The 7 signs that my dog is not doing well

In the wild, an animal that manifests its pain is potential and easy prey for its predators. The dog having inherited this instinct of survival, shows nothing when he feels a sharp pain and suffers in silence. It is up to you to decode the signals of possible discomfort.
It is not as usual
A dog that is not well is reflected in the first place in his attitude and behavior.
If your dog usually nervous et easily excitable no longer gets up from his basket in the morning to party yourself overnight when he was doing it every day, this can be a warning signal. On the other hand, if it has always been calm and that he has always remained quietly in his basket while waiting for his caress, that does not necessarily mean that there is a problem.
Grunts, apathy, or on the contrary sudden nervousness, any sudden and prolonged change in your dog’s behavior should prompt you to consult.