The art of giving gifts: how to please loved ones

The time for winter holidays is getting closer. A little crazy, but so magical. Gifts are an integral part of this time. And many questions are connected with them: what and to whom to give, how to choose and where to buy.

A gift is not just an obligatory item on the New Year’s program. Made with soul, it emphasizes the uniqueness of the addressee, reinforces the uniqueness of your relationship. In addition, in addition to the practical and emotional components, the gift has another function – magical. French anthropologist Marcel Mauss wrote that, according to the ideas of ancestors, each gift carries “mana” – a piece of the soul of the giver. For all their archaism, these ideas have not lost their power over us today. Even the smallest present with an invisible thread connects us with the one to whom we give it. Hence the pre-holiday pangs of choice.

Choose with fantasy

We want to find something special for all loved ones. But how to do that? Psychologists advise exercise. Put yourself in the place of the recipient. Imagine a day in his life. What does he do at work, what things does he use at home, where does he start the day and how does he relax in the evening? And now you already understand that the hospitable aunt Sveta will be pleased with a modern ceramic plate for cookies, and grandfather Tolya, a lover of strong tea, will be pleased with a comfortable mug. A friend’s son will play with snow molds, and she herself will use tacks that are pleasant to the touch, because she is constantly cooking something.

Make it unique

special gift they also do the words that you say personally or write on a postcard. By the way, it’s great if you can make it or at least sign it with your own hands. In our age of crazy speeds and mass production, handmade things are worth their weight in gold. They keep the warmth of the hands, indicate that you are ready to spend precious minutes in the cares and thoughts of this person. It is also important to take care of the beautiful packaging. Don’t use the same wrapping paper for all gifts. Let everyone have a bundle or bag with their own pattern. And you can also add something to the present to create a New Year’s mood, for example, a retro-style Christmas tree toy or sparklers.

Where to buy?

Experts note: recently, the New Year’s Eve has been associated with stress for many. Still would! There is so much to do, and to fit into the budget. Do you want to buy everything in one place and at reasonable prices? Then we advise you to look into the store Fix Price. Here you can find many practical things for home, work and entertainment. And on the eve of the holidays, a large assortment of New Year-themed souvenirs becomes available on store shelves. And of course, everything you need to stylishly decorate your home, wrap gifts, prepare Christmas dishes and set the table. In addition, one of the Fix Price stores will surely be located near your home, because today the network already has more than 2800 points in Russia and the CIS countries.

On New Year’s Eve, the symbolic language of gifts sounds the loudest. Listening to our own feelings and trying to guess the desires of loved ones, we get the opportunity to express ourselves and do something nice for dear people. And how exactly we will dispose of this unique chance depends only on ourselves.

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