the Bending of the arms at the biceps on the Scott bench on the lower unit
  • Muscle group: Biceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Additional muscles: Forearms
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Cable simulators
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Сгибание рук на бицепс на скамье Скотта на нижнем блоке Сгибание рук на бицепс на скамье Скотта на нижнем блоке
Сгибание рук на бицепс на скамье Скотта на нижнем блоке Сгибание рук на бицепс на скамье Скотта на нижнем блоке

Bending of hands on a biceps on the Scott bench on the lower block is the technique of the exercise:

  1. Check the Scott bench at a distance of approximately 50-60 cm from the bottom of the unit.
  2. Attach the rope to a straight handle.
  3. Seated on a bench, resting his elbows into the cradle as shown in the figure. Get help partner, it will give you a handle attached to the rope.
  4. Take the handle and fully straighten the arms. This will be your initial position.
  5. On the exhale, straining the biceps, perform the bending of the arms.
  6. Pause for a moment, straining the muscles. On the inhale slowly lower hands to starting position.
  7. Complete the required number of repetitions.

Variations: for this exercise you can attach the rope lower block EZ-shaped handle, or to use a barbell, EZ-bar, dumbbells or a chest expander.

the Scott bench exercises for the arms exercises biceps exercises on the unit
  • Muscle group: Biceps
  • Type of exercise: Isolation
  • Additional muscles: Forearms
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Cable simulators
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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