The 6 Best Soothing Drops for the Adult Nervous System
Sometimes we experience anxiety and stress. Someone is worried about the exam, someone because of work. Calming drops for the nervous system can help in such a situation. We’ve compiled a list of the top 6

According to the analytical company DSM Group, demand for sedatives has increased in Russia1. For some, meditation, exercise, walking in the fresh air, and avoiding the noise of information help, while others, apparently, have to resort to medication.

There are a lot of them on the market, which raises questions about which drug to choose, whether it will be addictive, who should prescribe a sedative, and whether it is possible to start drinking it without a doctor’s prescription. Together with neurologist Kristina Semina we publish a rating of inexpensive and effective sedative drops for the nervous system that are on the market.

“Today, complex herbal preparations are regularly used as sedatives, which include plant extracts that provide psychotropic (sedative) and “organotropic” (spasmolytic, analgesic, antiallergic) actions, says the doctor.

List of top 6 inexpensive and effective sedative drops for the nervous system according to KP

1. Selank

Our rating is headed by Selank, a peptide drug with anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. It can be used for anxiety, anxiety, apathy and depression.2. In addition to the fact that “Selank” calms, many have noticed that it improves memory, increases attention, and learning something new is easier, increases efficiency. The manufacturer notes that the effect of the drug begins within a few minutes after administration. “Selank” is presented in the form of nasal drops. It does not cause drowsiness and addiction.

Противопоказания: individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, lactation and childhood

fast-acting, over-the-counter, non-drowsy, easy to use, and easy to take with you
if you accidentally get on the membrane of the pharynx, and not in the nasal mucosa, unpleasant taste sensations may appear
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2. Fitosedan (Sedative collection No. 2).

Sedative Collection No. 2 is an all-natural medicine. There are no chemical components in the composition, but despite this, the collection calms the body, helps it cope with stress, acts as an assistant in case of sleep problems. The active ingredients are motherwort, mint, hop cones, valerian root and licorice3. Drowsiness, unlike many other sedatives, the collection does not cause, so you can safely drink it at any time of the day. Many replace regular tea with picking and drink it throughout the day.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation, prohibited for children under 12 years of age

eliminates sleep problems and prevents the negative effects of stress, natural composition
specific taste, with prolonged use in large doses, it can reduce the reaction rate, it has only a cumulative effect, therefore it does not have a quick effect.
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3. Sedative collection No. 3 (Sedativae species No. 3)

Natural collection from medicinal plants. Valerian, sweet clover grass, oregano, motherwort, thyme contain essential oils, flavonoids and coumarins, which have a mild calming effect.4. All of them together have a positive effect on sleep disorders, mental agitation, and at the initial stage of arterial hypertension.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the collection.

natural composition, positive effect on sleep disorders and mental agitation
during treatment it is better not to drive a car, concentration may decrease
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4. Collection of sedative Phytolux-4 (“Mirosedarin”)

This collection is recommended for use by those who have neurasthenic conditions, cardioneurosis, hysteria and insomnia. Also, the collection has a positive effect on pressure – increased it helps to normalize, and also helps to relieve headaches. Collection minimizes irritability and aggressiveness.

Противопоказания: individual intolerance to the components in the composition, pregnancy and lactation

natural composition, minimum side effects, non-addictive
Possible allergy to herbs
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5. Novo-passit

A drug with an anti-anxiety effect, which is actively used for irritability and anxiety, absent-mindedness, fears and increased excitability. It is also prescribed by gynecologists for menopausal women.

Many note that soothing drops for the nervous system act effectively and quickly – after 30 minutes. But, unfortunately, it has many side effects – from nausea and vomiting to a weakening of attention and reaction.5. Can be used by children from 12 years of age.

Противопоказания: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, children under 12 years of age, myasthenia gravis, use with caution in people with gastrointestinal problems

according to buyers, acts quickly and efficiently
when taking the drug, you should not drink alcohol, take it carefully for people with a sick gastrointestinal tract, it can cause vomiting and nausea, it is better not to drive a car after taking it, an overdose is possible, which is treated only by gastric lavage
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6. Valemidine

The drug, like many sedatives, is of plant origin. It contains valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint and diphenhydramine. Also among the components is ethanol. “Valemidin” has a calming effect, reduces the level of nervousness, helps with increased excitability and sleep disorders. However, when using it, it is worth abandoning activities that require increased attention (driving a car), because it decreases. It is better to use it in a course – 10-15 days for an adult to get the effect.

Противопоказания: acute and chronic heart failure, arterial hypotension, renal failure, age under 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, with caution – with alcoholism and brain injuries / diseases6.

has a calming effect, reduces the level of nervousness
a lot of side effects, dry mouth, an allergic reaction are possible
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How to choose sedative drops for the nervous system

Some drugs are dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, and some are strictly according to it. As our expert, neurologist Kristina Semina notes, sedative drops for the nervous system must be prescribed by a specialist. It is not recommended to buy them yourself!

– Sedative drugs must be prescribed by a neurologist or psychotherapist. It is also not uncommon for them to be prescribed by family practitioners or cardiologists. Although many of these drugs are available over the counter, taking sedatives without consulting a doctor is not allowed – this can hide the symptoms of a real disease and aggravate the course of the disease, the doctor says.

The doctor will collect your history and only then advise you on the drug – in this matter, everything is individual.

Popular questions and answers

Neurologist Kristina Semina will answer popular questions from readers about effective and inexpensive sedative drops for the nervous system.

Which sedatives are not addictive?

Gradually, all sedatives, like any medication, are addictive – especially if taken for a long time. Therefore, it is mandatory to consult with your doctor at the end of the course of taking the drug, regarding the cancellation or continuation of taking, replacing the drug. Everything is strictly under his control!

Who prescribes sedative drops?

Sedatives should be prescribed by a neurologist, a psychotherapist, sometimes a family practice doctor or a cardiologist. You can’t do self-appointment! You can make your condition worse.

What happens if you take a sedative every day?

Sedatives need to be drunk according to the situation – so that it works immediately with any stress, or in a course (10-15 days). If you drink a sedative every day, it will become addictive.
  1. DSM Group. “Demand for sedatives has sharply increased in Russia”
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Selank
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Phytosedan №2
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Phytosedan №3
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Novo-passit
  6. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Valemidin

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