Mucus is those yellowish, greenish, or transparent fluids that come out after a cough. Its formation in the nose and throat does not bode well for your state of health.
Your body does its best to evacuate them. However, too much phlegm reduces its ability.
Discover with us The 8 best solutions to treat phlegm in the throat
Diagnose the origin of mucus
The characteristics of mucus
The appearance, color and consistency of mucus can tell you about many diseases. It should be noted that mucus is formed from mucus and microparticles.
This mucus secreted by the epithelium and the sero-mucous glands is the lung’s protector against dust and attacks from viruses, bacteria or allergens.
These pathogens are trapped by antibodies, enzymes and proteins in the mucus and then expectorated.
Yellowish or greenish mucus indicates inflammation of the airways such as colds and bronchitis or an infectious disease such as the flu. These phlegm colors can also reveal allergic reactions in the body.
Gray or brown mucus signals the intrusion of smoke or polluted air into the respiratory tract. Asthma is characterized by pink mucus. A person is healthy when their mucus is clear and transparent (1).
Physical conditions
A woman during pregnancy may experience nasal congestion due to the increased estrogen level which promotes mucus production. A stuffy nose in pregnant women also signals respiratory allergies.
Does mucus come from gastroesophageal reflux?
Gastroesophageal reflux is manifested by the displacement of stomach acid upward. The respiratory tract and then the throat react to the irritation of this acid by accumulating more mucus.
This fluid is likely to swell and constrict the breathing channels, causing a sore throat, chronic cough, or a feeling of cats in your throat.
Acid reflux also causes a runny nose or even sinusitis or inflammation of the sinuses. This rise in stomach acid occurs when the digestive tract is slow and the respiratory systems are faulty.
Stuffy nose: here are the 8 natural solutions to breathe well
Concrete solutions against phlegm
Drink water
When phlegm builds up and becomes thick, the first thought is to drink water to soften it.
You can take 8 glasses a day to moisten the airways and relieve any congestion.
Swallow a lemon tea with honey. Citric acid breaks the bond between mucus molecules and breaks it up, while honey softens the throat.
Hot soup also helps dissolve mucus (2).

Steam inhalation
Grandma’s method of boiling water and adding coarse salt to it and then inhaling the steam helps moisten the throat.
You can replace the salt with expectorant herbs such as eucalyptus, mint, sage, or thyme.
Use of essential oils
Essential oils are a powerful antimicrobial capable of limiting excessive mucus production. Colds and flu are relieved by using thyme essential oil.
The essences of basil, peppermint or rosemary can unblock the nasal passages. Eucalyptus essential oil has three actions: antiseptic, antiviral and softener in case of congestion.
Using essential oil is easy. You put a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief in order to breathe it. The experiment should be repeated 4 to 6 times a day for a blocked nose.
You can also inhale by adding 3-4 drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water. The essential oil vapor is to be inhaled for a maximum of 15 minutes.
Consume organic remedies
Honey ginger
Ginger strengthens the immune response and relieves inflammation in the body. This natural decongestant is effective in curing diseases of the throat and respiratory tract. Its role goes as far as detoxifying the body. (also take: ginger and lemon)
To prepare this remedy, take 25 g of grated ginger and mix them in 100 g of honey. After 24 hours or 48 hours of rest, your throat will be clear. This formula will be taken several times a day.
Ginger infusion is also effective in getting rid of those nasty secretions. Remember to add honey or lemon to enhance its effect.
To read: the 21 benefits of honey
Thanks to its antiseptic nature, turmeric reduces phlegm by flushing out the bacteria responsible for excess mucus.
The preparation consists of mixing a tablespoon of turmeric in 1/4 L of water. Add a tablespoon of honey to the solution to make an anti-fungal drink.
Carrot syrup is highly prized for its virtue in calming coughs and eliminating mucus from the lungs. The beta-carotene in this vegetable optimizes the immune response against viruses and bacteria harmful to the body. (opt for a carrot juice)
The carrot contains anti-inflammatory agents promoting the unblocking of the airways.
The recipe is a mixture of 400 g of carrots with 4 to 5 tablespoons of honey.
Honey acts in this formula as an antioxidant and a natural antibiotic. To prepare the syrup, cook the carrots in water then filter the cooking water into a container.
Make your carrot puree then mix it after cooling with the cooking water and honey. The dosage is 4 to 5 scoops per day.
Garlic and onion
Consuming garlic helps clear the mucus that interferes with the airways. This condiment is a pulmonary antiseptic and has expectorant characteristics.
Its ingurgitation is recommended in case of bronchitis. Breathe the garlic cloves through a tissue several times a day to cure a cold.
Onion is known for its organic disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties (try onion juice)
To get rid of mucus blocking the nose, you can trigger their evacuation by eating a few slices of this plant.
Inflammatory reactions are the cause of excess mucus. You can limit this process by consuming chamomile.
This fragrant plant rich in apigenins and flavonoids contributes to the relief of inflamed mucous membranes.
Chamomile also has an anticatarrhal action favorable to the dissolution of mucus.
Pour boiling water on a spoon of dried chamomile flowers then; let infuse for ten minutes.
After filtration, mix the resulting solution with honey and take 2 to 4 cups a day.
The licorice root
Licorice root breaks up the consistency of mucus and relieves congestion in the airways.
It is a shield against viral attacks that cause excessive mucus production. Laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis can be treated with this herb.
Infuse 2 to 5 g of dried licorice root powder in 150 ml of water. The solution is to be taken 3 times a day after each meal (12 g / day maximum).
