Green tea has been cultivated for millennia in Asia for its medicinal properties. In Japan, green tea for a long time was reserved for the nobility.
Green tea is by far the one that offers the most health benefits. It contains several properties that make it a medicinal plant. Find out here the 9 benefits of green tea.
The peculiarity of green tea compared to other plants (lavender for example) is due to the fact that all the components of green tea are bioavailable and assimilated by the body without any food.
This therefore allows your body to benefit in a relatively short time all the benefits of the plant. It is different for many medicinal plants whose bioavailability of their components are restricted.
Some plants such as turmeric are only activated in the human body by other foods such as pepper. Your green tea (in dried and consumed form) is composed of:
- Amino acids including catechins, saponins, l-theanine
- Polyphenols (1)
- Essential oils
- Caffeine
- Quinic acid
- Trace essential elements
- Vitamins C, B2, B3, E
- Chlorophyll
- Fatty acids
- Minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium
- carrotène
The benefits of green tea
For the prevention of cognitive disorders
Green tea is recognized after several studies as a treatment in the connections of neurons. This improves brain activity and promotes its memory function.
The team of professors Christoph Beglinger and Stephan Borgwardt in Sweden conducted a study on the direct link between green tea consumption and brain performance (1).

Green tea against alcohol and tobacco
After a few drinks of alcohol, you are tired. Digestion becomes slow and we have digestive problems. If you are a bon vivant, you should make alcohol and cigarette detoxes a part of your routine.
Indeed, regular alcohol consumption affects the health of your liver. It is true that the liver can regenerate itself; but if you have good eating habits and moderate your alcohol intake.
Otherwise, you will have serious health problems. I recommend some tips for good living that I have for the cure after a drunken evening (2).
Regularly drink plain water on average 8 glasses of water per day. You should also have regular physical activity that will make you sweat and facilitate the elimination of waste through sweat.
Lemon and cranberry juices are also recommended to evacuate the negative effects of alcohol on your body. I recommend homemade juices. They’re healthy and you can put whatever you want in them.
My best tip (when I was a student) is drinking green tea to cleanse my system after a drunken night. Prepare your green tea and consume 3-5 cups a day.
The tea will not only help you get to your senses, but also cleanse your body of stored toxin.
Green tea contains polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants. They support the defense system in the elimination of toxins and the purification of the system.
Beyond alcohol, it helps the body to purify itself from tobacco. By regularly consuming green tea, your body protects itself from the breakdown of tissues, liver and organs that could be affected by tobacco or alcohol.
The consumption of green tea also comes from various cancers (especially lung cancer) resulting from excess tobacco in the body.
Green tea is a diuretic
Green tea promotes abundant urine. Which is good for vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, ureter… Green tea has benefits on these organs which are purified, cleansed and rid of impurities. Consume a few cups of green tea every day helps prevent several diseases related to the liver, kidneys (3) …
Promotes the purification of the organism
Free radicals cannot be avoided no matter what we do. Our way of life in the 21st century is not helping us either, it is worse I would say. Whether you breathe, eat, consume drugs, drink, you consume toxins.
In fact, when we breathe, we consume oxygen and waste products (toxins). In the process of your body’s metabolizing oxygen, the body produces free radicals.
It is the same process when the body processes the food we eat. Free radicals are unstable chemical molecules that attack the structures of your cells and cause them damage over time.
The antioxidants in green tea not only inhibit the activity of green radicals in the body, but they suppress them. Since green tea is a thinner, toxins trapped by antioxidants are released from your body.
Stimulates and protects the blood system
Green tea is a fluidifier. This means that it helps the body, the blood to get rid of toxins and facilitate their evacuation out of the body.
The blood absorbs certain toxins that affect your health in the medium and long term. By consuming green tea, you cleanse your blood system of some stored toxins.
You also protect your blood system and therefore your whole organism. Your defense system (largely composed of white blood cells) is assured.
The advantage of fluidifying plants is that they facilitate the elimination of waste from the body. But they also act on blood clotting.
It is therefore important to avoid green tea if you have difficulty coagulating (blood), if you are taking blood thinning medication, or if you are planning to have an operation very soon.
For cancer prevention
Free radicals are the basis of a multitude of health problems. Cancers, premature aging, degenerative diseases… often have their source in the spread of free radicals in your body.
You can consume green tea as a preventive measure against cancer and other illnesses. The catechins in green tea support the immune system in cancer (4).
Thus, green tea helps to slow the development of cancer cells, especially in cases of breast cancer, chronic lymphatic leukemia, prostate or skin cancer.
Green tea is recommended for people living with cancer to alleviate problems caused by radiotherapy. The consumption of green tea prevents otherwise limits the vomiting and diarrhea that may occur during treatment.
3-5 cups of green tea per day or the dose recommended by your doctor will help you cope with these diseases.
For the balance of the digestive system
Green tea is highly recommended after meals to aid digestion. It acts as a fluidifier in the body. The action of its components are multiplied in the digestive tract because it is drunk hot or lukewarm.
You have a general feeling of well-being after consuming green tea. Green tea prevents bloating and gas. It helps to thin the fat in the meals and to rid the body of it. Green tea helps in having a flat stomach.
Green tea for weight loss
For millennia, green tea has been used in traditional medicine and in the diet of different peoples of Asia. The importance given to green tea is such that you are served green tea when you visit (instead of our juices and frozen drinks).
Green tea also accompanies dinners. It is also consumed throughout the day either for simple pleasure or to overcome a health problem.
Green tea through its many properties stimulates the melting of fats, especially abdominal fat. It also helps in this process to restore metabolic disturbances.
Camelia Sinensis is made from the most therapeutic plants.
To lose weight with green tea, tea should be your daily drink. In addition, you must do a lot of physical activity. Excess fat melts more easily when exercise is included in your routine.
We also recommend consuming different types of green tea for a better balance. For example, you have Bancha, Benifuuki, sencha green tea …
several studies conducted on green tea have proven the slimming virtues of green tea. It not only helps you lose weight, but it also promotes weight balance when you consume it on a regular basis.
Consuming green tea regularly will help you:
- Reduce your craving for sugar
- Reduce the activity of lipases which are enzymes involved in the metabolism of fatty acids, triglycerides
- Reduce the absorption of fatty acids
- Balance your intestinal flora
- Fight against candidiasis which in the long run create digestive problems and health problems (5)

