The 5 types of abdominal plank that most help reduce belly fat

The 5 types of abdominal plank that most help reduce belly fat

Gemelas Pin

The personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Gemelas Pin, propose five variants of abdominal plank to reduce the swelling of the gut and work the area to achieve a flat stomach

The 5 types of abdominal plank that most help reduce belly fatPM1:48

It is not uncommon for after the excesses of Christmas to feel abdominal swelling, gases and a feeling of fullness in the gut every time we eat. It takes your body a few days to get back into a routine and resume healthy eating habits, but that adjustment can be faster if you exercise daily. The routine of “Flat wind” proposed this week by Esther and Gemma Pineda, Twins Pin, aims to reduce inflammation of the gut and abdominal fat and strengthen the “core.”

The abdominal plank is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the abdomen, but in addition its different variants allow working other muscles such as the trapezius, the rhomboids, the rotator cuff, the deltoid, the pectoralis major, the serratus anterior, the gluteus maximus, the quadriceps femoris or even the calves. Although one of the best known is the front plank, there are numerous variants of plank that allow you to make your fitness routines more creative.

La Workout table recommended this week by the Pin Twins to reduce abdominal swelling is composed of five variants of abdominal plank (with arm lift, lateral with knee support, inverted, with forearm and change of side and touching the shoulder). We will work with each of these variants for 40 seconds, we will do the complete series and then we will repeat it three times. Between series and series we can rest for about 20 seconds. You have the step by step in the video that accompanies the news, but we also detail it under these lines. Go for it!

Plank 1: with arm lift

We place ourselves in an abdominal plank position, resting the palms of the hands on the floor. Next we will raise the right arm while we make a slight forward movement, then we return to the starting position and perform the same movement raising the left arm.

Plank 2: lateral with knee support

We place ourselves in a lateral plank position supporting the forearm on the floor. We will hold the position for 40 seconds and then we will change forearm. We will try to keep the core activated and the raised arm straight.

Plate 3: inverted

We started from the inverted plank position supporting the soles of the hands and looking up at the ceiling. We will stay in this position by squeezing glutes and with the core activated for 40 seconds.

Plank 4: with forearm and side shift

From the plank position and with the forearms resting on the ground, we will do lateral raises with the arm bent, first with one and then with another while we maintain the position and the core activated.

Plank 5: touching shoulder with hand

We start from the plank position supporting the palms of the hands. From there we will raise and cross the right arm until we touch the left shoulder and then the left arm until

In addition to the routines that they propose every week on ABC Bienestar, the Pin Twins, who reach 89.000 followers on Instagram, plan “on-line” workouts aimed at weight loss and muscle toning.

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