In this article you will learn, among others:
- Which vegetables are the healthiest in the world?
- Which vegetables are the most valuable?
- Which vegetables have the most vitamins?
They affect, among others for: to slow the growth of cancer and reduce the risk of heart disease. The list includes vitamins A, B6, C, D, E and K, food proteins, riboflavin, folic acid, niacin, iron, thiamin, calcium, zinc and potassium. Interestingly, among the health-promoting vegetables mentioned, you will not find fancy specimens – they are easily available, they will not deplete your wallet, but you – yes! Read the list and go shopping! Here are the TOP 20 from the local greengrocer.
- Rwater direction. Its regular consumption reduces wrinkles, improves the condition of the skin, has a positive effect on liver function, digestion and reduces the risk of cancer. It is easy to grow it on a windowsill or in a home garden.
Watercress - Chinese cabbage. As it turns out, half a cup of this chopped raw greens covers the daily requirement of vitamin A, responsible for the health of teeth, hair, eyes and nails.
- Boćvina. Perfect for soups and salads. You can prepare it warm like spinach. It also affects the condition of the skin and nails.
- Beetroot. Sweet, with a beautiful color – it has anti-cancer properties, also improves immunity and lowers cholesterol.
- Szpinas. Children’s bane? It is worth convincing yourself to him. It protects against atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure and has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.
- Chicory. This bitter lettuce reduces fat absorption, improves complexion, and speeds up metabolism. Are you planning a detox? Include chicory in your menu, as it cleanses the body of toxins.
Chicory - Salatta butter. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
- Parsley . A perfect vegetable, fully usable – both the parsley and the root are perfect for the kitchen. Potassium, iron, vitamin C are the health-promoting ingredients of a familiar vegetable.
- Sroman alate. The basic ingredient of Caesar salad – has a positive effect on the quality of vision, because it contains lutein, vitamins A, C and B and folic acid.
- Kapusta. Polish cuisine does not exist without it! He is an ally in the fight against cancer.
- Black turnip. Brightens the complexion, strengthens the hair, and cleanses the liver. Eat it raw, it is crunchy and healthy. Like a turnip.
- Mustard leaves. The seeds are used as a base for mustard, and the slightly searing leaves are perfect for salads. It strengthens and cleanses the body.
- Endywia. It goes well with cheese and nuts, and most importantly – supports the nervous system, also improves the complexion, nails and hair.
Endywia - Chives. Irreplaceable in salads, salads and in egg dishes. It facilitates digestion.
- Kale. Recently, a very fashionable ingredient in the menu. It belongs to the same family as cabbage, and has similar properties – it is anti-cancer.
- Dandelion leaves. They are suitable for salads and infusions, cleanse of toxins and aid weight loss.
- Mexican pepper. It helps to lose weight thanks to capsaicin, the sharpness has a thermogenic effect on the body.
- Rocket. After purchase, take it out of the plastic packaging immediately. It contains vitamins K, C and B. It improves digestion thanks to its high fiber content.
- Broccoli. It protects against cancer, supports the fight against kilograms. Solves problems with the nervous system. Just remember that when overcooked, it loses its properties.
- Pumpkin. Its orange color is caused by beta-carotene, which delays aging and improves skin tone. Eat because it’s worth it!
The author of the text: Justyna Witczak
Which vegetables do you like best? Which vegetables do you eat the most?
Photo sources: Jeff Kubina / Foter / CC BY-SA thegshow / Foter / CC BY-ND worak / Footer / CC BY avlxyz / Foter / CC BY-SA