In the matter of restoring cleanliness and order, paper towels provide us with invaluable assistance. But even such a simple thing is endowed with hidden abilities that many do not suspect. Experts of the Soft Sign brand reveal simple and trouble-free life hacks with paper towels that will facilitate everyday life and help to cope with minor household troubles.
The food is in the juice

How many times a week we have to reheat food in the microwave, and not count. This does not always have the best effect on the taste qualities. After all, the moisture from the products evaporates rapidly, which makes them become rubber. Avoiding this is quite simple. Transfer the food to a container and cover with a paper towel. If these are vegetables or pastries, wrap them with a paper towel and send them to the microwave. This way you will create a vacuum effect — the products will warm up evenly and at the same time remain juicy inside.
Every last drop

Sometimes it is necessary not to preserve moisture, but, on the contrary, to get rid of it. For example, when you cut a fresh cucumber into strips for a salad or grated zucchini for pancakes. Here is a simple solution that will help you effectively cope with the task. Insert a wide colander into a bowl according to the size, cover it with paper towels in several layers and put the chopped wet vegetables. Leave them for 10 minutes, and the excess liquid will drain down by itself. Only it is necessary to shake the colander from time to time so that the vegetables dry evenly.
From a clean slate
As you know, washed lettuce leaves need to be dried properly before adding them to vegetables in a salad bowl. Otherwise, the assorted vegetables will become watery and tasteless. Some housewives use special dryers for this. Here is a much more economical and efficient solution. Place the lettuce leaves on a paper towel, cover with a second one and press lightly with your palms. Leave them for a while — the paper will absorb excess moisture, the leaves will become completely dry and at the same time will not lose their lush elastic shape.
Young, green, fresh

Fresh herbs are usually stored in the refrigerator. But if you do not create the necessary conditions, it will quickly wither. Along with freshness, juiciness, taste and aroma will be irretrievably lost. A simple technique will help prolong the life of the greens. Take a paper towel, lightly walk over it with a damp hand, evenly spread out the greens and roll them into a loose roll. You can slightly moisten the bunch of greens itself and wrap it with a dry paper towel. The effect will be unchanged — juicy fresh greens will remain like this for several days.
Bread with frosty freshness
The bread should also be fresh. If it has accumulated too much, do not rush to make crackers. Take the extra bread you have, wrap it in a paper towel and place it in the freezer. Just before that, be sure to make sure that it is absolutely dry, otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite — the bread will get wet in the cold and spoil. It should be defrosted without removing it from a paper towel, and only at room temperature. And one more tip — do not keep bread in the freezer for longer than 2-3 days.
Sweet metamorphoses

If you have cane sugar stored in your kitchen, you probably have noticed more than once that over time it hardens and gathers into dense lumps. There will be no problems to eliminate this nuisance. Pour the stale sugar into a wide glass container, cover with a damp paper towel and send it to the microwave for literally 20-30 seconds at maximum power. The sugar will absorb moisture, become crumbly and homogeneous again. After that, you will have to loosen it a little and return it back to the sugar bowl.
Coffee at any price
Filters for coffee machines tend to run out at the most inopportune moment. In this case, an ordinary paper towel will come to the rescue. Due to its rather dense and durable texture, it can be used as a filter. Brew ground coffee in a turk and pour it into a container covered with a paper towel on top. All the coffee grounds will stay in it, and you will get a clean, fresh drink. According to the same principle, paper towels can be used instead of a strainer for brewing black and herbal tea.
Down with the makeup!

Do you want to save money on makeup remover? This will help such a life hack. Mix 350-400 ml of thermal water, 2 tablespoons of peach oil, a few drops of tea tree oil. Heat the mixture in the microwave. Take a whole roll of paper towels, cut in half and place one half in a round container of suitable size with a lid. Fill the roll with a cleaning solution. When the paper is completely soaked, remove the sleeve and close the container tightly with the lid. This tool can be used both as a makeup remover and as a tonic.
Bushing in the case
The cardboard sleeve will also find a worthy use. With its help, you can compactly and without harm to the nervous system store wires and headphones, wrapped around the cylinder. Cut several bushings in half and place them in the box close to each other. You will get a box with compartments for useful little things: paper clips, pins, buttons, office buttons, elastic bands. It is convenient to keep plastic bags and candles inside the sleeve. And you can also make a knife case out of it, closing it with an electrical tape at one end. Such a simple device will help you out if you go on a picnic.
Spots — good riddance

During a festive dinner, one of the guests knocked over a burning candle on the tablecloth and there were traces of wax on it? It doesn’t matter, as long as there are paper towels at hand. Fold the towel several times, cover the stain and iron it at the lowest temperature. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated several times. Eventually, the paper will absorb the wax and the remaining traces of fat from it. If the tablecloth is made of a delicate fabric, it is better to use a hair dryer instead of an iron, after which you will need to manually wash the place of contamination.
We hope that you have appreciated the proposed life hacks and will take them into account. To make them work for sure, use paper towels of the “Soft Sign”brand. They are one hundred percent made of natural cellulose and meet the most stringent quality requirements. Therefore, you can use them both for their intended purpose and for non-standard tasks. The result in any case will be on top.