The benefits and harms of birch sap

The benefits and harms of birch sap

Birch juice – a liquid flowing from cut and broken birch trunks and branches under the action of root pressure. Juice contains many vitamins, minerals and organic acids. Its composition can be called unique. It contains glucose, fructose, enzymes, tannins. There are practically no contraindications to the use of birch sap. Juice is drunk to fight diseases of the digestive system, it helps dissolve kidney stones and cleanse the blood. Metabolic processes due to the regular use of birch sap are accelerated. In general, the person begins to feel better.

Composition of birch sap

Birch sap has a very diverse composition. It contains carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Vitamins are of particular value to the drink. The juice contains malic and citric acid, fructose and glucose. Due to these components, the juice has a sweet and sour taste.

Birch sap is extracted from a tree trunk, because it contains tannins and essential oils. People use the juice as a source of ascorbic acid, vitamins B6 and B12.

It is useful to use juice for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and calcium. The use of the drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and muscles, which is possible due to phytoncides, saponins and betulins.

The benefits of birch sap

The benefits and harms of birch sap

All body systems positively respond to the use of birch sap by a person.

Thanks to its reception, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Diuretic effect.

  • Improvement of secretory function.

  • Removal of inflammation.

  • Increasing the general tone of the body.

  • Strengthening of immunity.

  • Blood cleansing.

  • Antioxidant effect.

The unique composition of birch sap helps the body to quickly cope with various diseases, including:

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Spasms from the digestive tract go away, a person ceases to be tormented by intestinal colic. The juice acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, it is taken for diseases of the liver, stomach and gallbladder. It has a beneficial effect on the state of intestinal microflora, increases appetite and normalizes digestion.

  • Urinary system. Juice is drunk by people with urolithiasis. Traditional healers recommend that patients with this diagnosis drink 6 glasses of the drink a day. This will crush the stones and remove them from the kidneys. Treatment can only be carried out under medical supervision. During the exit of stones from the kidneys, a person may experience quite intense pain.

  • Rheumatic diseases. Birch sap is drunk for gout, arthritis of the joints, atherosclerosis. The drink can not only be taken orally, but also applied topically.

  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Birch sap helps to relieve sputum, so it is drunk by patients with inflammation of the lungs and bronchi, as well as tuberculosis patients.

  • Metabolic disruptions. Blended birch sap can be taken by people with diabetes. An important condition for treatment is the observance of a strict diet. A healing drink is prepared on the basis of birch sap, where raspberry, currant, blackberry, blueberry, elderberry juice is added (the share of other juices should be 35%). You can also mix birch sap with a decoction of wild rose, lingonberry leaves, nettle, buckthorn and other plants that have healing effects. To achieve positive dynamics, you need to take drinks in certain quantities and under medical supervision. It is important to have regular check-ups and tests. Juice is dosed depending on the type of diabetes. The course is calculated on an individual basis. Juice is also useful for people with obesity, as it contains few kilocalories.

  • Anemia. In this violation, the juice is prescribed 2-3 glasses a day.

  • Avitaminosis. Since birch sap is a source of vitamins and microelements, it is prescribed for weakened patients. It is good to use it in the spring, when vegetables and fruits contain few nutrients. They take juice as a preventive measure in order to reduce the likelihood of contracting SARS, influenza and other colds.

  • Intoxication of the body. It is good to take birch sap for various poisonings. It replenishes water reserves, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and helps reduce body temperature. If you mix birch sap, lemon juice and rosehip broth, you will be able to get a diaphoretic effect. You can take a drink with a hangover, it helps to get rid of discomfort in the stomach.

  • Outdoor application. Wash the nasopharynx with birch sap, gargle with it. You can treat your mouth with a drink if a person suffers from stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontal disease. Juice wipes the skin affected by scabies, psoriasis, eczema. It can be used for neurodermatitis and long-term healing ulcers.

Doctors recommend taking birch sap for patients with rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and arthritis. People with pancreatitis drink it. It is useful to take juice for women suffering from varicose veins. You can drink it to cancer patients.

