The baby blues of the people

The stars also know the baby blues

People are like us. After childbirth, none escapes the famous baby blues. This very special moment, when our hormone levels drop, causing an uncontrollable feeling of sadness tinged with melancholy. Fortunately, after these few days of disarray, the immense happiness that this little being brings sweeps away all our sorrow. But sometimes the sadness lasts, flies away only to come back even stronger a few months later. We then speak of postpartum depression and, as you will see, the stars are not exempt from it either.

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    Alessandra Sublet

    The bubbly host became a mother for the first time in 2011. And for her, this birth was a real emotional tsunami. In the book “Do you have the blues, baby?” », She returns to this painful period when she had the impression of losing her footing.

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    Hayden Panettiere

    Mom of a little Kaya, Hayden Panettiere was keen to support all mothers struggling with postpartum depression. Guest of the Live with Kelly and Michael show, the American actress said she has things in common with the character of Juliet that she plays in the Nashville series. “When you hear about postpartum depression, you think it’s like, ‘I have negative feelings towards my child, I want to hurt him.’ I never, ever had these feelings. Some women do. But you can’t imagine the extent of the spectrum related to this issue, which you can find yourself in, the new mom said. This is something we need to talk about. Women need to know that they are not alone and that this is healing. ”

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    Drew Barrymore

    The star recently shared her postpartum depression with People magazine. ”I hadn’t had postpartum depression for my first child, I was like, ‘I feel good’. And for the second one, I was like ‘Oh I see what people want to talk about. I understand but I was lucky, it was relatively short, about six months! ”. The actress was able to count on the support of her relatives during this ordeal.

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    Eva Mendes

    The sublime actress would also have depressed after the birth of her daughter in September 2014. According to the magazine “In touch weekly”, the star was very tired and had many mood swings. It must be said that Eva Mendes had wanted to take care of her little Esmeralda alone, without calling on a nanny. Despite this difficult period, the actress quickly regained the upper hand.

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    Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez gave birth to her twins, Max and Emme, in 2008. A few years later, she agreed to open up to Redbook magazine about her motherhood. Without a net, she recounted having suffered from a serious baby blues: “I remember, ten days after the birth of my children, I said to myself” but what is happening to me? ” I felt lonely and depressed, I thought they didn’t like me. “

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    Gwyneth Paltrow

    “When my son Moses was born in 2006, I expected to experience a period of euphoria,” says Gwyneth Paltrow on her Goop site. Instead I was faced with one of the darkest and most painful episodes of my life ”. The star is the mother of two children: Apple, 12, and Moses, 10.

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    Angelina Jolie

    Yes, yes, Angelina Jolie, the super mom par excellence, went through a baby blues after the birth of her twins, even if she never officially recognized it. A source close to the actress said at the time: “Angelina tries to control her emotions, especially towards her older children, but despite everything, her mood swings are difficult for the whole family… She often stays in bed , must force herself to eat because she is breastfeeding and crying for nothing. “

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    Brooke shields

    In 2005, actress Brooke Shields wrote about her terrible postpartum depression in the book “Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression”. By sharing her intimate story with the public, the star has probably given courage to many moms.

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    Courteney Cox

    Courteney Cox did not experience a baby blues, but a real postpartum depression. “It happened not after the baby was born, but six months later,” she told USA Today magazine at the time. I couldn’t sleep anymore. My heart was racing. I was in depression. I went to the doctor and then realized that my hormones were at their lowest. “

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    Alanis Morissette

    In 2010, Alanis Morissette gave birth to her son. While some women swim in happiness, the singer is quickly overcome by depression. ” I said nothing. I preferred to take it upon myself and wait for it to pass, declared the singer in 2012, in the program Good morning America. If I talk about it today, it’s because I want to tell women that they don’t have to feel guilty, ”she adds.

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    Kristen Bell

    The American actress has never said openly that she suffered from a significant baby blues. Nonetheless, she recently confessed that she struggled to bond with her baby girl, Lincoln right away.

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    Lisa Rinna

    Mum of two, Lisa Rinna, known for her role in Melrose Place, also experienced postpartum depression. In a 2009 book, “Rinnivation: Getting Your Best Life Ever,” she says, “I was really hurt and vulnerable. I had horrible visions of knives and pistols… It’s hard to describe it was so scary. Fortunately, I was helped. “

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    Celine Dion

    The Canadian singer is a strong head. This did not prevent her from sinking after the birth of her twins. “The first few days after my return from the maternity ward, it happened that I was beside myself and that I got angry for nothing. My mother reassured me by telling me that it was completely normal. Moms really need emotional support after childbirth. “

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    Amanda peet

    American actress Amanda Peet spoke to Gotham magazine about what she herself describes as “pretty severe postpartum depression.” “I think there is still too much shame in admitting that you have mixed feelings when you become a mother. A lot of people are going through this ordeal, but it’s hard to find people who are willing to talk about it. “

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    Britney Spears

    In the book “Through the Storm”, Lynn Spears, Britney’s mother, talks about her daughter’s battle to come out of depression after the birth of her boys. “Having two children in two years is insurmountable for any woman,” she writes. Britney suffered from postpartum depression. The breakup with Kevin and the enormous pressures on his career have amplified are unhappiness. “

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