The 37-year-old was diagnosed with dementia. The surprising cause of the disease was in her apartment

Two months after the move, Amie Skilton began to feel unwell. She had allergies, was tired, gained weight, and finally had problems with memory. A 37-year-old woman who had normal results was diagnosed with dementia. All because of the mold that started to appear in the house.

  1. The woman had blood tests, but they were all normal and the doctors did not know why she was feeling unwell
  2. At one point, a few unexpected things happened that made the 37-year-old realize what could be causing her health problems
  3. It turned out that in the house under the carpet, as well as on the mattress, there was mold that weakened her body
  4. When Skilton contacted the company that let her rent the apartment, it was revealed that its employees knew about the problem
  5. You can find more similar articles on the TvoiLokony home page

Amie Skilton, a resident of Sydney, found out in 2017 that she belongs to 25 percent. a population that is genetically susceptible to mold toxins, meaning that contact with mold causes a huge inflammatory response in their body and can even lead to organ damage. The then 37-year-old woman was healthy, led an active lifestyle, but at some point her well-being deteriorated.

I started getting sick two months after I moved. The first symptom I noticed was allergies. I am a dietitian and I had the same weight all my life, and suddenly in a few months I gained 10 kg and was very tired

she said in an interview with

There were also problems with concentration as well as with memory. The most disturbing moment was when she couldn’t remember her own name. While visiting a neurologist, she heard that she had Alzheimer’s disease. All the other test results she underwent were normal.

In an interview with the portal, she confessed that at one point some unexpected things happened that made her realize what might be the cause of her problems. The first clue for her was an online post from a friend who wrote about her husband, whose health was affected by mold.

The 37-year-old was diagnosed with dementia. The reason was mold in the house

Amie Skilton remembered that there was a water leak in the garage after she moved into the house, but after the plumber’s visit, she and her husband were sure that everything was fine. Eventually, the couple called a construction biologist who found that the waterproofing in the shower was broken, with the result that every time the shower was used, water leaked under the carpeting in the bedroom and office.

The carpeting on top looked pretty good, but when they picked it up there was mold underneath it. When we finally removed the mattress cover it was green

she said.

Amie Skilton contacted a real estate firm, which it turned out knew about the leak. The owner also argued with the company about who should pay to fix the problem. The woman was furious that no one informed her about it while renting the apartment.

After discovering mold at home, the woman performed further tests, including inflammation markers, the results of which confirmed that her body responded to the mold. Now 42, Amie Skilton lives in a different house and does not suffer from any illnesses.

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