The bat infected him with one of the most dangerous diseases – rabies. He refused treatment

He despised modern medicine and died. An 80-year-old resident of American Lake County died after refusing treatment after contracting rabies. In the USA, it is the first human case of this disease in almost 70 years.

Nothing foreshadowed the drama of a senior from Lake County (USA). One morning the man woke up with a bat clinging to his neck. After examining the animal and the man, it turned out that the mammal infected him with rabies. Therefore, doctors recommended that the standard treatment be implemented immediately. However, the pensioner, for unknown reasons, refused.

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A month later, the man began to experience symptoms of the disease: neck pain, headache, difficulty controlling hand movements, numbness in the fingers, difficulty speaking. Eventually the patient died. Wildlife experts later found an entire colony of bats in his house.

Rabies – what is this disease?

Rabies is one of the most dangerous diseases known to man. It attacks the nervous system. It causes inflammation of the brain, spinal cord and damage to vital centers. The disease is caused by a virus that is transmitted to humans through the saliva of a sick animal. Most often it occurs as a result of a bite or slinging of damaged – even to a minimal extent – skin or mucosa. There is no cure for rabies, almost 100 percent. infected people die.

The first symptoms of rabies may be flu-like, there may be weakness, fever or headache. The symptoms then progress to brain dysfunction, restlessness, confusion, and agitation. As the disease progresses, a person may experience delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, hydrophobia, and insomnia. The fear of space and fresh air appears.

In paralytic rabies (one of the two forms of the disease), the muscles are gradually paralyzed and paresis appears. They are accompanied by breathing disorders, swallowing problems, the patient falls into a coma. Then there is only death.

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However, drastic consequences can be avoided by taking the rabies vaccine. According to the observations so far, rabies survivors (except for one) received vaccination before the onset of symptoms. This could have been a deciding factor in their survival. More on rabies in the article: Rabies – one of the most dangerous diseases. It kills almost 100 percent. How to protect yourself?

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