What is the basis of the diagnosis of kidney cancer and what are the types?

What is the basis of the diagnosis of kidney cancer and what are the types?

The basis for the diagnosis of kidney cancer is the histopathological examination of the material collected from the tumor by needle biopsy, and preferably of the entire, previously resected tumor. This is especially important in the case of early lesions – those of small size. Then we can clearly define the nature of the detected lesion – benign or malignant, and then properly plan further treatment of the patient. Consider the problem solved or establish a follow-up or treatment regime. You should also be aware of the big simplification we make when using the term “kidney cancer”. This term covers a dozen or so neoplasms, which differ in their origin, structure, natural course, and differ in terms of their sensitivity to the available treatment methods. The most common form of kidney cancer is called clear cell carcinoma accounting for about 85% of diagnoses. Papillary cancer (in two different types) is less common, accounting for 10% of diagnosed cases. Even more rare are chromophobic and collective tubular carcinomas (2% of diagnoses each). The rest are casuistry.

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