
Tan is a fermented milk drink, especially valued by the Caucasian peoples. Often it is confused with another drink of the highlanders – ayran, however, they radically differ in the raw materials from which they are obtained. The basis for the preparation of ayran is cow’s milk, and tan is obtained using camel milk and buffalo milk. Nevertheless, both of them have exceptional valuable properties that only benefit the human body. No wonder there are so many centenarians in the Caucasus. After all, it was Caucasian sour-milk drinks that have long been endowed with magical properties that could prolong human life. They say that earlier in ancient Armenia, the recipe for tan was kept in the strictest confidence, and passing it on to someone, the highlander betrayed the memory of his ancestors. Today this drink is widely known outside the Caucasus. It can be found in a large assortment on the shelves of the supermarket, as well as cooked at home.

Description of the drink and chemical composition

Tan is a traditional drink of the Caucasian highlanders. Armenia is considered to be his homeland. It is prepared on the basis of natural camel milk or buffalo milk. In the traditional recipe, matsoni is mixed with water, salted, herbs and various spices are added. Lovers of piquant taste put honey, fresh herbs or pickles there. This combination will give an interesting note to the drink and a bright rich taste. It is recommended to use tan immediately after preparation. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Tan has its own unique mineral and vitamin composition. It contains valuable vitamins (A, K, D, PP) in large quantities, a useful mineral complex is represented by calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and other equally important components. The composition of the tan contains Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus and thermophilic streptococci, due to which the useful microflora of the drink is formed.

The energy value of tan is about 20 kcal. The protein part is allocated 0,8 grams, fats are 0,9 grams, and carbohydrates – 1,2 grams.

Useful properties of the drink

The benefits of such a sour-milk drink are undoubtedly huge. Due to its valuable composition, it has a great influence on the human body. Among other things, tan is often valued for its anti-hangover qualities: it enriches the body with the necessary salts, quenches thirst remarkably, and the lactic acid contained in it normalizes the stomach and intestines, populating them with useful microelements. In addition, tan is widely used in cooking. It is useful both as an independent product and as a basis for other dishes. Also, the beneficial properties of this drink include:

  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • prevention of intestinal diseases and constipation;
  • the presence of choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • stabilization and improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • reduction of harmful cholesterol in the blood, prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of water-salt balance in the body;
  • beneficial effect on kidney function;
  • increasing immunity and strengthening the body’s natural defenses against harmful environmental influences;
  • beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Tan also has high nutritional properties, since it is low in calories and hypoallergenic. The drink stimulates the activity of the muscular system, which will undoubtedly appeal to people who are actively involved in sports. And also it is often used in the field of cosmetology, as a cleanser and moisturizer. So it has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving and rejuvenating it.

Cooking application

This product is widely used for culinary purposes, and not only as an independent drink. It is often used to make delicious cold soups. Sometimes tan is simply added to the finished okroshka, that is, it is mixed with whey, because due to the sharp specific taste, not everyone is ready to use it in its pure form.

Often a refreshing drink is prepared from it with the addition of various vegetables and fruits. In the Caucasus, it is often added to the dough, which gives it a special piquancy.

This drink is great to use as a marinade for pork skewers. The fact is that it combines in its composition precisely those qualities that the ingredients of various popular recipes are valued for. Tan is quite sour and carbonated. It goes well with meat, so by marinating it in this drink you can get an amazing barbecue.

Making tan at home

It is rather problematic to prepare such a product at home, since it will be difficult to find natural matsoni from camel or buffalo milk. Of course, if such a product is found, then to prepare the tan it must be diluted with ordinary or mineral water in a ratio of 2: 1. After salt, add spices, pepper. Natural drink is ready.

If there was no real matsoni at hand, then you can try to make a drink that will be very close to the original. To do this, you need to take kefir, also dilute it with water, enrich it with spices, spices, herbs, salt and pepper. However, not any kefir is suitable for manufacturing: you need to find a product that is not too liquid, but sharp enough. You may have to run around in search of such kefir, but for the best result it’s worth it.

Used in cosmetics

Tan is valuable in cosmetology as a means for internal use, and for external use. If you regularly use such a drink, you can forever forget about acne, abscesses, peeling, redness and other unpleasant skin diseases. The whole point lies in the cleansing of the stomach and the population of its useful microflora. In addition, it has long been proven that this same property can significantly rejuvenate the body, since the aging process is directly related to putrefactive processes in the intestines. That is why there are so many centenarians among the Caucasian highlanders.

