- Garlic composition
- 12 health benefits of garlic
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease
- It promotes digestion
- An effective slimming ally
- An excellent remedy for coughs and colds
- Natural solution against hair loss
- Garlic prevents cancer
- A natural remedy for acne and warts
- Against psoriasis and itchy skin
- To treat athlete’s foot
- A natural mosquito repellent
- Garlic to treat ear infections
- A natural aphrodisiac
- Recipes
- Conclusion
Widely used in our kitchens, garlic is a spice that we are particularly fond of. For marinades, sauces and more, it is almost essential.
But do you know that your garlic clove is packed with multiple nutrients?
It is these nutrients, in particular allicin, that give it its medicinal properties. here is 12 benefits of garlic, an essential super food.
Garlic composition
The minerals
Your garlic clove is made up of minerals which are mineral salts and trace elements (1).
This spice contains mineral salts such as: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium.
Mineral salts contribute to the proper development of organs. They can work together as does calcium, magnesium in the formation of bones and teeth.
- Calcium is the main mineral salt.
In addition to the formation of bones and teeth, it is involved in the heart system, in muscle contractions and other essential organs in your body.
- Phosphorus is involved in the production of energy from amino acids and sugars.
It associates with calcium in the formation and rigidity of the skeleton. 80% of the body’s phosphorus is bound to calcium. The other 20% exist in different organs.
A deficiency in phosphorus causes pain and bone problems. It also leads to general fatigue of the body. On the other hand, excess phosphorus acts negatively on the rigidity and calcification of the skeleton.
- Magnesium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and the formation of multiple enzymes.
Trace elements
In garlic you have: zinc, iron, copper and many others.
- Zinc: Zinc is involved in the reactions of enzymes.
It has a role of choice in protein synthesis, in the synthesis of prostaglandins. It also activates RNAs (Ribonucleic acids). It is also involved in the synthesis of DNA. Zinc sometimes has antioxidant actions in the body.
The excess of zinc slows the contribution of calcium in the functioning of the cells. On the other hand, a zinc deficiency leads to anti-immune problems.
- Iron is the backbone, the essential building block of hemoglobin. Iron acts in the synthesis of DNA and in many essential functions of the body.
An iron deficiency leads to anemia, while an excess of iron increases oxidative stress.
To read: 15 foods very rich in iron
- Copper: It acts in the metabolism of glucose and that of iron.
Copper is important in the destruction of free radicals, in the functioning of the myocardium, in the regulation of neurotransmitters and in the immune system.
A copper deficiency will lead to anemia, while an excess of copper in the body will damage the DNA and the oxygen free radicals.
Multiple vitamins
Garlic contains several types of vitamins. These are vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 or PP, B5, B6, C, E. These vitamins each have specific actions in the system.
But when combined, they work together to protect the immune system and destroy free radicals, bacteria and the like.
One of the strengths of garlic is the joint action of various vitamins that make it up.
Volatile compounds

These include disulfides, allicin, alienase, inulin.
Garlic contains several volatile compounds which give it its medicinal properties. Allicin is one of the main active elements in garlic. In contact with free radicals, allicin has antioxidant effects.
They are involved in the renewal of tissues, in the functioning of neurotransmitters, enzymes, muscle fibers.
Proteins are also involved in the formation and development of cell membranes, bones, skin, muscles, etc.
Fibers: they are essential for the proper functioning of the digestive system.
12 health benefits of garlic
Prevention of cardiovascular disease
Eating garlic regularly promotes dilation of the arteries and thus lowers blood pressure. It is highly recommended for people with high blood pressure.
This super food also helps to purify the blood by eliminating bad cholesterol. It also makes the blood much more fluid, thus promoting better blood circulation.
It also prevents the formation of clots that could block veins and arteries. Consuming a lot of garlic thus protects against heart attacks and other similar attacks.
It promotes digestion
Garlic has antiseptic properties that help maintain your intestinal flora and promote the secretion of bile.
It also contains vitamin B1 which allows it to manufacture enzymes essential for good digestion.
It also contains chlorine which helps the stomach to better crush food. Garlic is also a natural and preventative remedy for gastroenteritis, which allows it to eliminate bacteria present in the intestines.
To benefit from the digestive benefits of garlic, consume 2 cloves of raw garlic or 4 cooked cloves daily.
Eat the pods crushed or chopped, after removing the germ, because some people cannot digest it.
An effective slimming ally
Garlic has unexpected slimming virtues. It is a very low calorie food. It contains natural antioxidants which aid in weight loss.
Garlic also stimulates the metabolism, thus helping to burn calories. It reduces the level of bad fat in the blood.
For quick effects and without health risks, the ideal is to consume garlic as part of a perfectly balanced diet.
Consume about 3 to 5 cloves of fresh, raw garlic daily. The dose should be slightly increased in case the garlic is eaten cooked.
An excellent remedy for coughs and colds
This spice is a very effective natural solution to treat coughs and colds. Rich in vitamins, it is also a natural antibiotic that blocks bacterial and viral infections.
To prevent colds with garlic, consume 3 to 4 raw cloves per day. To make it a cough remedy, concoct a “garlic tea.”
This tea is an excellent remedy for quickly reducing inflammation in the throat and removing excess mucus. Refer to the recipe at the bottom of the article.
Natural solution against hair loss
You can make garlic hair products at home. It is particularly effective in preventing and treating the appearance of dandruff. It helps fight against hair loss.
