
In 1908, a Japanese chemistry Professor of Kikunae Ikeda found in the seaweed kombu monosodium glutamate, which gave the product a unique taste. Today around MSG, there is a lot of rumors frightening the consumer. To see the designation E621 on the product packaging, it immediately gets into the blacklist. What are the myths about MSG, and which of them are wrong?
Glutamate is chemistry
Glutamic acid is naturally synthesized in our body. This amino acid is important for life and is involved in the metabolism and the nervous system. It also enters the body from virtually any protein food – meat, milk, nuts, some vegetables, tomatoes.
Glutamate, produced artificially, does not differ from the natural. It is made safe by fermentation. In the 60-70-is, scientists found a bacterium capable of producing glutamate – this method is still used today. The bacteria are fed with a by-product of sugar production, ammonia is added, after which the bacteria produce glutamate, which is then combined with sodium salts. Similarly, we produce cheese, beer, black tea and other products.
Glutamate disguise bad food
Glutamate has an unexpressed taste and a faint smell. The product has a stale smell, and it’s impossible to disguise it. In the food industry, this Supplement is needed only to emphasize the taste of food, which it already contains.
Glutamate is addictive
Glutamate is not considered a narcotic drug and cannot penetrate the blood and brain in large quantities. So no addiction it can cause.
There is only people’s attachment to bright flavors. Foods containing glutamate, attracts people whose diet lacks protein. So if you wanted chips or sausage, adjust your diet in favor of protein foods.
Glutamate increases the consumption of salt.
People believe that glutamate is harmful because of the sodium, which we consumed together with table salt. But if a person has no abnormalities of the kidneys, sodium will not bring him any harm. It is important to observe moderation.
Glutamate upsets the nervous system.
Glutamate is involved in transmission of nerve impulses from cell to cell. Entering the body with food, it is absorbed into the bloodstream only by 5%. Basically it ends up metabolism in the intestinal cells. From the blood into the brain glutamate also comes in extremely insignificant quantities. To give the nervous system a significant effect, we need to ear glutamate with a spoon.
If the body produces glutamate in excessive amounts, the body destroys unwanted.
Glutamate provokes severe disease.
Glutamate is accused of the ability to cause obesity and blindness. In the course of a single resonance experiment, rats have been injected glutamate subcutaneously in shock doses; that is why animals were getting fat and blind.
Later the experiment was repeated, only this time, the MSG rats were given together with food. After all, it enters the man-body through the digestive tract and not under the skin. Neither obesity nor blindness. This experiment failed.
Excess weight occurs because of several factors. Yes, glutamate is added to unhealthy foods, but it doesn’t make them so.
There is not any published evidence linking food additives with the development of malignant tumors. For pregnant, glutamate also is not terrible: it does not penetrate through the placenta.