The 43 Most Drinking Countries in the World 2020

The World Health Organization regularly evaluates global “alcohol trends” and reflects its observations in special reports.

And the situation is not the most rosy – WHO is sounding the alarm: the amount of alcohol consumed annually in many countries exceeds the safe norm (8 l / person), which leads to a drop in working capacity, an increase in mortality and general degradation of society.

Having studied the latest large-scale study of the world “health fighter”, Vzboltai decided to share with readers information about the most drinking states.

Which country drinks the most alcohol?

If we take into account the amount consumed without taking into account the category of drinks, then the permanent leaders of all alcohol ratings are the countries of Europe. Moreover, regardless of development and economic condition. They drink a lot in the wealthy states of the European Union, and in the not-richest countries of the post-Soviet camp. Quite a high level of alcohol consumption in certain regions of Africa, Australia and island resorts. As for the latter, here a significant proportion of the drunk falls on tourists.

Which country drinks the most hard alcohol?

The main leaders in this parameter are traditionally not the richest countries of the post-Soviet bloc (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova), as well as Poland and African countries. In addition to factory alcohol, surrogate alcohol is often abused here. As for the “good old” Europe, beer and wine are in priority here. In particular, Germany, Belgium and the Czech Republic were in the general alcohol TOP for their addiction to foam, while Luxembourg and France prefer grape drinks.

In which country do men drink the most?

The stronger sex is traditionally considered the main consumer of alcohol. And not by accident. In most states, it is he who significantly raises the overall percentage of alcohol consumed. And if you make a rating solely on the volume of alcohol consumed by men, the TOP will look a little different. Along with European countries, more African and American states will appear in the ranking.

In which country do women drink the most?

The weaker sex is less prone to alcohol abuse, so there is not a single country in the world where ladies are ahead of gentlemen in this indicator. However, in many states, women are not far behind men. For example, in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, ladies annually consume more than 6 liters per person. Germany, Ireland, Latvia and Russia are slightly inferior in this parameter.

Relevance: 29.12.2019

Tags: Encyclopedia

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