The anti-vaccine treated itself … with urine. Doctors barely saved him
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The anti-vaccine Christopher Key argued that urine not only cures cancer and HIV, but also prevents contracting the coronavirus. The American initially only urged readers of his Vaccine Police site to drink urine, but then went one step further. He started injecting himself intramuscularly and intravenously with urine, but instead of proving its beneficial properties, he ended up in the hospital, where doctors fought for his life.

  1. The American anti-vaccine, who believes that urine is not protected against the coronavirus, began not only to drink it, but also to inject it
  2. After one of these injections, he was hospitalized, where he spent 12 days. Blood screening made it clear what happened to his body when he injected 10 ml of urine into his veins
  3. Christopher Key in a live conversation showed how he injects himself with urine into the muscles and encouraged viewers to do the same, talking about the stem cells contained in the urine, which are supposed to increase the strength of the entire body
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Christopher Key, 38, is a staunch anti-vaccine activist who spreads his theories online. The man urges people to use urinotherapy instead of vaccinations. According to the reports of Forbes, in the video posted on Telegram, Key claimed that instead of reaching for the achievements of pharmacology, you should drink urine, because it was in accordance with the will of God, who gave people ready solutions to health problems and contained them in the human body.

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He believed that urine protects against the coronavirus

The coronavirus vaccine, he imagines, is a huge threat to humanity, as he said: “This vaccine is the worst biological weapon I have ever seen.”

Key found out for himself that the taste of urine may not be suitable for everyone, so he took it a step further and started injecting with him.

A lover of urine treatment who injected it into his muscles and blood, he was hospitalized

He made one of them on a vision during a conversation with Edward Group, who is considered a guru of alternative medicine. Group, who is a certified chiropractor, is also a big lover of the urinotherapy that he practices. Talking to the Keyem Group, he stoically watched him administer a syringe full of urine intramuscularly and praised the effect, saying that people traveled to Thailand for similar stem cell injections, which would be abundant in urine. However, neither the Key nor the Group anticipated the dangers of injecting urine.

Finally unconscious, Key was rushed to the hospital with a high fever after two seizures he had suffered. Significantly, high temperature and severe chills, despite hospitalization, did not subside for 12 hours. and the doctors realized Key was fighting for his life. It is also significant that the anti-vaccine agent did not previously (interview data) show seizures, head injuries and diseases, and did not take any medications or drugs.

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On admission to the hospital, however, Key had dilated pupils that reacted poorly to light and was unconscious. There was a foamy discharge in his mouth mixed with blood, his heart was racing and his breathing was shallow. Doctors ordered a chest X-ray, which showed symptoms of an extensive syndrome of acute respiratory failure. After the blood culture was performed, it was possible to establish that the bacteria K. pneumoniae, E. coli and Proteus, which caused sepsis, were present.

Doctors were fighting for several days for Key’s life, who finally left the hospital after 12 days. The anti-vaccine told doctors that he had injected himself intravenously with about 10 ml of urine in order to maximize his vitality and strength.

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Although Key’s case may seem isolated, it is worth noting that urinary disease treatment is practiced, inter alia, in in Egypt and India, where urinotherapy is even officially taught in some medical schools. Its fans say that urine can be used prophylactically and therapeutically. However, as the Key case shows, injecting urine is very risky. In addition to sepsis, this can lead to toxic encephalopathy and septic shock, which induce dysfunction of the internal organs.

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