The 10.000 steps myth: How much and how to walk each day to lose weight

The 10.000 steps myth: How much and how to walk each day to lose weight


Walking a certain number of kilometers a day can help us control our weight, according to personal trainer Martín Giacchetta

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The 10.000 steps myth: How much and how to walk each day to lose weight

But… Can you really lose weight just by walking? Although miracles do not exist, the personal trainer Martín Giacchetta explains how this is possible: “The first thing to bear in mind is that, although the basis of losing weight is doing physical activity, above all we must take care of our diet.”

After the clarification, Martín Giacchetta comments how just walking can be all the exercise we need. «There is no better discipline than walking because it does not cause injuries. If we are looking to lose weight by walking, it depends a little on what you eat, but you can burn about 300 kcal per hour of movement “, says the trainer.

How should we do it?

Martín Giacchetta gives us three great keys to get in shape by walking:

– WHO recommends walking 10.000 steps a day, which translates into a distance of seven kilometers. To keep it in perspective, a sedentary person, who does not move at all, walks about 3.000 or 4.000 steps a day. Explain the professional that we must triple these daily steps, which means that apart from day to day we must be thinking about walking to become active people.

The pace at which we walk influencesBut that does not mean that walking at a leisurely pace does nothing. It is better if it is done quickly, tightening the abdomen, or with some load, such as some weights in the hand. Even so, the coach emphasizes that the important thing is to comply with the most basic things, to reach 10.000 steps.

– Giacchetta emphasizes the importance of have an active mindthroughout the day. Not sitting all day, counting steps and always keeping movement in mind is essential.

Practical tips

  • Walk around the room while you answer the phone.
  • Choose the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Park your car far away, when the weather permits, so you can walk a little more.
  • Keep an active attitude, for example, if you can take two trips instead of one, do them.
  • All steps count! Whether doing the shopping, taking the children to school or cleaning the house.
  • Maintain a correct posture, your back and your joints will appreciate it.

The personal trainer explains that for a person to have a healthy routine and be active, they should be every day six hours on the move. “Going to the gym is only one hour, then there are another 23,” says Martín Giacchetta and continues: “Many people go to the gym every day but are sedentary the rest of their day: they move by car, take the elevator, everything he does in a chair », he clarifies. The idea is clear, constant movement is essential: “You have to move, going to the gym does not mean that those 40 minutes that you are training are enough.”

The coach concludes by explaining that, if you want to strengthen certain parts of the body, it will be necessary to complement walking with other workouts. But the base is simple, walking can be the perfect instrument to lose weight, maintain it or, ultimately, keep them healthy and have a healthy life.

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