The benefits and harms of beans for the body: sprouted beans

Beans, as a cultivated plant, people have known for many centuries. More than 7 thousand years ago, the peoples inhabiting the lands of South America began to grow beans. Later it became a popular culture in Ancient Egypt, then Rome. The benefits and harms of beans have been known, thanks to their properties, for a very long time. In various ancient writings, it is mentioned as far back as two thousand years before the beginning of our era. It was eaten by the ancient Peruvians, Chinese, and the ancient Greeks and Romans used beans for treatment. We learned about it only in the eleventh century, when French merchants brought beans to Russia, where they did not immediately appreciate its food purpose and only admired the flowers and curly shoots. Let’s take a closer look and study in more detail – what are the benefits and harms of beans for our body.

Beans calorie content and composition

Beans are a real source of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. It is rich in valuable substances such as protein. In terms of the amount of protein, it is in no way inferior to meat, which is why it is so appreciated by vegetarians and lovers of healthy food.

100 grams of beans contains

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Trace Elements

Caloric content 298 kcal.

Protein 21 gr.

Fat 2 gr.

Carbohydrates 47 gr.

Dietary fiber 12,4 g

Water 14 gr.

Mono – and disaccharides 3,2 gr.

Starch 43,8 gr.

Ash 3,6 gr.

Saturated Fatty Acids 0,2g

Vitamin PP 2,1 mg.

Vitamin B1 0,5 mg.

B2 0,18 mg.

B5 1,2 mg.

Vitamin B6 0,9 mg.

B9 90 mcg.

Vitamin E 0,6 mg.

PP 6,4 mg.

Calcium 150 mg.

Magnesium 103 mg.

Sodium 40 mg.

Potassium 1100 mg.

Phosphorus 480 mg.

Chlorine 58 mg.

Sulfur 159 mg.

Iron 5,9 mg.

Zinc 3,21 mg.

Iodine 12,1 mcg.

Copper 580 mcg.

Manganese 1,34 mg.

Selenium 24,9 mcg.

Chromium 10 mcg.

Fluorine 44 μg.

Molybdenum 39,4 μg.

Boron 490 μg.

Vanadium 190 μg.

Silicon 92 mg.

Cobalt 18,7 μg.

Aluminum 640 mcg.

Nickel 173,2 μg.

Titanium 150 mcg.

Protein is about a fifth of the fruit of a kidney bean. And of the vitamins, it contains A, B, C, K, PP, there is also vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant. The presence of the latter has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The presence of such amino acids as tyrosine, lysine, methionine and various others in it leads to the fact that the protein that is in beans is very easily absorbed in the body.

Varieties of beans and their features

Beans are a herbaceous annual plant of the legume or moth family. It grows up to 2 meters in height. The plant has a branched root and a curly or branched stem. The flowers are red, purple or white. Leaves are cordate or pointed. Fruits in the form of beans from 2 to 8 pcs. in a pod. The beans themselves are spotted, variegated, or mosaic-colored. Some types of beans grow outdoors, while others require greenhouse conditions.

Can be categorized by:

  • the appearance of the bush;
  • on the use of plant parts;
  • by nutritional value.

depending on the growing method: bush, semi-curly, curly.

Depending on which part of the plant is eaten, it is subdivided into: peeling, asparagus, semi-sugar.

The entire shelling plant is divided into varieties: fava, vigna, chale, flagole, pinto, black, kidney, lima, mash, navy.

Each variety differs in nutritional value, appearance, ripening time. Let’s consider the most popular varieties.

Pinto beans

It got this name for its color, which is translated from Spanish as “painted”. Pinto is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber. It contains a lot of iron and proteins. It contains a lot of insoluble fiber, which prevents constipation. It is useful for irritable bowel syndrome and colon diverticulosis.

Mung bean green benefits and harms

The benefits of mung beans in its composition. It is a dietary product and is useful for overweight people. Regular use of mung bean in the diet will allow you to reduce weight by the end of the first month. Sprouts made her main product on the table. Bean sprouts are popular in India and Indochina. Not only salads are prepared from them, but also added to hot dishes, used as a side dish, and tinctures and decoctions are prepared.

