The anti-vaccine guru “photographs young virgins”. «He was a good doctor once»

He has become an authority for anti-vaccine workers. Dr. Zbigniew Hałat is becoming known for one more thing – his views on virginity. He still remains a doctor and an authority on some of the niche media.

  1. “The anti-vaccine guru takes photos of young virgins,” reported the portal recently. Now, information about his interest in virginity is circulating viral on social media
  2. He is called “virginologist” – from the name of the site In an interview with journalists, including Onet, he does not want to comment on the content attributed to him
  3. For many anti-vaccinationists, Hałat is an unquestionable authority. On the other hand, part of the medical community has already raised objections to the theses he proclaims. They notified the Professional Liability Officer at the Supreme Medical Chamber
  4. In December 2021, the media reported that Hałat may lose the right to practice, but the medical board has not yet announced a decision on this matter.
  5. More similar information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Dr. Zbigniew Hałat these are the former deputy minister of health and the Chief Sanitary Inspector (1991-1993). Recently, he worked in the Lower Silesian branch of the National Health Fund. He was there a director responsible for medical matters. During the year of the coronavirus pandemic in the world, as an employee of the National Health Fund, he appeared in the media, where he strongly criticized the wearing of masks and vaccinations.

On April 15, 2020, an interview with Zbigniew Hałat appeared on the website of Radio Maryja. The doctor says in it that the World Health Organization «deals (…) primarily with promoting the LGBT culture or the so-called genderism ». In turn, the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, called the doctor “an Ethiopian terrorist known from the past, a microbiologist, not a doctor”.

However, these statements did not persuade Hałat’s superiors to dismiss him from work at the National Health Fund. The change took place only on March 31, 2021. The Fund terminated the contract with him by mutual agreement.

Expert “virginologist”?

Dr. Hałat is not only one of the experts of Radio Maryja, but also a columnist for this station. Under some of his texts published on the radio website, concerning, inter alia, alleged benefits of keeping virginity until marriage, you can find information that more content is on his website: (now we can find anti-vaccine content – ed.).

On the other hand, there are links on social media to other websites linked with Hałat, (virginology) or In December 2021, the right-wing portal described: «An anti-vaccine expert posted photos of girls on his website some were framed as if they did not know they were being photographed – with signatures like: Ania, a God-loving student of the University of Wrocław, is an example of the beauty of the spirit and body of Slavic virgins ».

“Virginity saves life”

On one of the pages you can find photos with the caption: “fine art photography by Zbigniew Halat” (artistic photography by Zbigniew Hałat).

On the pages you will find theses on virginity, incl. such: “Virginity until marriage is the source of harmony in the world”, “people who lose their virginity earlyare more likely to have multiple sexual partners, they fuel epidemics and social pathologies«.

“Virginity until marriage” – according to the author – “saves lives, reduces morbidity, increases self-esteem, strengthens careers, opposes slavery, counteracts crime, strengthens families, strengthens communities, saves funds”.

Finally, you can also read that «virginofobiathat is, irrational fear, aversion or discrimination against virginity or virgins should be condemned and punished, and the damage caused by the theft of virginity fully compensated ”.

There are also links to other sites. Their appearance is similar. On one of them, entitled «Virgin charm»We read, inter alia, that «Going on a date on the day you ovulate is like driving while under the influence of alcohol». There is also advice: “The best way to avoid the unwanted consequences of hormones on sexual behavior is to postpone the date to a date other than the critical day of your menstrual cycle.”

I don’t want to talk to journalists

On one of the websites we also found the phone number of Dr. Noisy. We called the number provided, and we wanted to ask if he was the author of this and other websites whose links are circulating on the web. Hałat declined to comment, he also said that he did not intend to speak to the editors of TvoiLokona.

A similar situation happened to the editors of The journalist also wanted a comment on the above-mentioned content. «[Dr. Zbigniew Hałat] When asked about the purpose of publishing the photos of young virgins, he added: – This is not your case, goodbye – then he ended the connection» – describes Wirtualna Polska.

Anti-Vaccine Guru

Dr. Zbigniew Hałat, in the eyes of some, is made more credible by the fact that still remains a doctor. He is a graduate of the Medical Academy in Wrocław (he graduated in 1974). For ten years he worked at the Provincial Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. He also went to Africa, where he was an epidemiology consultant for the government in Kenya.

In the pandemic, Dr. Hałat became famous, among others With undermining the effectiveness of vaccines.

“Doctor, we admire you for your wisdom and your persistence in the fight between wisdom and total idleness!”; «Bravo doctor. Great respect for the truth, let the nation wake up from lethargy, because they are being lied to by the media »; “I love you for preaching the truth, wonderful lectures” – this is only a part of nearly 500 comments posted under the recording published in social media, on which Zbigniew Hałat explains his anti-vaccine views. The doctor is sitting in front of the webcam, wearing a blue shirt. In the background, on the wall, you can see the portrait of Józef Piłsudski. The recording comes from the PL1 Internet television. Over 140 have already been displayed. times.

  1. Where did the first anti-vaccines come from and who were they?

Breaking the contract with the National Health Fund in March last year did not stop him. His statements were further propagated by the Confederation. On the group’s Twitter account, you can find a recording in which Hałat is speaking. At the invitation of the Confederation of Hałat, he also appeared at a small meeting with deputies in the Sejm.

«The magnet does not break off»

«I am convinced by the materials that people put a magnet to the injection site and it does not detach»- said Dr. Zbigniew Hałat at the conference inaugurating the activity of PSNLiN (Polish Association of Independent Doctors and Scientists). Videos circulating in social media were analyzed by the portal. “None of the vaccines contain metals or any other component that could be attracted by a magnet,” they emphasized.

On the website, the authors of which verify statements and fake news, you can already find 15 texts about the statements of Dr. Noisy.

  1. «Maryś, get vaccinated!» Song encouraging vaccination with the hit of the network [VIDEO]

The speech on TVP Info in April 2021, when he spoke about «pandemicznym spisku” and claimed that vaccination was part of Bill Gates’ depopulation plan. There were so many unsupported and manipulated facts on the program that the program was taken off the air. In turn, the TVP Ethics Committee stated that there was a violation of the principles of journalistic ethics – described Onet.

– We know each other from college, he was a really good doctor. (…) now he has anti-vaccines around him, he tells some crazy stories about conspiracies – one of the Wrocław medics said in an interview with Polityka.

If you are thinking about getting vaccinated, e.g. against tick-borne encephalitis or tetanus, make an appointment with the qualification for vaccination by Polmed. You can order vaccines against various diseases through Medonet Market. Click and see the offers.

Will he lose the right to practice?

The medical community decided to react to the theses proclaimed by Hałat. Gazeta Wyborcza reached the medics who raised their objections to the Professional Liability Officer in the Supreme Medical Chamber. – The proceedings are coming to an end and I am convinced that Hałat will have the right to practice his profession taken away – claimed in December 2021 the interlocutor of “GW”.

For now, however, Hałat can still calmly proclaim his views, introducing himself as a doctor. Recordings with his participation on YouTube are watched on average by nearly 20 thousand. people. The Supreme Chamber of Medicine informed us that it knows about one case concerning the Association of Independent Doctors and Scientists. However, there are no details yet.

See also:

  1. The omicron grows faster than previous mutations. What does the Nebraska case show?
  2. These are the first symptoms of Omikron infection [LIST]
  3. How to distinguish smog cough from covid cough? The doctor advises

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