Also, on its basis, in home cosmetology, masks are prepared for the face, neck and décolleté. They are good for oily and sensitive skin. The healing and rejuvenating properties of the drink will give the skin a healthy and radiant appearance, relieve irritation, and help smooth wrinkles. After such masks, the skin becomes smooth and toned. Tan has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect, which prevents the appearance of acne, tightens pores and disinfects the skin of the face. With it, you can cope with age spots and whiten your face.

Tan can also be used as a tonic. It will effectively remove impurities and excess oil from the skin of the face, and if you wipe it daily with it, the skin will become radiant and fresh. After the procedure, you need to rinse your face with warm water.

This drink is also used to treat hair. It strengthens the roots, promotes the emergence of new bulbs and hair growth. If you wash your hair with tan, your hair will become shiny, well-groomed, smooth and easy to comb.

Application in home medicine

The healing properties of tan are also known. Yes, this is not surprising, in the presence of such a rich useful composition. Often it is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • obesity;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes.

Doctors often prescribe it for intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to increase vitality and against muscle fatigue syndrome. It is often drunk to increase potency and improve sexual function. It is also indispensable as a restorative and immuno-enhancing agent in the postoperative period. Tan is also often used for muscle dystrophy and general weakness of the body.

For pregnant women, it will be very useful during toxicosis.

In folk medicine, it is in demand as a cleanser to remove harmful substances and dangerous toxins from the body. It is used to treat gastritis, colitis and enteritis. Such a drink is also effective for puffiness, as it is able to remove excess water from the body, and is also useful in reducing appetite. For ulcers and long-healing wounds, tan compresses can be used to speed up their healing and reduce inflammation.

Tan for weight loss

For dietary purposes, this product is in great demand, as it is a low-calorie product that has cleansing properties and is able to speed up metabolism. Tan can also be used for fasting days, as well as used in various diet programs.

One of these is the weekly diet, which is very popular lately. With it, you can quickly lose about five kilograms of weight. Such a diet is characterized by the use of any fresh vegetables, cereals and 100 grams of boiled fish. Tan can be used either after every meal or as a snack between meals. Usually consume 2-3 glasses of the drink per day. The main condition of such a diet: the daily diet should not exceed 2000 calories. At the same time, you need to know that a glass of tan (250 ml) is equal to 600 kcal, and a slightly smaller one (200 ml) is about 480 kcal.

How to choose and store a drink

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to several factors. The packaging of the product must not be complete and not have any external damage. The composition should contain only natural ingredients, the presence of synthetic preservatives and dyes is unacceptable. It should be remembered that a real high-quality drink is always a liquid consistency, and precipitation is quite acceptable for it. And of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date.

Tan has a short shelf life. A freshly prepared homemade drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, and a store-bought one can be stored a little longer due to sealed industrial packaging. It must contain the date of manufacture and the last expiration date. An open bottle of a store-bought product can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Tan is contraindicated in hypertension, chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, high acidity, gastritis, kidney problems. Also, do not drink this drink at night, as it has a diuretic effect and can disrupt sleep. It should not be used in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition, as well as with a tendency to allergic reactions. You need to use only a fresh product, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences and cause unnecessary health problems. Also, when cooking it at home, you need to follow the cooking technology. An improperly prepared drink can also cause a negative reaction in the body.


Tan is a fermented milk drink highly valued by the Caucasian peoples. Recently, it has become popular in our country, thanks not only to its interesting taste, but also to its useful medicinal properties. It is not for nothing that it is called the drink of centenarians. Its excellent composition allows you to nourish the body with valuable vitamins and enrich it with useful minerals. The lactic acid bacteria contained in it are able to populate the body with beneficial microorganisms, thereby improving the intestinal microflora. This is precisely the biggest advantage of such a drink, and if you use it regularly, you can actually slow down the aging process. This drink is used both for medical purposes and in the cosmetology field. It is successfully used in cooking for the preparation of delicious cold soups and marinade. It is also indispensable for weight loss, as it is able to cleanse the body, normalize water-salt metabolism and thereby speed up metabolism. In general, tan is well tolerated by the body and is not capable of causing harm to health. But it should be abandoned with individual intolerance to the product, as well as with exacerbations of diseases of the stomach, intestines and kidneys. It should be taken with caution in hypertension.

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