The art of spa for tired hair

Swimming pool, sea salt and summer sun – after that we should pay special attention to our hair to restore its beauty and vitality. Let’s devote a little more time to this at home – in the best traditions of professional salons.

Our hair is very sensitive to everything that happens to us: hot hours on the beach, sea winds, road stress or even strong emotions – all this is not easy for them to endure. But just as quickly and gratefully they respond to our care. And if we have just returned from vacation, we should please them with something more than the usual shampoo and conditioner. We offer you a real beauty ritual for tired hair: within a month, it will restore health, energy and a shiny look.

Create an environment

To get started, put on soft music that suits your taste, dim the lights, turn off your phone, light a scented candle. Ask yourself what you really want – and listen to the answer. Sense perception is an excellent adviser, it will accurately tell us exactly what we need. For example, if we are attracted to fresh fragrances that carry energy, this will tell us about fatigue and the need to recuperate. And if we want warm, soothing notes, then stress has reached an undesirable point and it’s time for us to take a break to relax and recover. The main thing is not to rush anywhere: such calmness will only benefit the hair.

ventilate your head

Take a massage brush made of natural materials in each hand, tilt your head forward. Swipe in turn with one or the other brush along the entire length of the hair in the direction from the back of the head to the forehead, then from the ears to the top of the head. Let the movements be light, without pressure. Raise your head, pull your hair back and run the brushes from your forehead to the back of your head. Such a ritual helps to cleanse the hair of impurities, give it volume, gently get rid of hair that is already in the phase of hair loss, and remove styling products. This procedure should be performed for three minutes every evening, always on dry hair. And don’t forget to wash your brushes regularly with soapy water.

Our experts:

  • Yana Khodnevich, cosmetologist of the European Medical Center, Member of the National Society of Aesthetic Medicine.
  • Svetlana Cherkasova, trichologist, leading specialist of the Telo’s Beauty clinic.

Massage your skin

This is a very important stage of the ritual, because the health of the hair depends on the condition of the scalp. Our task is to activate blood microcirculation with the help of massage in order to create favorable conditions for the supply of nutrients to the roots. Focus on your hair: with your fingertips, feel how it looks like fluffy fabric, notice the tenderness and softness of the skin at the roots of the hair.

Sit down, rest your elbows on the table, lean forward, slightly open your mouth to relieve tension. Place your palms on your head (thumbs behind) and try to seem to move the skin towards the neck. Do this, moving from the back of the head to the forehead, then from the ears to the top of the head.

After that, start with slow and soft touches of the fingertips to lightly massage the scalp in a circular motion, lingering on five energy points: at the back of the head, crown, front of the head, at the temples and behind the ears. If you are not sure that you are doing everything right, this is not at all scary. It is important that our intentions are sincere – then the hair will accept our care as a gift. Any gentle scalp massage is good for them. To be effective, it must be done for five to ten minutes at least twice a week on dry hair, before shampooing.

Lubricate all over

This procedure should be performed before shampooing, on dry hair. You will need any hair oil – either in products specially designed for this, or “in its pure form”: coconut, olive, cedar, almond.

Warm the oil in your palms and saturate your hair strand by strand with it. Try to make sure that it evenly covers each hair, and pay special attention to the tips. A special brush will help to distribute the oil along the entire length – flat and wide. Wrap your hair in a warm towel. And it is best to go through this stage of the beauty ritual in the bath: the steam will help the healing agent to be absorbed. Hair will become smooth, shiny and hydrated. The oil will protect them from the degreasing action of the shampoo and make combing easier.

How often should this oil procedure be carried out? Once or twice a week, depending on the degree of dryness and thickness of the hair.

Give new breath

The use of gommage or peeling for the scalp helps to rid the skin of all impurities, dead cells, dandruff, saturate with oxygen and stimulate blood microcirculation. This procedure may seem like a novelty, but in fact it represents the return of a very ancient beauty ritual – head massage with mixtures based on salts or clay. Once a week, apply a hair peel to dry or damp scalp, separating the strands with a comb. Lightly massage the skin in small circular motions, then rinse with plenty of water.

Apply a mask

After shampooing, gently wring out the hair and gently pat it dry with a towel. Instead of a balm, apply a caring mask: nourishing with oils if the hair is dry, or clay-based if the hair is oily. Knead the moistened strands well, without affecting the scalp, and comb them starting from the tips with a comb with rare and blunt teeth. Leave for twenty minutes (even if the instructions say only three) – this way the product will better penetrate into the depths of the hair. Finally, rinse with plenty of water and dry with a towel. After that, you can move on to proper styling: spray your hair with a protective spray, keep the hair dryer at a distance of twenty centimeters from the head so as not to burn the skin, and avoid the strongest heat. This will be a worthy end to the beauty ritual: lively, shiny, healthy hair.

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