the Bending of the arms at the biceps on the upper block narrow grip
  • Muscle group: Biceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Cable simulators
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Сгибание рук на бицепс на верхнем блоке узким хватом Сгибание рук на бицепс на верхнем блоке узким хватом
Сгибание рук на бицепс на верхнем блоке узким хватом Сгибание рук на бицепс на верхнем блоке узким хватом

Bending of hands on a biceps on the upper block narrow grip — technique exercises:

  1. Put horizontal bench near the upper block.
  2. Take a direct grip narrow grip so that your palms facing you.
  3. Lie on the bench so that the head was at the edge of the bench.
  4. Pull your hands up above the shoulders. Your torso and arms should form a right angle. Elbows directed inward. This will be your initial position.
  5. On the exhale, follow the bending of the arms by moving the handle in a semicircular trajectory until it touches your forehead. Strain your biceps and pause for a moment at the end of the movement. Tip: movement is handled only by the forearms, the shoulders remain stationary and perpendicular to the floor.
  6. Slowly return to starting position.
  7. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Variations: you can also use EZ-shaped handle, or to perform flexion above the head without touching the forehead.

exercises for the arms exercises biceps exercises on the upper block
  • Muscle group: Biceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Cable simulators
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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