroughness of processing.

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