The ABC of vitamins: what a person needs vitamin E for

The elixir of beauty and youth — this is what vitamin E is called, without exaggerating its value. Although it is not limited only to the “cosmetic” effect. What else is vitamin E good for your health? Is it capable of causing harm? And what foods will help replenish its reserves in the body?

Healing from Within

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

What is useful for the body vitamin E, aka tocopherol? First of all, because it belongs to the number of natural antioxidants. That is, it protects cells from destruction and slows down the aging process. Some studies show that it even reduces the risk of developing cancer. Tocopherol has a beneficial effect on the brain, respiratory system and vision. It is recommended for disorders of the endocrine system, high sugar levels and neurological diseases. What is vitamin E useful for in addition to this? With it, it is easier for the body to endure heavy physical exertion and recover after a long illness or surgery. By the way, taking vitamin E helps to break up the craving for cigarettes.

Vitamin yin and Yang

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

Vitamin E is absolutely indispensable for the female body. Especially when it comes to the health of the reproductive system and a stable hormonal background. This vitamin plays an extremely important positive role during pregnancy, including with toxicosis. And it is also proven that it deeply restores the structure of the hair, adds density and shine to it, slows down the appearance of gray hair. It is this element that smoothes fine wrinkles, makes the skin supple and velvety, giving it an even natural shade. Along with this, vitamin E is also needed by the body of a man. For what? To avoid muscle wasting and cardiovascular diseases. But, perhaps most importantly-tocopherol supports the tone of male potency.

Reasonable calculation

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

The use of vitamin E is determined by the dosage. For children, it is from 6 to 11 mg per day, for adults-15 mg. For pregnant and lactating mothers, it is usually increased to 19 mg. The lack of vitamin E in the body makes itself felt by problems with digestion, liver, blood clotting, sexual and endocrine systems. In any case, only a doctor can determine the exact cause. Overdose of tocopherol, although it happens rarely, is manifested by weakness and rapid fatigue, pressure surges, stomach upset, hormonal failures. You should consider the possible harm of vitamin E to the body. And therefore, in any case, do not take it with blood-thinning drugs and iron, with allergies and a recent heart attack.

Gold in a bottle

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

Which foods contain the most vitamin E? First of all, these are vegetable oils. In this form, tocopherol is best absorbed by the body, since it is a fat-soluble element. Moreover, in combination with omega-3 acids, it works much more effectively. The record holder for the content of vitamin E is wheat germ oil. For a healthy effect, it is enough to consume 2-3 tsp of oil per day. However, do not forget about sunflower, flaxseed, liquid peanut, sesame and olive oil. Here, the norm can be increased to 3 tbsp. l. per day. Try not to heat the oil, as this destroys vitamin E. It is better to fill salads with raw vegetables or ready-made dishes with it.

A handful of health

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

Good news for those who like to snap nuts and seeds. They take the second place as foods rich in vitamin E. For example, a small handful of almonds contains the daily value of this element. By the way, milk and butter based on this nut are no less useful. Very slightly inferior to almonds are hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts. Pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds can boast of solid reserves of tocopherol. Use nuts and seeds, as well as oils, should be raw, even dry it is not necessary. Use them as healthy snacks, without going beyond the norm of 30-40 g, or add them to salads, meat and poultry dishes, various sauces and light desserts.

Pantheon of vegetables and fruits

Азбука витаминов: для чего нужен человеку витамин E

Vegetables have many advantages, and one of them is the presence of vitamin E. Leafy vegetables, mainly spinach, are in the lead here. It is noteworthy that it retains its valuable properties even after heat treatment. Among the vegetables we are interested in, we can mention onions, sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, potatoes and tomatoes. Legumes are also rich in vitamin E. The most valuable among them are soybeans, beans and peas. From all this abundance, excellent salads, stuffed appetizers, side dishes, casseroles, stews and soups are obtained. Tocopherol can even be found in fruits, though mostly exotic: avocado, papaya, kiwi, mango, and others. It is best to eat them fresh or in the form of healthy treats.

It is no secret that in the fall, beriberi causes a crushing blow to the immune system. Therefore, it will be useful to strengthen the menu with products with vitamin E. If you suspect that the body is seriously lacking this element, before taking drastic measures, take tests and talk to your doctor.

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