The «8-8-8» technique that helps improve self-esteem

Something as simple as dedicating 8 hours a day to sleep, 8 hours to work and 8 hours to leisure can change a life. At least that is what the psychologist Sara Navarrete defends in her book «Increase your self-esteem. The 10 keys you need to change your life ». The author, who also directs the Center for Clinical and Health Psychology in Valencia, is convinced that one of the keys to achieving goals is to rest well.
The 8-8-8 technique, therefore, is based on dedicating 8 hours to work and that, as he explains, requires being focused on the moment of maximum energy (or workday), but he also affirms that it is important to learn to disconnect while finish each day. Only then will the remaining 8 hours be approached from the “joy perspective” because, as the expert reveals, it is essential to enjoy everything we do, whether it is housework or reading a book.
The 8-8-8 technique
- In the 8 hours of work. «We will look for our moment of maximum productivity or ‘top moment’ and we will dedicate them to the most complicated issues of work that require greater concentration
- In the 8 hours of leisure. When you finish your workday it is important that you disconnect one hundred percent. Don’t look for excuses to check email or to check the weekly calendar. Look for activities that give you satisfaction and well-being.
- In the 8 hours of sleep. Make sure that your sleep is restful because rest is essential to make good decisions the next day and to have a clear mind.
“Don’t be afraid to be wrong”
Another of the guidelines that the psychologist highlights to improve self-esteem and personal abilities is to learn the value of being wrong. «We are terrified of making mistakes and that many times we prevents advance and it takes away our strength to make changes. It is like the whiting that bites its tail ”, explains Navarrete.
The point is, according to the psychologist, that a person with low self-esteem She is often overly demanding of herself and often crushes when she makes mistakes. «Nobody is perfect, we are not perfect. And that is something we have to assume, but for real. Making mistakes is normal and the healthy thing is to recognize that we have made a mistake, ask for forgiveness and assume that we are only in a certain way », he clarifies.
Differentiating between selfishness and self-respect, getting out of self-deception, expressing our opinion, respecting our values and keeping a record of our achievements and desires are other keys that the author considers essential to strengthen self-esteem.
Where do I start to change?
The expert in self-esteem, emotional dependence and relationships reveals that when we want to make a change in our life, we block ourselves because we believe that we are not sufficiently motivated. That is why the author affirms that the first step to change is “wanting to do it” and the second is “getting into action” because once we have taken those two steps, motivation will arrive.
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In his book he also collects some of those that he considers the most risky attitudes when generating a negative vision: lack of habit and capacity for effort, not assuming responsibilities, nostalgia and continued existentialist sentiment, constantly complaining or always seeing the defects of things or people.