Thanos Fungicide

Horticultural crops are susceptible to fungal diseases that can completely destroy the crop. Preventive treatments help to avoid their spread. The drug Thanos has a complex effect on plants, keeps on the leaves for a long time and is not washed off by rain.

Description of the fungicide

Fungicide Thanos has protective and healing properties. Its action is based on two main components: cymoxanil and famoxadone. The content of each substance per 1 kg of the preparation is 250 g.

Cymoxanil has a systemic effect. The substance penetrates inside the plants within an hour. As a result, long-term protection of crops is provided even after watering and rainfall.

Famoxadone has a contact action. After getting on the leaves and shoots, the drug forms a protective film on them. Upon contact with fungal spores and other pathogens, the substance blocks their spread.

Important! Fungicide Thanos is used to prevent diseases or when the first warning signs appear.

The drug Thanos is sold in the form of water-dispersible granules. In this form, the substance does not dust, is not subject to freezing and crystallization. To prepare the solution, dissolve the required amount of granules.

In the absence of weights, take into account how many grams of the Thanos fungicide are in a teaspoon. To prepare the solution, you need to know that in 1 tsp. contains 1 g of the drug.

Thanos is produced by DuPont Khimprom, a division of an American herbicide company. The granules are packaged in plastic containers and bags with a volume of 2 g to 2 kg.

For best results, Thanos is alternated with other fungicides. It is better to use drugs with a neutral or acidic reaction: Aktara, Titus, Karate, etc. Use with insecticides is allowed. Thanos is incompatible with alkaline substances.

Thanos Fungicide


The main advantages of the drug Thanos:

  • contact and systemic action;
  • suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • does not cause addiction in harmful microorganisms;
  • convenient release form;
  • improves the process of photosynthesis in plant cells;
  • resistance to watering and precipitation;
  • long period of action;
  • does not accumulate in soil and plants;
  • highly soluble in water;
  • economical consumption.


When using the Thanos fungicide, its disadvantages are taken into account:

  • the need to use protective equipment;
  • compliance with the consumption rate.

The order of application

The drug Thanos is used in the form of a solution. In clean water, the required amount of the substance is dissolved in accordance with the standards established for each type of culture.

To prepare the solution, glass, plastic or enameled containers are required. The working solution is not stored for a long time, it must be used up within a day.


With increased humidity, signs of mildew appear on the grapes. First, oil spots appear on the surface of the leaves, which eventually turn yellow or red. The disease quickly passes to shoots and inflorescences, as a result of which the ovaries die off and the crop is lost.

Important! To protect the vineyard from mildew, a solution is prepared consisting of 4 g of Thanos fungicide per 10 liters of water.

The first spraying is carried out before flowering. It is allowed to carry out processing every 12 days. No more than 3 sprays are performed per season. According to the instructions for the fungicide Thanos per 10 sq. m plantings spend 1 liter of the resulting solution.

Thanos Fungicide


Alternariosis affects potato tubers, leaves and shoots. The main signs of the disease are the presence of brown spots on the tops, yellowing and death of the leaves. Dark spots on the leaf plate are also a sign of late blight. This disease is diagnosed by a white coating on the back of the leaves.

To prevent potato diseases, a solution is prepared containing 6 g of Thanos granules per 10 liters of water. Considering how many grams of the Thanos fungicide are in a teaspoon, you can determine that you need to add 6 tsp. drug.

Spraying is carried out according to the scheme:

  • when shoots appear;
  • during the formation of buds;
  • after flowering;
  • during tuber formation.

For 10 sq. m plantings require 1 liter of solution. Leave at least 14 days between treatments.


In open ground, tomatoes are susceptible to fungal diseases: late blight and alternariosis. The diseases are fungal in nature and have similar symptoms: the presence of dark spots on the leaves and stems. Gradually defeat comes to fruition.

To protect tomatoes from the spread of the fungus, 10 tsp are measured per 6 liters of water. drug Thanos. The first treatment is carried out 2 weeks after planting the tomatoes in the ground. Spraying is repeated every 12 days.

During the season, plants are treated no more than 4 times. All spraying is stopped 3 weeks before fruit removal.


The most dangerous disease that affects onions is downy mildew. It is determined by the pale color and deformation of the feathers and the presence of a gray coating. The disease quickly spreads over the site, and it is almost impossible to save the plantings.

Important! When growing onions on a feather, it is not recommended to use a Thanos solution.

Thanos Fungicide

Therefore, special attention is paid to preventive onion treatments. To prepare a working solution, according to the instructions for use, take 12 g of Thanos fungicide per 10-liter bucket of water.

During the growing season, onions are sprayed no more than once every 12 days. For 10 sq. m plantings require 0,5 liters of solution. Processing stops 3 weeks before harvest.


When growing sunflower on an industrial scale, the crop is susceptible to a wide range of diseases: downy mildew, white and gray rot, phomosis. To preserve the crop, preventive treatments of sunflower with Thanos fungicide are carried out.

Sunflower plantings are sprayed three times during the season:

  • when 4-6 leaves appear;
  • at the beginning of budding;
  • during flowering.

To obtain a solution, according to the instructions for the Thanos fungicide, you need to add 4 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. The sunflower is sprayed with the prepared solution. The effect of the drug lasts for 50 days.

Safety measures

Thanos is a chemical preparation, therefore, when interacting with it, safety rules are observed. The granules are stored in a dry place away from children and animals. The fungicide is moderately dangerous for bees, has low toxicity for warm-blooded organisms.

People without protective equipment and animals are removed from the place of processing. It is allowed to carry out spraying near reservoirs and other water bodies, since the active substances are not toxic to fish.

To protect the respiratory organs and mucous membranes, use long-sleeved clothing, a respirator and rubber gloves. If the solution comes into contact with the skin, wash the contact area with soap and water.

Thanos Fungicide

In case of poisoning with Thanos, you need to drink a glass of clean water and activated charcoal. It is imperative that you consult a doctor.

Reviews of gardeners

Dmitry, 36 years old, Krasnodar city
I grow grapes for sale, so I carefully monitor the spread of any diseases. Last year, a few mildew spots appeared on the leaves. To prepare the solution, I chose the fungicide Thanos, according to the instructions for use, I added 4 g of the substance per 10 liters of water. Repeated treatment 20 days later. The drug did an excellent job, the disease receded.
Anna, 58 years old Perm
The drug Thanos is used to process potatoes. The tool protects plantings well from phytophthora. The fungicide is not washed off by rain and has a healing effect. Preventive spraying is very effective. During the entire growing period, signs of the disease do not appear.
Olga, 43 years old, Taganrog city
Thanos used the drug a few years ago to treat a vineyard. The fungicide has a mild effect and shows good results only on seedlings. To combat diseases on adult bushes, I use Ridomil. Fungicide Thanos is suitable only for disease prevention. I spray in early spring, when the buds have not yet blossomed.


Fungicide Thanos is used for preventive treatments of vegetable crops, grapes and sunflowers. Due to the complex effect, the drug suppresses fungal cells and restrains the spread of the disease. When using a fungicide, take precautions.

Sunflower treatment with Thanos fungicides

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