In the treatment of genital warts
Genital warts (6) are sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are manifested by the appearance of small bumps in the genitals. These appearances are due to the spread of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
They appear in both men and women in the event of unprotected intercourse. Usually, they appear in the vulva, anus, penis, cervix, and vagina.
They can also appear on the lips, throat, mouth, tongue, although this is rare.
You can even detect genital warts yourself if you do regular palpations. They only last a few weeks.
However, they cause itching, discomfort and sometimes bleeding when handled too much. They could lead to other infections with repeated infections.
Warts disappear after a few weeks without treatment. But if you want to make a treatment for it to go away faster, use creams made from green tea extracts to fight warts.
You can place bags of green tea on these balls. The chemical compounds in green tea relieve itching, make warts disappear faster and limit their future appearance. (7)
Green tea recipes
Green tea with rose petals
You will need:
- ½ cup dried rose petals
- 1 tea bag
- 1 cup of water
Boil your rose petals in water for about 10-20 minutes.
Add your bag of green tea for infusion.
Let cool and drink.
You can add honey or brown sugar to it for taste.
Nutritional value
Roses bring a diuretic value to this tea. Thanks to its cleanser properties. They contain citric acid, pectin, vitamin C and other nutrients.
Green tea will help you with the diuretic functions of the rose to easily lose abdominal fat. This drink is recommended for slimming diets. Sweet and warm, you can drink it without sugar or honey.
Cranberry green tea
You will need:
- 2 bags of green tea
- ¼ cup organic cranberry juice (or make it at home)
- Honey – 5 tablespoons
- 1 cup of mineral water
Boil some water. Add honey to it. Let the honey incorporate.
Lower the heat and add your tea bags. I take 2 bags so that the aroma is marked by the green tea. Let infuse and cool.
Add your cranberry juice. You can add ice cubes to it.
Nutritional value
Cranberries are known for their multiple health benefits. It is composed of multiple antioxidants which fight free radicals, and allow you to cleanse, purify your body.
Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and K. It also contains minerals like cooper, manganese. It is rich in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) which supports the metabolism of energy nutrients.
Green tea provides tannin and several other antioxidants. The multiple nutrients in green tea are immediately bioavailable in your body. Green tea also boosts the bioavailability of nutrients in cranberries.

Blueberry green tea
You will need:
- 2 bags of green tea
- 2 cups of blueberries
- 1 yoghurt pot
- ¾ cup of water
- 2 tablespoons of dry and unsalted almonds
- 3 ice cubes
- 2 tablespoons flaxseed
Bring the water to a boil. Add your tea bags. Let cool and put it in the fridge for 1 hour.
Put all your ingredients in the blender and the tea prepared beforehand. Mix until you obtain a smooth smoothie.
Nutritional value
Your smoothie is very rich in essential nutrients.
Blueberries protect your cardiovascular system. They support your brain activity and help digestion. They are also good at fighting and preventing cancer.
Flax seeds contain lignans which stimulate the production of estrogen. They help fight against early menopause, stress, anxiety, seasonal depression. Flax seeds also contain Omega-3 acids
Almonds contain a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion. They contain good fat. It stimulates weight loss and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
Green tea, thanks to its many nutrients, brings a multitude of benefits combined with other foods.
Precautions for use
Avoid consuming too much green tea on a daily basis. About ½ liter of tea.
The consumption of green tea slows down the absorption of iron by the body, certain minerals and vitamins.
If you regularly consume green tea, consider having regular blood tests to check the level of iron in your blood.
In addition, the consumption of green tea must be subject to the approval of your doctor in case of pregnancy. Considering the interference between green tea and other nutrients. This is to avoid iron deficiency, which is a real danger in fetal development.
Green tea contains antioxidants which in order to protect your body could negatively interfere with the medications prescribed for cancer.
Although green tea works against cancer cells, it can inhibit the positive effects of chemotherapy. It is therefore important to talk to your doctor before consuming green tea.
The same goes if you consume certain anti-tumor antibiotics (mitomycin, bleomycin) or follow certain treatments such as cyclosphosphamide, epipodophyllotoxins, campthotecins interfere with antioxidants.
Green tea offers many health benefits. Consume it regularly without overdoing it. Any excess harms.
For the protection of your cardiovascular system, to lose weight, to purify the body or get rid of genital warts, green tea will help you.
Dare in new ways to consume green tea in smoothies and delicious juices.
We hope you found our article helpful.