Thanksgiving Technique

First, let’s try to figure out what gratitude is. As Wikipedia says, gratitude is an expression of a positive attitude towards a person who has done something good for you.


In order for your life to be filled with good and pleasant events, you need to learn how to use this technique correctly. Psychologists say it’s best to practice it before bed. To achieve sincerity, make a list of everything you are grateful for. Over time, this technique will become a good habit, and your sleep and well-being will improve. And the most important thing is that it is not difficult to do it at all and it will not take you much time.

So let’s take a look at how to make this list? What to include there? First, write on a piece of paper everything good that happened to you. It can be not only events, gifts, but anything you like. The most ideal list should contain more than fifteen items. You ask, “Why so many?” The answer is very simple: “Yes, so that you do not forget about the insignificant positive aspects.” After compiling the list, you need to choose those of them that you remember best and that you dream of repeating. Now get ready to go through the Thanksgiving procedure with each of these items.


The procedure itself consists of three parts. First, sit down with your hands on your knees, palms facing up. Now imagine that you have a separate world in your hands, inside which there is a person who has done something good for you. The next step is to mentally express gratitude to this person. Do this as sincerely as possible to channel a powerful surge of positive energy. Secondly, thank the Universe, if you like, in the person of our Creator – God. Say that you really liked this gift and that you want to receive it more than once. Don’t forget to tell me How long. Third, put your hands on your heart, thank yourself for accepting this gift or favor. People talk about a positive result already at the 3rd week of using this procedure.

Unfortunately, most of all in our life we ​​are upset. At the same time, we do not think about whether this is justified or not. We react extremely painfully to the amount in the check, to the payment of bills. And at the same time, we don’t even think about those people who work so hard so that we always have cold and hot water in our house, the lighting works, and it is warm. If you have realized this, then you are a kind person. Thank those people who are trying so hard for the good of others. After all, you already know how to do this.

After reviewing our whole life, we can find a lot of things, people, situations, services, events and much more. First, you can express all your gratitude to these points mentally, and later – out loud. In doing so, use the two most important words – “Thank you” and “Thank you.” Express gratitude to your Guardian Angel, God, your life, people who have done good to you. We assure you that in a person’s life, apart from all grief and sadness, there is not so little good.

Try to remember, we are sure that you will succeed. Thank those people who have done things that are not so worthy of your attention. You should be grateful to them for making you a strong person. After all, sometimes bad people deserve gratitude.

Practice this procedure and before you know it, your life will change for the better. You will begin to smile more often and enjoy all the pleasant little things. It is important that you step over your “can’t” and try to do this technique at least once. And then you realize that most of all you are grateful for being born in this world, even in spite of all the difficulties and troubles. Listen not to your mind, but to your heart. It is a powerful and irreplaceable assistant. But do not forget that one time will not be enough. To change your world around you, use the Thanksgiving technique whenever possible.


Our conversation was about the technique of thanksgiving. We talked about how gratitude is a very powerful stream of positive energy, which will undoubtedly return to you with a huge wave of happiness.

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