The 5 most common causes of health loss on vacation

Vacation is a time of rest and carefree. However, so that nothing can spoil our well-deserved relaxation, it is worth remembering about the dangers that appear in the summer. They are associated with the sun, water and insects, which are especially active in warm months.

  1. The sun is a symbol of holiday rest, but it can also become a source of trouble.
  2. Too long exposure to sunlight can lead to heat stroke, burns or thermal shock
  3. What else should we pay attention to during the holidays?
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Heat stroke (solar)

What favors him? Among other things, high air temperature, over 30 degrees in the shade, strong solar radiation, lack of proper hydration, being on the beach without a hat in the afternoon hours, intense sports. It should not be underestimated because it causes disturbances in thermoregulation. Young children and the elderly, especially those with circulatory problems, are most often exposed to it.

But it can happen to everyone during a vacation, especially when a vacationer who is thirsty for sun and warmth uses it without restraint. The result is hyperthermia, which causes disturbances or even impairment of the function of various organs, and in acute course, multi-organ failure, which is life-threatening. There is a long time to recover from an episode of severe heat stroke, and there may be neurological disorders and kidney failure.

If it is milder, it may confuse you with the flu. Muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, malaise, dizziness, and confusion are the most common characteristics of heat stroke. It can be effectively prevented by using commonly recommended simple measures, i.e. staying on the beach wearing a hat, adequately hydrate yourself with cool water with a pinch of salt, protect against excessive exposure to the sun, limit physical exertion.

  1. The sun and medications. Dangerous connections – which to avoid?

When it happens in a mild form, you need to cool the body with compresses lower than body temperature by one degree C, rehydrate the body, and stay at home all the next day. In acute cases, medical attention should be called without delay. Considering how serious the consequences are (in Europe, several hundred people die from it every year), it is worth following these rules.

Thermal shock

Thermal shock is the most common cause of life-threatening sudden cardiac arrest and it is a common cause of holiday drowning. It is caused by a sharp change in body temperature. A quick jump into cold water after several dozen minutes of sunbathing or a nap in full sun is a straight path to disaster. Blood vessels dilate when exposed to heat and their rapid cooling may cause them to spasm. The arteries and veins are then narrowed, and the heart is unable to pump the blood back into its cavities. As a result of such an overload, contractile function is impaired. The brain becomes unconscious and becomes hypoxic.

  1. Heat and training. What is the risk of effort in the heat?

As a result of thermal shock, muscles may also contract, including those of the larynx. This makes breathing difficult or even impossible, which can lead to fainting in the water and choking. Common sense dictates that you enter the water slowly, cooling your legs first, then the neck, chest and top of the heads.y. Age does not really matter for such an accident, each organism reacts differently to a sudden change in temperature. But of course, the older a person gets, the more he should be.

Head jump

Experienced swimmers never jump without first checking the bottom, but it happens quite often with well-swimmers. Play, fun, and alcohol inspire bravado. Accidents occur in unguarded and unproven bathing areas, in too shallow lakes or rivers. It must not be forgotten that these places are not a swimming pool with a diving board. One hasty movement is enough to break a spine.

  1. Jumping into cold water can cause anaphylactic shock

In Poland, about 700 cases of spine fracture due to rash jump are reported annually. With a bit of luck, such an accident ends with a serious orthopedic operation, but most often it ends with a disability. Especially when first aid is ineffective and comes too late.

Skin burn

Despite numerous educational campaigns about the harmfulness of excessive exposure to the sun without proper protection, burns still become a holiday nightmare for many. For it to happen, sometimes a dozen or so minutes on a hot beach are enough. Not everyone remembers that you should get used to the sun gradually, and the first trip to the beach should take place under the protection of a cream with a high filter, a wide-brimmed hat or even light clothing. Skin with a light complexion reacts the fastest.

The main culprit of burns is ultraviolet UVA and UVB rays, but it is UVB that causes the most dangerous inflammation of the skin. If we are dealing with a first degree burn, its effects are relatively harmless. It is primarily a strong reddening of the skin, slight swelling and itching. After a few days of proper care, they pass without a trace.

  1. Five rules for safe tanning. A holiday guide

It is worse when a second degree burn occurs and the dermis is damaged. Then we are dealing with painful blisters, hypersensitivity and pain, fever and severe drying of the epidermis. Treatment of such burns requires complete protection from the sun, it can leave scars and discoloration. Sometimes treatment for several weeks is necessary. In this case, all home remedies such as kefir or cold buttermilk wounds are of course recommended, but may not be enough. You should seek the advice of a pharmacist who will select the appropriate preparations, accelerating healing, relieving pain and fever. In particularly damaged areas, he will recommend special plasters. After the end of the treatment, it is always necessary to protect the skin with a high filter cream. Anyway, after such an incident, it is usually already remembered.


Wasps, bees, hornets and other insects eagerly come to the crowded beaches. They are attracted by the smell of sweet snacks and drinks, sweat and perfumes. They are potentially dangerous for everyone, because an allergy to their venom can manifest itself at any time in life. But they are especially dangerous for diagnosed allergy sufferers, especially those allergic to insect venom. For some, the sting will turn out to be only an unpleasant, painful incident, but for others the consequences will be serious. At worst, they will lead to life-threatening anaphylactic shock. The dangerous effects of the bite appear almost immediately. You have to react quickly, cool the stung place immediately, so that the blood vessels constrict and remove the sting as quickly as possible. You should never do this with your fingers, because being crushed will leave even more venom in your body.

  1. What should we do if we are bitten by a bee, wasp or tick?

The stings around the head, neck, mouth and tongue are particularly dangerous. Here we are threatened not only by venom, but also by rapid swelling, which can seriously impede breathing. In this case, professional help should be sought as soon as possible, especially if a child has been stung. If possible, give a histamine preparation straight away. A recommended precautionary measure is to avoid eating and drinking sugary drinks while sunbathing.

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