Fenugreek seeds
The presence of mucilage in fenugreek seeds lubricates and soothes irritated mucous membranes. Take these grasses to treat respiratory inflammation such as bronchitis.
It can be powdered and consumed at a rate of 1g to 4g per day. In India, Fenugreek seed is consumed daily until reaching a dose of 10g / day.
Do you love smoothies? That’s good. These drinks have an anti-mucus effect. We give you a smoothie recipe in the recipe part, a little further down.
Gargarisez the gorge
To loosen the mucus between the nose and the esophagus, gargling can help you out. You need hot water and salt. It is up to you to prepare a mixture of lukewarm water of 250 mL and a teaspoon of salt.
Put the saline water in your mouth then tilt your head backwards without swallowing it, then irrigate your back throat by gargling. Remember to spit out the gargled water and repeat the experiment with plain water.
Clean the nose
Rinsing the nose with a saline solution (1 L of lukewarm water + 1 teaspoon) is a procedure that involves diluting the phlegm and reducing the pressure caused by sinus infections.
When the mucus is in excess, the activity of the lungs is reduced, which leads to the proliferation of bacteria and the accumulation of impurities in the airways.
Adopt the best anti-mucus gestures
Respect of the 3 rules of hygiene against mucus
- When you sleep, put your head in an elevated position to create a condition for air circulation to the lungs.
- Clean your nose to prevent mucus from moving down your throat.
- Take long showers both in the morning and in the evening
Refrain from mucus-forming foods
Dairy products should be avoided to avoid thickening of mucus. Indeed, their consumption envelops the digestive and respiratory tract (6).
The viscosity of the mucus may increase when consuming soya and its derivatives. This phenomenon is due to their high protein content.
Fatty products (red meat, processed meats) as well as fermented foods promote the production of mucus.
Dried fruits are foods that can make more mucus in the airways. The excessive production of mucus is due to the gluten present in the majority of cereals (wheat, rye, barley…).
Consuming bananas, strawberries, papaya, and avocados can increase the amount of phlegm. Spinach, potatoes, cabbage, and eggplant also produce this same effect.
To read: What are the best natural antibiotics?
Avoid smoky or polluted environments
The smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. This results in the excessive production of mucus. Dust and polluted air are trapped by mucus and collect in the respiratory tract.
In both cases, the consistency of the mucus becomes more important and it becomes more difficult to expel it from the body.
Avoid smoking and alcoholism
Tobacco causes infection of the pulmonary epithelium and bronchial hypersecretion, while alcohol promotes inflammation of the respiratory tract. These harms encourage everyone to reduce or even stop their daily consumption.
Avoid air conditioners
Air conditioners can proliferate and spread bacteria called “legionella”. They are recognized for its bad impact on the respiratory tract.
Despite the diagnosis carried out on these aerators, you should be wary when these devices are in a closed circuit without renewal of fresh air.

Anti-mucus recipes
Licorice tea
You will need:
- 4 grams of licorice stick
- 3 tablespoons of honey
- 150 ml of mineral water
- 1 finger of ginger
- 1 piece of curcumin
- Boil the water,
- Infuse the liquorice sticks for 15-20 minutes,
- Wash, clean the ginger and turmeric. Grate them and add them to the herbal tea,
- Infuse your turmeric and ginger,
- Add your honey after the infusion of the different elements,
- When the infusion is done, strain the mixture.
Nutritional value of your herbal tea
Licorice is very often used to treat problems related to the esophagus. In both traditional and modern medicines, it is in great demand for its multiple nutrients.
Licorice is made up of, among other things, coumarins, phytosterins, flavonoids, steroid hormones.
It contains various vitamins and minerals. Licorice is a very important plant in the treatment of throat ailments.
You should not consume more than 12g of licorice per day. Furthermore, your licorice treatment cannot exceed 3-4 weeks.
Ginger is known for its softening and anti-inflammatory properties in the esophagus. A good herbal tea for sore throats usually contains lemon or ginger.
Honey helps soften your vocal cords and treat throat-related infections.
Honey combined with hot water is even more effective because it allows to multiply its effects on your esophagus.
Thai ginger soup
You will need:
- 3 cups of coconut milk
- ½ kilo of chicken breast
- 1 piece of ginger, about 2 fingers
- 2-3 cups of water
- The juice of 1 lemon
- ½ cup of green onions
In a saucepan going to the fire, pour your coconut milk and water. Boil over medium heat.
Add the chicken pieces previously cleaned and cut into strips. Simmer until the chicken thighs well.
Reduce to low heat and add your ginger and lemon.
Sprinkle your soup with green onions and parsley if possible.
Nutritional value
This nice hot soup will help you reduce mucus. It is also advised in winter against fevers and small benign illnesses.
You will need:
- 1 cup of radishes (freeze the day before)
- 1 cup of beetroot pieces
- 1 Cucumber
- 1 celery branch
- 1 lemon
- 3 large tomatoes (freeze the day before)
- 2 ginger fingers
Wash, clean and seed your ingredients as needed. Collect the juice from the lemon and reserve it for the end.
Put your different ingredients in the blender.
When it’s ready, add your lemon juice and mix.
Nutritional value
The various fruits and vegetables in this smoothie contain a lot of water and fiber. However, water stimulates the fluidity of mucus and its evacuation out of your body.
Along with the water and fiber this smoothie contains, you also get several active ingredients like lycopene in tomato.
This smoothie is also full of multiple antioxidants, vitamins, minerals.
Thanks to our article, you now know how phlegm is becoming more and more frequent and how to reduce its appearance. Avoid consuming foods that promote them.
In addition, adopt a healthy lifestyle to avoid too many external attacks on your immune system.
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