- Chemical composition and properties of black tea
- The effect of black tea on the body
- Drink preparation rules
- The benefits and harms of black tea bags
- Best time to drink black tea
- The benefits of black tea with cumin oil
- Drink rules
- Ginger tea – prevention of colds
- The use of black tea in traditional medicine
- How much tea can you drink per day – the benefits and harms of black tea
The benefits and harms of black tea, its effect on the body, depend mainly on the amount drunk. The caffeine contained in the drink has a tonic effect and gives us strength for a busy day. At the same time, the presence of this component causes addiction and dependence in a person. The benefits and harms of black tea depend on how much to drink and what diseases a person has. But we all love it and take it every day. In the East, it is customary to drink it cold, the Russians add sugar, some honey to the drink, and in England they prefer to take it with lemon. During illness, milk is added to it.
Chemical composition and properties of black tea
The chemical composition of tea is due to the substances that make up its composition:
- Tannin… It has a disinfectant effect;
- Tannins. They give a tart taste, have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a beneficial effect on the intestines;
- Vitamin R. Promotes the normalization of blood pressure and the absorption of vitamin C by the body.
- Black tea also contains B vitamins, calcium, zinc, manganese, folic acid and fluoride, as well as caffeine.
The effect of black tea on the body
The leaves of the drink have interesting qualities. They are able to simultaneously give calmness, eliminate nervousness and at the same time have an exciting effect and increase efficiency.
The benefits of black tea for the prevention of viral infections are known. The antioxidants present in it protect against colds and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The tannin in the composition increases immunity, and the presence of fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel and gums. Drinking two cups of drink throughout the day will help get rid of tooth decay.
The benefits of black tea are used in China for its anti-nervous system effects. He is able to protect a person from seasonal depression, smooth over the course of neurosis and psychopathy.
An important feature of the drink, its ability to rid the body of harmful substances, this is the undoubted benefit of black tea. If it is used within reasonable limits, it eliminates disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system. In addition, it helps to assimilate information and stimulates brain activity.
Too frequent consumption of the drink can adversely affect your well-being. In this case, black tea may harm our esophagus, it irritates the mucous membrane.
The harm of black tea happens if you drink it too thick. This drink should not be drunk by people with impaired thyroid function. Excessive intake of it causes arrhythmia and tremors of the limbs. In some people, overdose affects stomach cramps and intestinal cramps.
Due to the fact that it speeds up the metabolism, the harm of black tea is also possible. Drinking plenty of fluids a day can lead to depletion and dehydration.
Benefits and harms for men
The use of black tea by men has a positive effect on potency. Tea is an aphrodisiac. Scientists have proven that the presence of zinc, vitamin C, E in tea leaves enhances potency. To further enhance this property, you need to add cinnamon or ginger with chocolate to the tea.
Black tea is a tonic drink. It contains caffeine, which gives the body a boost. But too strong tea negatively affects the functioning of the male reproductive system. Therefore, you need to properly brew tea.
Black tea benefits and harms for women
Drinking the drink by women has a positive effect on reproductive function. It boosts immunity, improves vision and tones the body. It speeds up metabolic processes in the body and helps to get rid of migraines.
Women should not take tea while breastfeeding, because the liquid, when it gets into milk, causes sleep disturbances in the baby.
Benefits and harm to the heart of black tea
There is an opinion of doctors that with regular use of the drink, it is the prevention of stroke. Strong drink negatively affects the heart. The harm of black tea is mainly due to its tonic effect; it is not recommended to drink it at night.
Drink preparation rules
To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you need to adhere to the general rules:
Rinse and dry the prepared kettle. Then pour boiling water to warm up the walls of the kettle. Pour the tea leaves into the kettle. And wait a while for the tea leaves to swell.
Then pour 2/3 warm water into the kettle, leaving free space. Then close with a lid and cover with a linen towel.
The tea will be infused. Different types of tea take 3 to 5 minutes to infuse. In the process of infusion, it is enriched with taste and aroma. Pour more water into the kettle and leave it under the towel again.
And again add water to the very top, not allowing the tea infusion to cool down.
As a result, if you follow these simple rules, a tea film will form on the surface, which contains useful essential oils. It is enough to stir it with a spoon.
It is recommended to drink tea “fresh” 20-30 minutes after brewing. After this time, it becomes too strong and can be harmful to health. And sweet, standing all night long, tea is a source for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
The benefits and harms of black tea bags
The modern lifestyle makes us live at a fast pace. That is why tea bags were invented. It is quite easy and simple to prepare. It is enough to put a bag in a mug and pour boiling water over it. And in a couple of minutes the drink is ready. Is this tea useful? Let’s figure it out. To do this, let’s find out what the tea bags are made of.
A tea bag consists of crushed and dried tea and a bag of fibrous material.
