The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history

What else can alert and intrigue the layman so much as a new conspiracy theory that world leaders have started against humanity.

Each of us always “knows what is best” in our hearts, therefore we are happy to dive into new streams of information from the ever-awake media.

Injections into the masses continue with regular envy, so it is extremely important to isolate really relevant global processes in the flow of the next “spam” in order not to allow yourself to be controlled like a sheep in a herd.

And for this, dear readers, you need to turn on your brains and start logic, otherwise the conspirators will achieve their goal and fool your head. How to make a controlled crowd out of the people – throw in distorted information and just watch how the “word of mouth” promotes itself.

In the new era of Aquarius, it is extremely important to ensure the information security of citizens. Therefore, here are 10 probable conspiracy theories that still have not lost their relevance.

To believe the information or not is the choice of the reader. But remember that the criterion of truth is only practice – double-check the facts

10 The conspiracy of the oilmen

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history The conspiracy theory says that the heads of huge oil multinationals are holding back the development of alternative energy, because otherwise an energy revolution and a breakthrough in the development of unique fuel-free technologies will become possible.

The development of mankind for oilmen is fraught with the loss of colossal incomes. Even 11 years ago, the European Commission declassified a paraffin conspiracy involving world brands and leading oil companies, driving up huge prices for paraffin in the industry.

Now this is being successfully done in the field of fuel, oil, gas, and other valuable renewable resources.

9. Moon plot

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history According to this theory, Armstrong and his team never went to the moon, despite the obvious “lunar” video and photographic materials.

The point is that in the photographs brought by professionals, they see quite “Earthly” traces, such as the force of gravity, the optimum temperature for the film, and the wind.

Also, do not forget that the States were losing the USSR in the Cold War, so it was necessary to urgently distract the indignant population with something. The theme of the flight to the moon was just right for this purpose.

8. Manufacturers conspiracy

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history Entrepreneurs of the world market now and again find themselves embroiled in the most shocking stories. For a long time, GMOs have been used to reduce the genetic potential of the planet, seeking to reduce the population to the notorious “Golden Billion”. But that’s not all.

Global multinationals in the food and household sector are also in conspiracy, which allows them to evenly distribute market shares and keep high prices for their branded products. Therefore, competition and diversity are only an appearance that stimulates the consumerism of ordinary citizens.

And remember pharmacists who create drugs that heal the symptoms, but not the cause of the disease.

Concerns for the production of electrical engineering and transport have become completely insolent, releasing products that barely live up to the warranty period.

7. medical conspiracy

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history A separate issue is the conspiracy of pharmacists – under their activities, they began to create new diseases, bacteria and viruses in laboratories. This is how world business flourishes – they stumbled upon a new misfortune, and then immediately on the “hot trail” developed an effective vaccine against it. And then they promote the latter as a preventive measure against new strains.

It is no secret that the largest pharmaceutical brands are under the control of the world’s global families who are interested not only in personal enrichment, but also in the reduction of the people on the planet – resources, you see, are not enough for everyone.

To genocide the people with the help of diseases and chemicals is as easy as shelling pears, which is what advertising on TV actively works for.

6. Pearl Harbor was planned

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history Do not even doubt that world military campaigns are not a spontaneous action at all, but a global plan carefully developed over the years.

The theory makes it clear that the President of the States knew for certain about a possible attack and deliberately withheld this information in order to give a precedent. This served as a pretext for Roosevelt to go to war with Germany despite the lack of support of the population of Europe.

5. Zionist conspiracy

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history Have you heard the phrase “Zionist occupation government”? Unlikely, because this term is mostly used in anti-Semitic and far-right circles.

The conspiracy takes its roots back in the 19th century, when the fake “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” “accidentally” penetrated the media.

According to the theory, Jews (Masons, Rockefellers and other synonyms of the secret world “behind the scenes”) influence planetary politics and are global managers.

In recent years, we have found more and more indisputable evidence that this theory has in fact been an axiom for a long time.

4. The 11/XNUMX attacks were planned

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history It is no secret that the terrorist act with the twin skyscrapers is an event of global global significance. Moreover, the Americans-globalists themselves started the terrorist attack under the strict execution of Bush and the administration. By sacrificing their own citizens, the politicians received the main argument for the US army’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Michael Moore in his documentary film raised the issue of close cooperation between bin Laden and the Bushes.

3. Secret world government

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history And again we return to the topic of global governance, in which the world’s most famous families participate.

Entrance to the arena is reserved for the “uninitiated”, and only members of families who once emerged from the royal ranks of Ancient Egypt can inherit the right to be a member of the global council.

Interestingly, many people are finally starting to turn on their brains and study information about the influence of the global banking system (of course, owned by Jews like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers) on the management of the planetary economy and financial markets.

2. Global warming is fiction

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history Ecologists are dancing to the tune of the same world government, throwing into the masses either theories or denials about the development of global warming on the planet.

We have heard different versions of climate change, ranging from US testing of “climate” weapons, and ending with ozone holes in the planet’s atmosphere.

The world’s “minds” are speculating on the topical issue of the survival of mankind in order to attract crazy investments into their pseudo-research.

There is only one truth – all people have noticed a sharp change in the climate, and if you do not start listening to mother nature and control your economic activities, then the planet will sooner or later decide to cleanse itself of parasites in the form of humanity.

1. Promotion of non-traditional sexual orientation

The 10 most credible conspiracy theories in human history The conspiracy theory on one of the priorities of managing society is designed to genocide the best potential of the planet. Let’s unanimously change sexual preferences so that mentally healthy children do not appear from LGBT marriages and in sufficient numbers to improve demographic indicators.

With the help of the media, globalists actualize the issue of gays in Russia, which is one of the effective methods of the Cold War.

Unfortunately, Americans are succeeding in their destructive field, because the topic of gay lobbyists emerges at the political level and has already reached the legislative base of the country.

People, don’t let your “ears wave your donkey”, manage your own life and what enters your subconscious.

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