The 6 Best Dual Zone Thermostats of 2022
Climate control is unimaginable without automation. The thermostat helps not only regulate the temperature in the room, but also save energy. KP presents the ranking of the best two-zone thermostats on the market in 2022

A two-zone thermostat is made in order to control two heating devices – as a rule, we are talking about two autonomous underfloor heating, which are located in different rooms. Such a device is very convenient to use, especially considering that modern models support remote control from a smartphone. This means that you can set a comfortable room temperature in advance without resorting to anyone’s help.

The editors of the KP and expert Maxim Sokolov analyzed the offers on the market, formed their preferences and offers the best models to choose from.

Editor’s Choice

“Teplolux” BiZone

The most advantageous set of technical characteristics that guarantees a high level of energy savings and safe operation of the BiZone thermostat from Teplolux.

The device controls any climate equipment based on the data of two remote temperature sensors in different zones and one air temperature sensor built into the gadget’s body. Standard sensors of type TST02-2,0 can also be connected to sensors of other companies with a resistance of 10, 12, 15, 33, 47 kOhm.

BiZone Features:

  • Setting and following a work schedule;
  • Work according to smart home scenarios created in the Tuya Smart service;
  • Changing the rotation speed of the fans of thermal appliances;
  • Issuance in graphical form of information about energy consumption.

Connection to the structure of a smart home occurs after scanning a QR code with a smartphone either in the product passport or on the manufacturer’s website. The set and current modes of operation are displayed on the front side of the device with multi-colored LEDs.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom 5 ° C to 45 ° C
Mains voltageIn 230
Maximum powerto 3,6 kW
The highest current of the control channel with active loadA 5
Maximum control channel current with inductive loadA 2
Degree of protectionIP44

Advantages and disadvantages

Temperature control in two zones at the same time
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Editor’s Choice
Teploluxe BiZone
Dual zone thermostat
Independent control of two zones remotely via WiFi through the TUYA app, integration into the smart home system and IP44 waterproof rating.
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Top 5 best dual-zone thermostats of 2022 according to KP

The range of thermostats that control the temperature in two zones simultaneously is constantly expanding.

1. AURA LTC 440

The device independently controls the operation of two underfloor heating systems in adjacent rooms. The temperature is measured by two separate NTC sensors with a resistance of 10 kOhm. A backlit liquid crystal display is used for control. To protect against children, the buttons are locked. Additional function: protection against overheating, preventing fire of the unit and extending its service life. Undesirable long-term connection of the maximum load, it is recommended in this case to use a more powerful intermediate relay.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom 5 ° C to 40 ° C
Temperature measurement accuracy0,5 ° C
Temperature setting accuracy0,5 ° C
Maximum power3,6 кВт
Rated continuous power for both control zones3 кВт
Maximum load currentA 16
Degree of protectionIP20

Advantages and disadvantages

Great design, fits in a niche for a socket
Wires are connected from below, which complicates installation
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2. Heat RTC 51.716

The temperature controller controls electrical means of space heating: film, cable, mats. The device is equipped with an additional temperature sensor and reduces power consumption by up to 40%. On the front panel there is a bright color display with information about the current temperature and operating mode. Management takes place through a simple and understandable menu. The buttons are childproof. An additional battery is used to save the settings when the mains voltage is turned off. After its supply, the device immediately turns on the last heating mode.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom 5 ° C to 90 ° C
Maximum load3,6 кВт
Maximum switching currentA 16
Degree of protectionIP20

Advantages and disadvantages

Informative screen, many settings
There is no permanent display backlight, readings are visible only at the touch of a button
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3. Terneo K2

The device consists of two independent thermostats in one housing. Each can be connected to heating or cooling devices. Temperature control occurs at the location of the sensors. The operating mode is programmed by buttons on the front panel, the current state is indicated on the digital display. There is a built-in protection against overheating; when the case temperature rises to +85 ° C, the mains voltage is turned off before the device cools down.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom -9°C to 99°C
Maximum switching currentA 32
Degree of protectionIP20

