The 5 Best Probiotics for Kids in 2022
Frequent colds, taking antibiotics, poor appetite, dislike for dairy products are reasons for correcting the intestinal microflora in a baby. KP together with an expert will help you choose the best probiotics for children

The baby is born completely sterile. But with the first breath, the first drop of milk, the first skin contact with his mother, his body, mucous membranes and intestinal lumen begin to be populated with microbes. A community of beneficial and relatively harmless (opportunistic) bacteria creates a unique microflora for each child (1).

The process of colonization of the intestines with microbes is not easy in all children. Colic, bloating and flatulence, abdominal cramps – everyone can face such problems. 

The delicate balance of the intestinal microflora is affected by any external factors: sudden changes in nutrition (for example, switching from breast milk to formula), SARS or intestinal infections, allergies, helminthic infestations, living in industrialized cities, stress, and even deficiency of vitamins and minerals. 

Probiotics can help balance the intestinal microbial flora and improve health. These are beneficial microbes that are friendly to our gut (2). They not only help digestion, but also stimulate growth and development, strengthen the immune system, increase the absorption of vitamin and mineral components from food.

The market for probiotic products is large, KP along with pediatrician Anastasia Shugaeva и pharmacist Olga Zorina will help you navigate this diversity. 

Top 5 best probiotics for kids in 2022

The key considerations when choosing the best probiotics for children should be their safety, ease of use, and effectiveness.

“All the probiotics listed in the list are produced by pharmacological companies, and for each there are several large studies proving their effectiveness,” notes Anastasia Shugaeva.

1. “Linex for children”

Linex for Children is a biologically active food supplement. The probiotic contains bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis (BB-12). They are safe, well tolerated even by young children, and clinically proven to be effective (3).

This remedy is produced in the form of drops and powders, the first option is suitable for newborns, the second for older children. 

Probiotic helps to restore the balance of microflora after antibiotic treatment, with diarrhea and as a prophylaxis of infectious diseases.

Main characteristics

Indications for usevarious types of diarrhea; the formation of normal microflora in newborns (if treated with antibiotics from the first days of life, for example); how to prevent infectious diseases
Противопоказанияindividual intolerance to the components

Advantages and disadvantages

Proven effectiveness; convenient bottle; safe remedy; pleasant taste.
A sediment forms at the bottom (should be shaken strongly before use); sometimes the dispenser gets stuck.
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2. “Acipol the Kid”

This drug regulates the balance of intestinal microflora. The spectrum of its action is wide: it has antagonistic activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, favorably affects the intestinal microflora, improves immunity (4). “Acipol Baby” is available in capsules, inside – a dry mass of cream or light cream color. It has a sour milk smell. 

Main characteristics

Indications for useAcute intestinal infections (salmonellosis, rotavirus gastroenteritis); colitis; long term antibiotic treatment
ПротивопоказанияHypersensitivity to the drug

Advantages and disadvantages

Prevents allergies; no side effects have been identified; there are results after application.
Not very convenient to use for babies: the capsule must be opened and the contents diluted in breast milk / mixture.
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3. “Buck-Set Baby”

This dietary supplement contains probiotic and lactic acid microorganisms. The drug is safe and suitable for children from birth: it does not contain dyes, flavors and other harmful substances. It is enriched with a probiotic that positively affects the intestinal microflora and is approved for use in children. The composition of the dietary supplement is unique: the components – seven live bacteria – are selected in such a way that they reinforce and complement each other, because of this, the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are restored. The drug can be used for lactase deficiency and dysbacteriosis (5).

Main characteristics

Indications for usedysbacteriosis, intestinal colic, taking antibiotics for intestinal and respiratory infections
Противопоказанияindividual intolerance to the components of the complex

Advantages and disadvantages 

No side effects; minimum list of contraindications; suitable from birth.
It is inconvenient to dilute and give the drug to infants: it must be dissolved in milk / mixture.
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4. “Bifiform Baby”

This probiotic can be given to children from the first days of life. It contains beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora of babies. 

The advantage of the dietary supplement is that it is available in the form of an oil solution in a vial. Comes with a handy dosing pipette. There are no side effects of the drug, among the contraindications – only individual intolerance to the components. “Bifiform Baby” has passed the registration procedure, the safety has been clinically proven.

