The name of the method comes from the name of the god of death, Thanatos. For many, it is still uncharted territory, despite the fact that this approach has both a theoretical basis and a wide area of practical application. This collection is devoted to the latter, in which term papers and theses of thanatotherapists completing their studies are collected. They differ in volume. Some are more a report of the work done than a description of it. The style of many works seems unusual — not only because of the specific terminology of the method (for example, «right death» — consciously accepted, one for which a person consciously prepares), but also because it is not the usual style of monographs, but a free, sometimes almost colloquial description of what is happening in the sessions. In the preface to the collection, the author of the method, Vladimir Baskakov, explains: “… The language itself is also very important, not dry scientific, but as lively as possible, albeit with some stylistic flaws.”
Institute for General Humanitarian Research, 360 p.