Asparagus beans

Asparagus beans contain essential minerals for the body like sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, chromium, magnesium and iron. Also important are vitamins A, group B, carotene, folic and niacin. The presence of these vitamins helps the body fight various viruses during respiratory illness. It is enough to eat green beans at least twice a week.

The benefits and harms of green beans

Along with the beneficial properties, green beans can be harmful. It is harmful in case of high acidity, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

White beans

Its other names are navy and chali, good for teeth. It has a bactericidal effect on the oral cavity, protects teeth from plaque and tartar. It is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Red (kidney)

Red, or kidney, contains argenine, which is an insulin analogue and can lower cholesterol levels.

Black beans

Black beans differ not only in color, but also in chemical composition and even taste. Once cooked, the beans take on a smoky flavor. This legume is the most nutritious among the other species. It contains a number of essential amino acids. Phytonutrients, which are rich in beans, have antioxidant effects and are capable of regenerating body tissues at the cellular level. The beans contain protein, which is similar in chemical composition to meat. That allows it to be used as a meat substitute.

The benefits and harms of beans for the body

Legumes are recommended to be included in the diet because they have the following beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the body of toxins, helps the intestines work;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol, strengthens the heart muscle. The amino acid methionine is responsible for this.
  • arginine relieves fatigue and normalizes sleep
  • relieves asthma symptoms;
  • helps with arthritis;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly;
  • prevents osteoporosis;
  • helps with cataracts of the eyes;
  • rejuvenates the body as a whole.

Useful properties of beans

  • The use of beans, of course, is that it, like all legumes, contains proteins, amino acids and vitamins that are irreplaceable for the body of any person. It is not for nothing that many nutritionists, for this reason, single out beans as one of the most useful products for normal human life.
  • Of course, this leguminous plant is involved in many variants of fasting diets, various balanced complexes, the purpose of which is to cleanse the body.
  • Beans are very suitable for preparing all kinds of dishes for the nutrition of people suffering from diabetes. It contains a substance such as arginine, it synthesizes urea and participates in nitrogen exchange processes, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.
  • The benefits of beans not only in its seeds, which have long been familiar to everyone in the diet, but also in the pods. The fact is that pods combine protein and sugar, amino acids, vitamins and starch, as well as minerals.
  • For people who suffer from such ailments as bronchial diseases, intestinal diseases or rheumatism, the benefits of beans will be manifested due to the presence of phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium, iodine, potassium and magnesium in it. In addition, beans are very rich in sulfur, fiber, ash and citric acid.
  • It is noteworthy that the protein in beans is quite similar to proteins of animal origin and, perhaps, only natural meat can concede in its properties. It is for this reason that the great benefits of beans are for those who are used to fasting or for vegetarians.
  • Among other things, its beneficial properties extend to the genitourinary system, has a good diuretic effect, thereby preventing edema.

For men

Beans increase potency and are recommended for men of any age. In addition, it is especially useful for men who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, as it prevents hemorrhoids. And folic acid protects against anemia.

The benefits and harms of beans for women

Red kidney beans are especially useful for the female body. Its action is aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and the whole body in general. It strengthens nails and hair, and also has a diuretic effect, thereby relieving swelling.

Beans have found their application in cosmetology. It is used to prepare masks that in every possible way eliminate the signs of aging of the facial skin. Even Cleopatra herself used a face mask that was made from beans. Even in ancient Rome, it was used to make powder.

Can beans be pregnant

The use of beans by women in an interesting position in the early stages helps to cope with toxicosis. Legumes are a balanced product necessary for the normal development of the baby. Folic acid is essential for the formation of a baby’s neural tube. Fiber and trace elements replenish the costs of a woman during pregnancy. To avoid increased gas formation, beans must be cooked for a long time.

The effect of beans on the child’s body

Beans are good for children’s health because they contain a large amount of amino acids, vitamins and fiber. But it should be included in the children’s diet no earlier than 3 years old. This only applies to legumes. Green pod can be given to children from the age of one. For a child, it must be steamed. So it will retain more nutrients. It contains antioxidants and minerals necessary for mental development, which can help relieve insomnia and normalize sleep. The presence of pectins and dietary fiber regulates peristatics.