Garlic contributes to good microcirculation in the scalp, thus promoting regrowth. Its antibacterial properties also allow it to act against dandruff.
Garlic prevents cancer
Eating raw garlic daily protects against the appearance of several types of cancer such as lung, colon or stomach cancer for example.
This is thanks to the presence of an enzyme called “allinase” which has antifungal and anti cancer properties.
It is also thanks to the powerful antioxidant properties of garlic which help the body to better fight free radicals and cellular aging.
You should consume an average of 5 to 6 crushed garlic cloves per day. To benefit from the virtues of garlic, the crushed cloves must be allowed to rest for about fifteen minutes before consuming them.
It should be noted that garlic helps prevent cancer, not its total cure. This summary of studies (3) states that further studies will be carried out to determine the active role of garlic in the treatment of cancer.
However, its multiple properties will help you in better health.
A natural remedy for acne and warts
To fight warts and pimples, garlic is a more effective and cheaper alternative to cosmetics.
This is due to its antiviral properties which boost the immune system and help the body to clear warts faster.
When it comes to acne, garlic has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that are effective in immediately ridding the skin of pimples.
In both cases, apply a slice of raw garlic directly to the wart or pimple, preferably at night before going to bed.
Against psoriasis and itchy skin
Garlic is an effective natural remedy for psoriasis. You can eat more garlic or make local applications. The second solution is the one I prefer.
Rub garlic oil directly on the red, inflamed patches caused by psoriasis.
The second “treatment” is also effective in relieving itching. Whether it’s to soothe the irritation caused by a rash or an insect bite, all you need to do is apply raw garlic juice to the itchy area.
To treat athlete’s foot
Garlic has powerful anti-fungal properties that make it an extremely effective natural solution for treating athlete’s foot (4).
To get rid of this fungus infection, just apply garlic puree to the area to be treated. It is then necessary to cover with a fabric, or a handkerchief and let stand overnight.
Garlic can also be used to treat corns and calluses on the feet. To do this, mix a crushed clove with olive oil. Then apply this mixture on the corns and calluses.
Finally to fight against excessive sweating on the feet, mix two crushed garlic cloves in boiling water (1 cup of water), then apply this solution daily to the feet.
A natural mosquito repellent
Garlic can be used as an ingredient in making a mosquito repellent that is both natural and very effective. It contains sulfur, which immediately scares off these little critters.
Infuse in tea, crushed garlic, then pour the mixture into a small bowl that just place on the windowsill.
To make a spray solution, macerate several pressed garlic cloves in boiling water for several hours. The solution is immediately ready for use.
Garlic to treat ear infections
Garlic oil is a quick and effective remedy for ailments and infections of the ear. This is mainly thanks to the antiseptic, anti-virus and antibacterial properties of this spice.
To prepare garlic oil, simply mix garlic puree with olive oil. The mixture should then be left to stand in a bright place for 10 to 14 days.
See the recipe on garlic oil for hair care, below.
You can also treat ear infections with garlic water. Boil 1 clove of garlic in ½ cup of water. Let boil for 5 to 10 minutes. Filter the solution.
Let the solution cool down before putting it in the ears.
A natural aphrodisiac
Finally, garlic is also known to have aphrodisiac properties and thus boost libido.
This is due to the presence of allicin, an enzyme that acts on blood vessels by dilating them.
Garlic thus promotes better blood circulation and thus helps stimulate desire during foreplay and lovemaking.
Consume this spice gentlemen to maintain a good erection during sex.
Garlic tea
You will need:
- 3 garlic cloves,
- 3 cups of mineral water,
- 3 teaspoons of honey,
- 1 whole lemon.
Cut the pods in half,
Squeeze the juice from your lemon,
Boil the garlic cloves in water. After a few minutes (just after boiling), turn off the heat and add the honey and lemon juice.
Drink it lukewarm. You can keep it cool for a few days.
Nutritional value
Garlic tea helps fight colds, tonsillitis and other mild illnesses related to cold.
Honey is full of many benefits such as lemon which is also a powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial …
Garlic brings its medicinal properties to tea.
It is important to cut the pods in half before boiling them. This is because allicin is only released from garlic when garlic is cut or crushed. Contact with air causes the production of allicin.
To read: 9 health benefits of green tea
Garlic hair mask
You will need (6):
- 5 garlic cloves,
- 50 ml of olive oil,
- 1 clean bottle.
Crush your garlic cloves and put them in a bottle containing olive oil,
Take care to close the bottle tightly,
Put it in the window so that the sun’s rays can act on the maceration,
Macerate in olive oil for 10-15 days,
Use the oil for your hair masks.
Hair value
The longer you let it macerate, the better. Indeed, olive oil will soak up the properties of garlic.
Garlic is recognized as an ingredient that makes hair grow.
It is more suitable for oily hair.
For dry hair, use this oil once a month as garlic tends to dry out. This is because of its astringent properties which suck up excess fat.
Even though scientific research has not yet been able to detect the real impact of garlic on cancers, it is undeniable that garlic has medicinal properties.
Through the traditional medicines of Chinese, Indian and African peoples who use garlic in their pharmacopoeia, we are certain of the effectiveness of this spice in preventing or treating several ailments.
Regularly use garlic at home to fight high blood pressure, heart problems and the like for good health.
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