Hand-picked tea from the top leaves and buds of the tea tree is considered the best and most expensive. Once harvested, the harvested leaves undergo a drying stage, fermentation, grinding and mixing, but some irresponsible growers put fine dust from crushed tea leaves in tea bags. In theory, it consists of the same leaves as the quality one. Therefore, they should be the same in taste and aroma. But the dust is brewed faster, and the tea bags stay in the cup for a long time. As a result, a large amount of tannic acid (tannin) is formed. And the drink becomes bitter and less useful.
Using a tea bag is convenient. Since it is not necessary to measure the amount of infusion, a teapot is not required. Tea bags are stored in a convenient package, thereby creating order. They are easy to dispose of.
Disadvantages of using tea bags:
Paper can be used to make the bags. And so that it does not dissolve, the surface is covered with epichlorohydrin, which is a carcinogen. Its presence is indicated by small bubbles that form when the bag is brewed.
Bags can be made from nylon or PVC. When such bags get into boiling water, harmful compounds are formed.
If the tea bags are not stapled together, then they are sealed with glue. The adhesive can be hazardous to health.
Manufacturers often add flavoring and coloring agents to enhance taste, color and aroma. At best, it is an allergen, and at worst, a carcinogen.
Best time to drink black tea
- Sugar tea, drunk in the morning, suppresses gastric acid secretion, thereby suppressing appetite. But it is replaced by a feeling of hunger and the daily diet is disrupted.
- Tea drunk before meals leads to a decrease in gastric secretion and digestion is disturbed. Tannins block proteins and prevent their absorption. Tea also spoils the aftertaste of food. Therefore, it is recommended to drink tea no earlier than 30 minutes before meals.
- For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink tea during and immediately after meals. The best time to take this drink is 30 minutes after eating.
Black tea with bergamot
Bergamot (or princely pear) is a popular tea supplement. The taste of bergamot tea is slightly spicy and tart. It is difficult to confuse it with other teas.
Bergamot belongs to the citrus genus and resembles lemon or lime in appearance. It is grown in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and South America.
Bergamot has antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, baking properties, improves heart function, and helps digestion. Bergamot tea will be beneficial for the body if real bergamot is added to it, and not flavoring. However, excessive consumption of bergamot can lead to muscle cramps, blurred vision, and poor absorption of iron.
The benefits of black tea with cumin oil
Tea with cumin oil is good for men. It helps fight prostate disease. Cumin removes fluid from the body and therefore tea with caraway seeds is useful for losing weight.
Cumin has a choleretic effect, promotes the elimination of toxins, and stimulates the intestines. And that’s why cumin tea helps fight constipation. Caraway tea infusion relieves migraines and menstrual pain in women.
Drink rules
To benefit from tea, you must follow the rules for its use:
- Drink only fresh tea. In the previously brewed drink, oxidation processes have already taken place, which negatively affect health.
- The beneficial properties are lost if the brew is used several times.
- If you drink tea on an empty stomach, it can cause cramps.
- The tea must be refrigerated before drinking. Because boiling water can damage the mucous membrane.
- Do not dilute tea with cold water. From this, useful properties are lost.
Ginger tea – prevention of colds
Ginger root is a remedy for colds. It contains essential oils and components that have a warming effect. Ginger tea purifies the blood and helps fight infections during colds. Pregnant and lactating women with colds should use ginger with caution. Ginger tea is contraindicated for gastritis, bleeding, liver cirrhosis, allergies and skin diseases.
The use of black tea in traditional medicine
- Dry black tea – 1 tbsp. lies .;
- Black currant leaves – 1 tbsp. lies .;
- Dried rose hips -5 tbsp.
Mix all the ingredients and take 1 tbsp. lies. this mixture and pour 0,5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Drink ½ tbsp. 4 times a day before meals for 1 month.
Oregano, St. John’s wort, rose hips, berries of black currant and black elderberry take 1 tbsp. spoon, connect.
1 tsp mixture and 1 tsp. dry black tea, pour 0,5 l. boiling water and insist in a thermos. Drink half a glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
Take dry black tea and dried crushed mint leaves in a ratio of 10: 1. Take 1 tsp. collection and pour boiling water, insist under the lid for 15 minutes. Drink one glass every two hours.
Take dry black tea and dill seeds in a 10: 1 ratio.
1 tablespoon of this mixture, pour 0,5 liters of boiling water. Insist in a thermos, drink 1 glass 2 times a day.
How much tea can you drink per day – the benefits and harms of black tea
Tea that is too strong contains a high concentration of caffeine, which makes the body work under stress. Heart palpitations appear, blood pressure rises. This leads to mood swings, insomnia, headaches. Tea can greatly stimulate the nervous system, so it should be reduced in the afternoon. Do not drink it shortly before bedtime. Tea removes magnesium from the body, so it should not be overused.