Beans for weight loss

Eating beans helps maintain blood sugar levels, which can reduce sugar cravings. Vegetable protein is able to be quickly absorbed and not stagnate in the intestines. That is, the metabolism improves. Eating legumes provides complete satiety with a low calorie intake. This allows for a smaller portion of food and protects against overeating.

Beans for diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, it is important to create conditions for maintaining a constant blood sugar level, as well as an even supply of nutrients. The source of this nutrient intake is beans. It contains slow carbohydrates, which are then broken down into glucose. This property of beans is extremely important in diabetes. It allows you to maintain weight.

Contraindications to the use of beans

But, like any other product, beans, unfortunately, have not only positive qualities, but also negative ones.

It is not recommended to use beans for the following diseases:

  • with increased acidity;
  • with colitis, gastritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gout;
  • stomach ulcer.

In particular, beans will be harmful if you eat raw seeds. They contain a large amount of toxic substances that seriously interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive organs, can cause severe damage to the intestinal mucosa and can, in some cases, cause poisoning.

You can get rid of the risk, poisoning, using heat treatment. Fortunately, boiled beans are completely devoid of harmful ingredients. In this case, in no case should you hope that you can exclude the harm of beans by simply heating them dry. The presence of water during the heat treatment of beans is required.

Especially remarkable is the fact that the useful substances that are rich in beans, both seeds and pods, during heat treatment, are practically completely preserved unchanged. Well-cooked green beans are an incredibly healthy diabetic food product.

Green beans, frozen

The properties of the beans are not lost after freezing. It is no different from fresh. The main condition for the preservation of the useful properties of green beans is the correct shock freezing.

Canned beans benefits and harms

Beans in a jar contain B vitamins, fiber, protein, minerals, nutrients. In terms of its composition, it is not inferior to ordinary beans. Canned beans are easy to cook. You just need to open the can. It is used both in appetizers and in side dishes, soups and hot dishes.

Bean decoction

A decoction of beans is used in folk medicine for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, lack of milk during lactation and other diseases. When preparing this medicine, one should not forget about important rules:

  • do not add sugar;
  • do not use dry beans. They are poisonous.
  • prepare the broth only from dried leaves.

For the treatment of diabetes, the decoction is prepared as follows. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed leaves and pour 300 g of hot water. Put in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. remove from heat, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon three times daily with meals.

Bean recipes

However, it is worth remembering that any legumes, if cooked incorrectly, turn into a real poison. Therefore, before eating your favorite dish with beans, it is always worth considering that the benefits and harms of beans are separated by a thin, and barely noticeable, edge of the culinary art!

Beans in tomato sauce

The lean menu is diversified by delicious beans stewed in tomato sauce. To prepare it, you will need any beans in the form of beans, tomato sauce, garlic, cilantro. Pre-boil the beans until tender, put in a container, pour over the tomato sauce and simmer for 20 minutes until tender. Then add chopped garlic and finely chopped herbs.

Cauliflower and Bean Puree Soup

You will need:

  • blanche beans 300g;
  • cauliflower 200g;
  • rosemary – 1 sprig;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil 2 tablespoons;
  • table mustard – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Pre-soak beans for 12 hours and boil until tender. Fry the onions in vegetable oil. Then put the cauliflower, fried onions and beans in a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes until cooked through. Puree with a blender, then add chopped rosemary and mustard.

The benefits and harms of sprouted beans

Bean sprouts have a cleansing, rejuvenating and healing effect. They remove toxins from the body, freeing cells from free radicals that cause aging in the body. Sprouts are increasingly being used as a raw food diet. They help cleanse the intestines and form a beneficial microflora.

How to sprout and consume sprouted beans?

First you need to fill the beans with water and leave for 8 hours. After the time has elapsed, drain the water and rinse the beans. Then spread on a waffle towel in a thin layer and cover with damp gauze on top. Leave for a day, constantly maintaining the humidity of the gauze. In a day, sprouts will appear, which must be carefully washed and the product is ready for use.

How to store beans properly

At home, it can be stored frozen, in jars or dried. Consider how to store in banks. Washed and dried beans are poured into pre-sterilized jars. And be sure to remember to put garlic on top so that pests do not start. And roll up the jar only with a metal lid. Such a blank can be stored in a cool room until winter.

1 Comment

  1. Muna godiya Allah yabada lada

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