Advantages and disadvantages

Sensor cable length included 4 meters
Overheating occurs with frequent relay switching
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4. ProfiTherm К-3

The device controls temperature and moisture in anti-icing and snowmelt systems. Melts snow and ice in two areas at the same time, such as stairs and gutters. A variety of temperature and humidity sensors are used, they are not included in the delivery set. The control takes place with programmable delays for turning on the heating to eliminate sudden temperature fluctuations. It is possible to set the optimal heating level to maximize the effect of the anti-icing system.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom -5°C to 50°C
Maximum switching currentA 16
dimensions65h90h160 mm

Advantages and disadvantages

Wide range of sensors
No connection to smartphone

5. ZFX-W1012

The electronic thermostat is equipped with two temperature sensors type NTC 10K and can independently regulate it in two separate zones. Able to work simultaneously for cooling and heating. Designed to work in home incubators, smokehouses, freezers, aquariums. At the output of the device, normally open relay contacts. The programmed modes of operation are stored in a non-volatile memory that does not depend on the mains voltage.

Technical specifications

Adjustable temperature rangefrom -50°C to 110°C
Maximum power1,6 кВт
Setting accuracy1°C
Thermostat accuracy0,5°C

Advantages and disadvantages

Stable maintenance of the operating mode
Panel mounting

How to choose a dual-zone thermostat

Maxim Sokolov, an expert at the online hypermarket, answers numerous questions from readers

A two-zone or two-channel thermostat according to the principle of operation practically does not differ from a conventional single-channel one. Let’s take for example a regulator for a warm floor, which controls the heating in two rooms. To do this, a separate power cable goes from the regulator to the warm floor of each zone and its own temperature sensor is installed. The display of the device shows the temperature of each zone – you can switch between them by selecting the numbers 1 and 2. Each of the sensors sends its signal to the controller, and the system understands in which zone the heating needs to be turned on and which one to turn off.


  • Setting different temperatures for two zones, for example, in the bathroom 25 ° C, and in the hallway 21 ° C.
  • Separate temperature control for each zone for greater comfort.
  • If necessary, one of the zones can be turned off, for example, in the summer, leave the heating in the bathroom, turning it off in the hallway.
  • Rational consumption of electricity when the temperature of one of the zones decreases or it is turned off.
  • In the event of a malfunction of the underfloor heating, heating is turned off only in this zone, the second continues to work.
  • Savings when buying, since you do not overpay for the second regulator.

Popular questions and answers

Where should the thermostat be installed?
For the correct operation of the thermostat, it is first of all important to correctly install the sensors so that they receive reliable information.

• The air sensor must be away from drafts and direct heat from heaters.

• The floor temperature sensor is placed at a distance of 50 – 60 cm from the wall.

The thermostat itself can be mounted on the wall so that it is always accessible. However, there are models with the ability to install on a DIN rail in an electrical panel.

If we talk about the floor heating thermostat, then with respect to the heating zones, it can be installed anywhere, since it is connected to them with a wired connection. Choose a place where you can conveniently manage the device and control settings.

In this case, it is important to observe the following rules:

• height from the floor – not less than 120 cm,

• distance from windows and doors – at least 50 cm,

• no direct sunlight.

It is also worth remembering the degree of moisture protection of the thermostat when installed in wet rooms. For a bathroom, a model with a degree of at least IP23 is suitable.

Is it possible to connect several identical devices to one zone?
With a warm floor, you should not do this, since each room has its own temperature sensor, and individual control is needed. For each room, we either install our own single-channel controller, or connect each zone separately through a two-channel controller.

As for heaters, some models can really be combined into a system, even installing them in different rooms. Basically, these are a series of convectors of European brands, which are designed for the main source of heat in the premises. But by controlling heaters in different rooms on the same channel, you will not be able to set a different temperature for each zone.

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