What motivates a psychoanalyst to go out to meet a patient with mental retardation, although he is waiting for others in his office, and even this patient is quite capable of finding his way on his own? Unconscious contempt, which is compensated by a patronizing attitude.
Why does a young prisoner who raped and killed a 10-year-old girl not remember this? He forgot everything because of the same guilt that pushed him to the crime: the man had a love affair with the mother of the victim, and the girl saw them. “Guilt for the internal squabbles is so strong that it forces him to play out this scenario in the outside world,” explains psychoanalyst Neville Symington. He collected together his lectures and articles, in which he carefully and impartially explores the inner world … The peculiarity of his work is that he is not limited to patients, but also analyzes himself and his colleagues.
Cogito Center, 400 p.