An XNUMX-year-old autistic girl wandered alone in a marshy area in Florida for four days, taking care of alligators and snakes. After all, a family friend found her safe and sound, US media reported on Thursday.
Nadja was calmly watching the snakes twining around her feet and listening to the sounds of alligators, the man who found the girl told the media.
Nadja went missing near Tampa on Friday, US media reported. Her mother found her daughter’s bicycle and red helmet in a cul-de-sac. She immediately alerted the police, a large search operation was launched, but no trace of the child was found anywhere.
A friend of little Nadja’s family decided to look for a child in the marshes on his own. He found her after four days in the swamps, waist deep and covered with insects, but in total not bad shape. (PAP)