The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

A few hours after closing its doors, the seventeenth edition of the gastronomic summit Madrid Fusion It leaves us some clues about where and what to eat to keep up with the latest gourmet trends.

En Summum, we have selected the most original and exclusive.

Kadeau: Nordic style

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Located in the east of Denmark, the island of Bornholm is big like Ibiza and it looks quite like an earthly paradise. Here is a restaurant called Gift and which is reputed to be one of the most beautiful in Scandinavia.

The project, led by Nicolai Norregaard y Rasmus Kofoedchildhood friends, started more than ten years ago and now has two locations, one of them in Copenhagen, open during the coldest months of the year. The commitment to the limited local pantry and the seemingly concise design of the dishes make this restaurant the new essential address for the army of followers of the Nordic style.

Smoked salmon, pickled vegetables, spicy radishes and figs are some of the keys that play in that kitchen to surprise the diner. Journey to the center of hygge.

Single Thread: when luxury is nature

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Located a few hours from San Francisco, Single Thread It is an exclusive hotel with only five rooms and a restaurant with 3 Michelin starswhich is supplied by its own farm (located about 12 km).

This is where all the vegetables, fruit, flowers (there is a team of four who are dedicated only to flowers), herbs, eggs and other ingredients that come to life in the restaurant’s kitchen come from. Until they have their own winery, they produce their olive oil and have local artisans to make unique vessels.

In this establishment, hospitality is sacred: upon arrival guests are not asked for any documents, nor to be listed in any registry. A luxury experience with the warmth of a home.

Aponiente: forbidden to get bored

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Tomato, celery, pear, currant, saffron. It could be the shopping list for any restaurant or home. Something that would not raise any interest in the street, imagine at a gastronomy congress. If it weren’t that everyone These ingredients do not come from the land, but from the sea.

The architect of this new revolution in the pantry is Angel León, chef and soul of the restaurant Aponiente. His long-term goal, he says, is a restaurant where each season there are only ingredients that no one has tried before. Something that is getting closer and closer.

Your last chance is a living salt, a sum of four salts, which solidifies on contact with food and, reaching a temperature of up to 135 degrees, he cooks them. A Magic trick” that makes the experience in this TOP restaurant even more unique.

Do you know what the butterfly pea flower is?

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

It is one of the ingredients that promise to revolutionize your diet And your social networks!

La butterfly pea flower It is an intense blue plant native to Southeast Asia. Once dry, it is crushed and added to food, radically changing its color. In addition, benefits such as stimulate memory or calm the nerves. No wonder he has earned the nickname of “Matcha azul”.

Without a doubt, an unexpected touch for your shakes, infusions and drinks. The blue chai It could become the new hot drink.

Hiša Franko: one of the most sought-after tables of the moment

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Count the chef Ana Roš that your restaurant team Hiša Franko You can change up to six dishes from the tasting menu in one day due to the whims of nature. And it is that, in this Slovenian establishment, one of the directions of the moment, they send the ingredients and the local flavors, from the lamb of the mountains to the game, going through the herbs and the wild flowers.

It is not a coincidence that this cook has let slip on the stage that globalization does not reach her kitchen. Gastronomy is always a good excuse to travel and in this case even more.

Pear in five textures, sour ricotta and hibiscus and pumpkin flowers, duck liver, dog rose, apple kombucha and fermented apple are some of the dishes on the current tasting menu. The eight course cost 135 euros and the eleven 150 euros.

Caviaroli: ready-to-wear spherifications

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Standard bearers of the techno-emotional revolution, spherifications are here to stay also in homes.

The young company Caviaroli and chef TOP Albert Adrià They have developed three varieties of spherified olives: green, spicy and, the newest of all, black.

They have been on the market for a few months and are made with black olives from Aragon and Kalamata. In each of them there is nothing less than eight black olives. An intense flavor that explodes in the mouth and surprises even the most experienced of gourmets. The jar of twenty units is sold for 12 euros.

A dinner and a drink in Budapest

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Budapest It is one of the gastronomic destinations that have been going strong this year. A capital in full gastronomic boiling that follows in the wake of others already consolidated such as Copenhagen or San Francisco.

The brasserie restaurant Collage of the chef Barley Gyórffy, and the restaurant Costs from the chef Eszter Palágyi, which mixes avant-garde with traditional cuisine, are some of the essential addresses.

And for a drink? El Boutiq Bar, led by the bartender Zoltan Nagy, one of the greats of today’s cocktail bar. Go booking a ticket now!

Apúntate al “too good to go”

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

It’s the name of an app that connects users with restaurants, supermarkets, food stores with the aim of reducing food waste and the environmental impact that production and the waste itself entail.

But it is also a motto that is gaining more and more followers every day and that underlines the importance of responsible consumption. We no longer wear fur coats, nor do we eat meat and derivatives of endangered animals, no matter how exquisite they are. Luxury now is either sustainable or it is not.

Tobiko: here you can eat the best ham croquette in the world

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

Carries Iberian ham and panko (a kind of Japanese breadcrumbs), it is made in Toledo and you have the next eleven months to go and try it.

We talk about the croquette of the restaurant Tobiko, signed by the chef Javier Ugido, the winner of this year’s edition of the Joselito international championship for the best ham croquette in the world.

It is one of the funniest moments and that arouses the most interest among those who are part of the program of Madrid Fusion. It is not for less: the croquette is a real culinary challenge: you have to touch perfection to achieve an excellent result. And apparently, in Tobiko they have found the perfect recipe.

Atelier Crenn: the center of world gastronomy

The 10 luxury foodie novelties that you still do not know

French by birth and American by adoption, Dominique crenn she is one of the best chefs in the world. The most exclusive of its restaurants, Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco, has only eight tables and a tasting menu of U.S. dollar 335.

A luxury address that in these months raises the bar even more thanks to the collaboration of other great chefs such as Daniel Boulud o Alex Transfusion, which will be cooked in this establishment in a limited edition of four-handed dinners.

Among the Spanish, Angel León y Quique Dacosta, which will pass through Dominique Crenn’s “house” respectively on February 5-6 and May 14-15. The price of the experience in this case is U.S. dollar 450. Wine pairing apart.

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