Main characteristics

Indications for useeating disorders in babies, with colic, stool disorders, elimination of consequences after taking antibiotics
Противопоказанияindividual intolerance to the components

Advantages and disadvantages 

No side effects; proven safety; convenient bottle with pipette.
In the reviews there is information that the drug is ineffective for colic.
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5. «Probifor»

“Probifor” does not apply to dietary supplements – it is a medicine. The probiotic regulates the balance of intestinal microflora due to bifidobacteria on activated charcoal particles, and also has an antidiarrheal effect. The drug has an anti-infective and anti-toxic effect (6).

– The drug contains lactose: in children with lactase deficiency it can cause flatulence, intestinal colic, worsening of intestinal symptoms, – Anastasia Shugaeva notes. 

But at the same time, the drug contains a sufficient amount of effective, acid-resistant strains of beneficial bacteria. 

Main characteristics

Indications for usediarrhea, dysbacteriosis, if necessary, restore the flora after antibiotics 
Противопоказанияindividual intolerance to the drug 

Advantages and disadvantages

Fights diarrhea well clinically proven efficacy.
Not suitable for children with lactase deficiency (may cause flatulence, colic, worsening of intestinal symptoms).
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How to choose probiotics for children

The first and main rule for choosing probiotics for children is a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician, allergist or gastroenterologist (depending on the problem that you want to solve with these drugs). 

Only having received approval from a specialist, you can buy the necessary drug. Often, doctors immediately recommend several probiotics to choose from: they will solve a specific problem as efficiently as possible. In addition, when choosing drugs, especially for babies, you need to pay attention to some criteria.

Tool safety

Any probiotic you give to a child must be certified to an accepted standard. Well-known manufacturers do not hide such information, they post it on their websites.

In addition, carefully read the composition: it is important to exclude possible contraindications. It can be an allergy to components, lactose intolerance (available in some drugs), individual reactions. 

If the baby cries, worries, and digestive disorders increase after taking the probiotic, you no longer need to take it, try something else.

Form of issue

It is inconvenient for young children to give capsules, tablets or large volumes of solutions. Drops or powders that can be diluted in milk or other liquids are optimal for them. Refuse to buy brightly flavored formulations or unpleasant-tasting probiotics, the child may simply spit out such a preparation.

Active strains of microbes and additional components

Doctors usually select the necessary strains based on the problem. For example, lactoflora is better suited to combat diarrhea, and a complex of lacto- and bifidoflora is better suited to eliminate allergy symptoms.

Features of storage

Some probiotics can only be stored in the refrigerator or they will lose their potency. It is inconvenient to take such drugs with you on the road, and you can dilute them only in cool liquids (up to 36-37 ° C), otherwise the microbes are inactivated.

Reception and dosage regimen

If the drug needs to be taken frequently and in large volumes, there is a chance not to complete the course. More convenient means dosed in drops or milliliters, used 1-2 times a day.

Popular questions and answers

Our experts, pharmacist Olga Zorina, pediatrician, pediatric allergist-immunologist Anastasia Shugaeva answer frequently asked questions from parents about probiotics for children. 

At what age can children be given probiotics?

The need for probiotics may arise at a very early age. Modern preparations are designed specifically to restore the balance of intestinal microflora in children, so such probiotics can be used from birth. But in any case, drugs are allowed to be used only according to indications, and this is determined by the doctor, – Olga Zorina notes.

Can probiotics harm children?

– The use of probiotics in accordance with the instructions, in the dosage recommended by the doctor, is safe for the child. If a parent is in any doubt, it is worth asking questions to the pediatrician or pharmacist at the pharmacy. Self-medication with even seemingly harmless probiotics can lead to side effects and allergies if used without a prescription, says the pharmacist.

Who needs to take probiotics?

“Premature babies, children from birth who have been treated with antibiotics, patients receiving long / frequent courses of antibiotics, patients with gastrointestinal diseases, oncological patients cannot do without probiotics,” comments pediatrician Anastasia Shugaeva. 

When to take them – before or after antibiotic treatment?

– Many modern probiotics use strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, so you can and should start taking them in parallel with antibiotics. But not instead! Especially with serious intestinal infections, Anastasia Shugaeva warns. – However, there are probiotics, the therapeutic effect of which may decrease when taken together with antibiotics. Such moments are indicated in the instructions for the drug. 

Sources of

  1. Zhelnina T.P., Brezhneva N.I., Osyaev N.Yu. Analysis of the structure of the microflora of newborns. URL:
  2. Uchaikin V.F. Probiotics in Pediatrics. URL:
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. “Linex for kids”
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. “Acipol Baby”
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. “Bac-Set Baby”
  6. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. “Probifor”

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