The Alzheimer’s disease vaccine is getting closer. She underwent further tests

About 50 million people suffer from dementia, reports the World Health Organization. Even 70 percent. cases of dementia include Alzheimer’s disease. A vaccine that has just passed Phase XNUMX clinical trials may provide hope for these people. Scientists have shown that it is safe for patients.

  1. Each year, about 10 million cases of dementia are diagnosed – according to WHO data
  2. This is the first experimental vaccine to help Alzheimer’s patients
  3. The second phase of clinical trials was to show whether it is safe for patients. The next step is to estimate its effectiveness
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Alzheimer’s vaccine. Who is it supposed to work on?

The Axon Neuroscience vaccine is intended not only to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, but also to treat it in people who already have it.

196 people from eight European countries participated in the second phase of the clinical trial. 117 participants received the vaccine, while 79 received a placebo. Over 24 months, subjects received 11 doses of the vaccine or placebo. Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease were also among the participants, and they were the ones who achieved the greatest health benefits during the clinical trial.

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This news is optimistic, but more research is needed. Phase two trials only aimed to confirm that the vaccine was safe and could be administered to patients. In the course of the study, however, it was possible to establish that as a result of its administration, an immune reaction occurs in the body. The researchers hope that the preparation will work on a specific disease marker – the tau protein. The second clinical phase showed a slower accumulation of neurofilament light protein (NFL), which means that in patients who received the vaccine, it slowed down the process of neurodegeneration.

“To my knowledge, this is the first time that tau-targeted immunotherapy has shown an effect on a neurodegenerative process, strongly suggesting a clinical effect in patients with a confirmed Alzheimer’s disease biomarker profile,” concluded Petr Novak, one of the authors of the study.

Does the Alzheimer’s vaccine work? More research is needed

While the reported effect of the vaccine is promising, a second phase study did not show any significant health effects for patients.

‘We found no significant effects when it comes to cognitive or functional tests in the entire group of people studied,’ the researchers conclude.

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This does not mean, however, that the Alzheimer’s vaccine is not working. The second phase of clinical trials was aimed at proving whether the preparation is safe. And in this respect, one can speak of success. However, in order to be able to assess its effectiveness, it is necessary to conduct more extensive studies in which more patients will participate. Also those with dementia associated with pathology within the tau protein.

Later this year or in early 2022, studies are to be carried out on the response of patients with tau biomarkers and amyloid to the vaccine. If it can be shown that the drug improves their health, we will take several more promising steps towards an Alzheimer’s vaccine.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that causes degeneration of the nervous system. Due to damage to the cerebral cortex, patients experience problems with memory, thinking and speech.

Risk factors favoring the development of Alzheimer’s disease are:

  1. older age,
  2. female,
  3. diabetes,
  4. having a family member with the same disease,
  5. low education,
  6. gene mutations causing the familial form of Alzheimer’s.

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease fall into three groups depending on the stage:

  1. mild dementia: at this stage, the patient has problems with short-term memory, mood swings or symptoms of depression may appear
  2. moderate dementia: additionally, there are speech disorders, orientation problems, aggression, irritability and insomnia. Sufferers may not recognize places and family members. There may be hallucinations or delusions
  3. advanced dementia: patients have problems with performing daily activities, they do not control physiological functions. They don’t recognize the family, they may not even know day from night. There are also frequent problems with walking, as a result of which patients no longer get out of bed.

Also read:

  1. People with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are at greater risk of coronavirus
  2. An ingredient that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s by as much as 75 percent.
  3. The early symptoms of Alzheimer’s that you can see with the naked eye
  4. How to live to be hundreds? Seven lessons for centenarians

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