The allergy revolution. Mometasone without a prescription

An allergy revolution! Sandoz Polska launches the first over-the-counter mometasone furoate – Nasometin Control!

“Sponsored article”

  1. It is indicated for the treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis diagnosed by a doctor in adults. Nasometin Control is a product with a high efficacy and safety profile. . What distinguishes Nasometin Control is the action on all nasal allergy symptoms. Additionally, the product has the highest therapeutic index of TIX for dnGKS. [1]

According to the data contained in the OTC drugs database available on the Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP) website ( – accessed April 2018) [2] products containing mometasone furoate are available on the market without a prescription in some European Union countries:

  1. Finland,
  2. Germany,
  3. Sweden
  4. Great Britain,

and in countries outside the European Union:

  1. Australia (since 2003),
  2. Canada,
  3. Norway
  4. New Zealand.

– Mometasone, available as an OTC drug, will be a new alternative to self-treatment for those patients who require quick and effective help and are not able to visit a doctor at the moment, said Michal Babula, medical advisor in Sandoz Polska.

Nasometin Control 50 micrograms / actuation nasal spray, suspension. Composition: Each spray contains a measured dose of 50 micrograms [µg] mometasone furoate (as mometasone furoate monohydrate). The drug contains 0,02 mg / dose of benzalkonium chloride. Indications: treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis diagnosed by a doctor in adults aged 18 years and older.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients; untreated topical infection of the nasal mucosa (ie herpes); recent nose surgery or injury to the nose (until healed, as corticosteroids inhibit wound healing). Marketing authorization holder: Sandoz GmbH, Biochemiestrasse 10, A-6250 Kundl, Austria.

Promoter: Sandoz Polska Sp. z o. o., ul. Domaniewska 50C, 02672 Warsaw, tel. 22 209 70 00,

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

[1] 1 Arcimowicz M: Intranasal glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, Alergia Astma Immunologia 2016, 21 (1): 33-43; 2 Jurkiewicz D: Chronic allergic rhinitis. Guide for GPs. 2003; 6 (1): 24-3724; 3 Samolinski B et al .: Principles of management in allergic rhinitis. Guidelines of the College of Family Physicians in Poland. Łódź: “Aktis” Publishing House, 2012; 4 Rodzinna / articles / 119393, allergic-rhinitis-management

[2] AESGP – Association of the European Self-Medication – Mometasone 02/2018. ( – accessed April 2018)

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