There is evidence that the juice helps to get rid of worms, relieves heartburn well. At the same time, the drink does not contain a large amount of acids, so it does not harm the teeth.

Pregnancy Benefits

Juice is not forbidden to women who are carrying a child. It allows you to normalize the work of the kidneys, relieves expectant mothers from jumps in blood pressure. If a woman is breastfeeding, then the juice helps to increase the amount of breast milk, increases its nutritional properties.

Benefits for the child’s body

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from infectious diseases. To cope with them and increase the protective forces of the child’s body, you can offer the child birch sap. It enriches cells and tissues with vitamins and microelements, allowing the baby to grow and develop properly.

Cosmetic properties of birch sap

The benefits and harms of birch sap

Since birch sap contains acids, they are able to penetrate deep into the dermis. This allows you to keep your skin in good shape. Betulol and ash disinfect the skin, promote the renewal of its cells.

The consumption of birch sap allows you to have an antioxidant effect. In order for the skin of the face to improve and rejuvenate, an integrated approach is required. To do this, the juice is taken orally and applied externally.

To whiten the skin, you need to take a course lasting a month.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink 200 ml of juice inside.

  • In the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes prepared with birch sap.

  • In the evening they make a mask of paska.

  • You need to wash yourself with birch sap 3 times a day. First, wash your face with warm water, then with sap, and after 5 minutes with cool water.

After 3 days, you can evaluate the result. The face will be well whitened in 14 days. The effect is fairly stable over time.

To prepare cosmetics for facial care, you need to use the following recipes:

  • Ice making. The collected molasses is placed in ice molds and frozen. Wipe the face with ice every morning. This procedure allows you to renew skin cells, increase its tone. Ice copes well with small wrinkles. Under the influence of cold, pores narrow, black dots and blackheads disappear.

  • Mask preparation. A tablespoon of honey is added to 50 ml of juice. The composition is mixed and applied to the face for half an hour. After that, they wash with warm water.

Cosmetologists point out that birch sap helps to cope with seborrhea, dandruff, and hair loss.

You can wash your hair with birch sap. Hair becomes voluminous and softer.

  • Mask for hair nutrition. It is necessary to mix burdock oil with juice in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply a mask to the hair, put on top of a cellophane cap and a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with water and wash your hair with shampoo.

  • Lotion for oily hair. Mix a glass of vodka and birch sap, add a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of honey to them. Keep this remedy for 10 days in a dark place. After each shampooing, rinse your hair with a ready-made solution.

When and how is birch sap collected?

The benefits and harms of birch sap

The birch sap begins to move in March, when the first buds appear on the tree. It is harvested from early April to mid-May. Birch sap is actively consumed by residents of Russia, Scandinavia and Northern China.

Birch has its own biorhythms, the most active juice in it moves during the day. Therefore, it is recommended to collect the drink from 10 am to 18 pm.

Not every tree is suitable for collecting juice. You need to pay attention to where it grows.

Only mature birch trees are suitable for collecting sap, which holes will not harm. The tree trunk should not exceed 20 cm in diameter.

It is not recommended to make holes in young plants, as they do not give much juice. In addition, a young tree may not survive such damage and die.

To collect birch sap, you need to take a drill, a straw and containers with you.

  • A small hole is drilled in the tree trunk, about 6 mm. If there was no drill at hand, then you can drive a nail into the birch, loosening it. This will make the hole wider. It should not be too deep, as birch sap flows between the bark and wood.

  • A tube is inserted into the hole made. It may be corrugated. Also on sale are special tubes for collecting birch sap. If nothing was at hand, then you can use the grass. The stems and leaves are washed and the bundle is inserted into the hole. The drink will flow down the green.

  • A container is placed under the tube to collect the drink. The juice will accumulate for a long time, so the container must be left under the tree for several hours. In order not to attract insects to a sweet drink, the container must be taken with a narrow neck.

  • When the required amount of juice is collected, a piece of a branch is inserted into the hole made, or it is covered with clay. This will help the tree recover. In a year, even a memory will not remain from the hole.

Video: How to collect birch sap:

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