The 9 best books to cure depression

I will present to you here a selection of books, for fight depression in a natural way.

I also give you the Amazon reference so that you can get an idea.

Books have always given me a lot of support, but remember that taking action is most important. You will be able to book 50 exciting books on the subject without taking action your situation will not change. And I speak knowingly 🙂

A good hearer!

Treat depression

Heal stress, anxiety, depression without drugs or psychoanalysis

The 9 best books to cure depression

“Doctor and researcher in cognitive neuroscience, David SERVAN WRITER has reconciled clinical practice and research, in particular on the neurobiology of emotions. He was instrumental in founding and then directing the Center for Complementary Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh.

David Servan-Schreiber invites us to discover a new medicine without drugs or psychoanalysis. A revolutionary therapeutic approach accessible to all to find harmony and inner balance by listening to our emotions. He presents us with seven original methods to become fully ourselves and to live better, quite simply ”

David Servan-Schreiber was particularly known for his cancer books like Anticancer. I also recommend the book: We can say goodbye several times, very moving and written just before his death.

Depression, a test for growing up (Moussa Nabati)

The 9 best books to cure depression

Moussa Nabati is a psychoanalyst and researcher. He offers a different and guilt-ridden approach to depression. Refreshing!

“Contrary to popular belief, depression, far from constituting a disease to be eradicated, represents a maturing crisis, the privileged opportunity to heal one’s inner child. On condition of being welcomed and worked, it helps the person to mourn their past, to finally become themselves, the one they have always been but never dared to be, for fear of disturbing, of displeasing . ”

Coping with Charly Cungi’s depression

The 9 best books to cure depression

“Life confronts us with obstacles that are difficult to overcome (bereavement, separation, job loss, sustained stress, conflicts at work or at home, failures…) with their share of painful emotions. Sometimes the suffering persists and increases to the point that it prevents the person from thinking thoughtfully about the problems that beset them. ”

The author offers many exercises based on CBT (Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy)

Depression, how to get out of it

“You can get out of depression. We are not depressed for life. It is neither a lack of will nor a simple slump, but a disease that can be cured. This practical guide answers your questions and offers you a method to change your view of yourself and the world. The questions: which treatment is right for you? ”

Healing Depression: Nights of the Soul

The 9 best books to cure depression

“Depression affects one in five French people. What do we know today about the origin, mechanisms and evolution of this long marginalized disorder? What role does brain chemistry play in triggering it? How does it affect the body in its normal functioning? Why do some people seem less vulnerable than others? ”

Improve self-esteem

Imperfect, Free and Happy: Practices of Self-Esteem by Christophe André

The 9 best books to cure depression

“To be yourself at last. No longer worrying about the effect you have. Act without fear of failure or judgment. No longer tremble at the idea of ​​rejection. And quietly find his place among the others. This book will help you move forward on the road to self-esteem. To build it, repair it, protect it. He will help you to accept and love yourself, however imperfect ”

Christophe André is an author that I really appreciate. These books are easy to read with lots of hands-on actions to take. We also feel the real humanism of Christophe André shining through behind the writings.

He is an author that I highly recommend. Here are some equally excellent titles:

And don’t forget to be happy

States of soul: A learning process for serenity

Meditation and well-being

Meditating, Day by Day: 25 Lessons for Mindful Living by Christophe André 

Christophe André, Again. You can check out reader reviews on the Amazon site. No need for a big speech, it’s a must!

“To meditate is to stop: Stop doing, stirring, fussing. Take a step back, stay away from the world.

At first, what we experience seems weird: there is emptiness (action, distraction) and fullness (tumult of thoughts and sensations that we suddenly become aware of). There is what we lack: our benchmarks and things to do; and, after a while, there is the appeasement that comes from this lack. Things do not happen like “on the outside”, where our mind is always hooked on some object or project: to act, to reflect on a specific subject, to have its attention captured by a distraction. “

The art of meditation by Matthieu Ricard

I could easily recommend all of Matthieu Ricard’s books. If you don’t know, you can go there without any hesitation.

“The art of meditation is a journey that the greatest sages learn throughout their lives. However, its daily practice transforms our outlook on ourselves and on the world. In three chapters – Why meditate? On what? How? ‘Or’ What?”

Advocacy for altruism by Matthieu Ricard

The 9 best books to cure depression

“Confronted with a world in crisis where individualism and cynicism reign, we do not imagine the force of benevolence, the power that an altruistic attitude can have on our lives and on the whole society. A Buddhist monk for nearly forty years, Matthieu Ricard lives altruism on a daily basis, and shows us here that this is not a utopia, but a necessity, even an emergency. “

Do you have any books to recommend? Do not hesitate to write to me, I will update this list regularly.

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