The 49-year-old died from a wasp sting. What should we do when we find a wasp nest?

A few days ago, a 49-year-old man died of wasp stings. He saw a wasp nest and wanted to remove it. Unfortunately, he was attacked by insects and stung many times. Getting rid of a wasp nest on your own is very dangerous. Whom should we call when we see the habitats of these insects?

  1. When we notice a wasp nest in a place that threatens our health and life, we should call the appropriate services Fire brigade or disinfestation company
  2. We should be especially careful, especially the elderly and you who are allergic to insect venom
  3. Especially the face and neck should be protected against insects
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Wasp sting – who is most at risk?

A wasp sting is very painful. For most people, however, it is mainly associated with intense pain and discomfort. Usually, a wasp sting does not have any serious consequences for our health.

An adult healthy person is able to endure the stings of several dozen insects. A lethal dose can occur with a number exceeding 100. There are up to 50 stings for a child.

In adulthood, however, tolerance to a sting decreases with age, especially after the age of 60. It is associated with cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system diseases and weaker immunity.

Particularly dangerous to health and life are stings around the mouth, throat or neck of a person. Then, suffocation may occur as a result of the closure of the respiratory tract by increasing allergic swelling. It is also very dangerous to accidentally swallow a wasp or a bee. In this way, in 2006 actress Ewa S Pałacka lost her life. She drank the juice, unaware there was an insect in the vessel.

As you can see, for some people, even a single wasp sting can be fatal. Death is then caused by an allergic reaction. It occurs in 0,3 to 7,5 percent. people. The risk of these reactions increases with short and irregular intervals between stings and a history of severe allergic attacks.

Therefore, people diagnosed with allergies in the summer season should carry a syringe or pen with adrenaline, which, after being attacked by an insect, should be administered intramuscularly to the side of the thigh. It will also be necessary to call an ambulance.

Wasps’ nest – what to do when we spot them?

How should we react when we spot a nest or swarm of dangerous insects? First of all, take care of your own safety, and then notify the appropriate services. This does not always mean the Fire Department.

Firefighters point out that the number of unnecessary calls has recently increased. As we read on government websites, “Events related to the occurrence of Hymenoptera are not sudden events in most cases and proper administration of the facility effectively prevents insects from nesting in it.”

The State Fire Service intervenes only in cases of direct threat to human life from insects.

When such a threat occurs, the guard «takes all necessary actions to remove the swarm or nests of Hymenoptera insects from places where they pose a direct threat to human life or health, in particular, this applies to the presence of persons with reduced mobility or from utility buildings public and educational institutions »

In other cases, in accordance with Art. 61 of the Building Law Act, it is up to the owner or manager of the facility to ensure the safe use of the facility.

When there is no threat to health or life, help should be sought from appropriate disinfestation companies. When there is a swarm of bees, you can contact your local beekeeper. Contact details can most often be found on the websites of a given commune or fire department.

Wasp sting – symptoms

A wasp sting is hard to overlook, because wasp venom causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, including extreme and sudden pain. Symptoms of a sting are:

  1. sudden, severe pain;
  2. burning sensation and inflammation at the site of the sting;
  3. swelling;
  4. no sting, suggesting it was not a bee.

At Medonet Market you will find Propolia BeeYes soothing propolis oil for stings and burns.

Even a small dose of wasp venom it can already cause great pain. The situation is different for people who are allergic. If we are allergic to venom, the following may appear after the sting:

  1. rash,
  2. muscle cramps,
  3. breathing disorders,
  4. stomach pain,
  5. shortness of breath
  6. edema,
  7. vomiting,
  8. fainting 
  9. in extreme cases, anaphylactic shock, which can even lead to death.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time our guest is Marek Rybiec – businessman, as one of 78 people from all over the world, he completed «4 Deserts» – ultramarathon taking place in extreme places around the world. She talks to Aleksandra Brzozowska about the challenge, mental strength and mindfulness training. Listen!

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